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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
3551 Morpho Bug New Normal same screen presented to user before and after importing a data table P. Anderson 09/03/2009 03:32 PM Actions
3523 EML Bug New Normal declarations for units in spatialReference and spatialRaster are inconsistent Matt Jones 10/09/2008 04:32 PM Actions
3508 EML Bug New Immediate create a stylesheet for EML2.0.x to EML 2.1.0 Matt Jones 04/02/2009 10:36 AM Actions
3504 EML Bug New Normal problems with methods trees Matt Jones 10/01/2008 04:36 PM Actions
3503 EML Bug New Normal Develop method for cross-links between EML resources Matt Jones 10/01/2008 04:36 PM Actions
3502 EML Bug New Normal Status of spatial data in EML Matt Jones 10/13/2008 04:02 PM Actions
3501 EML Bug New Normal consider adding a datum to boundingAltitudes Matt Jones 10/01/2008 04:36 PM Actions
3499 EML Bug New Normal attribute BoundsGroup may be retyped in a future schema-1.1 Matt Jones 09/30/2008 02:33 PM Actions
3488 EML Bug In Progress Normal datum requested in GeographicCoverageType Matt Jones 11/07/2008 08:36 AM Actions
3181 EML Bug New Normal xs:string to ComplexType TextType, minOccurs=0, judiciously applied James Brunt 10/01/2008 09:57 AM Actions
2076 EML Bug New Normal containers for eml-literature docs Matt Jones 09/22/2008 05:09 PM Actions
1639 Morpho Bug New Normal ref to beta6 physical table left in morpho eml2 output Saurabh Garg 12/16/2004 01:07 PM Actions
1636 EML Bug New Normal requesting support for ids in taxonomicClassification element Matt Jones 09/02/2004 09:38 AM Actions
1634 EML Bug New Normal units not in eml-unitDictionary Matt Jones 10/01/2008 04:34 PM Actions
1633 Morpho Bug New Normal make morpho load metadata without loading data tables Saurabh Garg 12/16/2004 01:06 PM Actions
1621 Morpho Bug New Normal morpho defaults to <customUnit/>, invalid eml Saurabh Garg 12/16/2004 01:06 PM Actions
1605 EML Bug In Progress Normal missing or erroneous SI units in unitDictionary Matt Jones 10/14/2014 03:45 PM Actions
1566 Morpho Bug New Normal recongizing time formats Saurabh Garg 12/16/2004 01:06 PM Actions
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