




Apply Clear

# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
5350 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate Kepler doesn't close completely Aaron Aaron 03/22/2011 03:51 PM Actions
4928 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Clean up KAR files Jing Tao 05/04/2010 10:34 AM Actions
4893 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal WRP Kepler Frame vertically fills entire screen Derik Barseghian 04/26/2010 03:37 PM Actions
4845 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal KAR dependencies not properly supporting module versions Aaron Aaron 03/02/2010 01:31 PM Actions
4797 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Verify that multiple workflow/actor KARs work as expected Aaron Aaron 03/03/2010 04:21 PM Actions
4781 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Use the KarXmlGenerator to create the xml metadata sent to the metacat server during "Upload To Repository" action Aaron Aaron 02/09/2010 03:34 PM Actions
4704 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate Generate XML for a KARFile Aaron Aaron 02/08/2010 05:57 PM Actions
4702 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate KAR to module conversion utility David Welker 02/12/2010 11:59 PM Actions
4701 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate Persistent Database needed in Core Module for LSID generation to prevent namespace updating on clean-cache Daniel Crawl 01/29/2010 03:34 PM Actions
4679 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Workflow Name in Workflow Run Manager is not updated when renaming workflow Daniel Crawl 01/19/2010 04:45 PM Actions
4629 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Undo doesn't roll LSID revision Aaron Aaron 01/24/2010 04:18 PM Actions
4587 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Assure a clean cache when module configuration changes Sean Riddle 01/13/2010 12:17 PM Actions
4581 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Handle multiple revisions of components in the Component Library Aaron Aaron 01/24/2010 12:34 PM Actions
4483 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate Module dependencies in MoML files David Welker 05/02/2011 04:52 PM Actions
4463 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Grey out component names in the component library that can not be dragged to the canvas Aaron Aaron 01/27/2010 05:13 PM Actions
4462 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate Component search in remote repositories not working Sean Riddle 04/16/2010 11:34 AM Actions
4448 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal KAREntry dependencies should be observed during KAR Cacheing Aaron Aaron 10/16/2009 04:11 PM Actions
4444 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Reevaluate Cache and Library startup procedure. Restore performance enhancements. Aaron Aaron 11/24/2009 10:23 AM Actions
4421 Kepler Bug Resolved Immediate Component Search fails Aaron Aaron 09/29/2009 01:30 PM Actions
4411 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Remove KAR module prefixes from kar files Aaron Aaron 09/27/2009 10:27 PM Actions
4392 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Delete KARCacheObject Aaron Aaron 10/16/2009 04:03 PM Actions
4390 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Semantic Type tag deletion does not remove component from Ontology in the component library Sean Riddle 10/12/2009 03:33 PM Actions
4380 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Removing LocalRepository does not remove actors from Ontologies Aaron Aaron 01/24/2010 08:08 PM Actions
4379 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal PreferencesFrame can be opened multiple times Aaron Aaron 09/10/2009 02:26 PM Actions
4373 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Copyright Statements are Inconsistent Chad Berkley 02/09/2010 11:11 AM Actions
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