From 10/20/2002 to 11/18/2002
- 11:15 AM Bug #670: DateTimeDomain id/reference validation
- Thanks for your bug report. Yes, indeed, the key and ref you mention should be
included in our parser configuration ... - 10:55 AM Bug #670 (Resolved): DateTimeDomain id/reference validation
- It appears that the DateTimeDomain was not included in the EmlValidator's
lib/config.xml file. Should this be incl...
- 09:21 AM Bug #629: unit conversion coefficients need checking
- Checked, revised, and completed.
- 09:18 AM Bug #659: release tasks for eml-2.0.0rc3
- DONE when the release was completed.
- 08:00 AM Bug #661 (Resolved): spell check eml-attribute.xsd and synchronize with unitDictionary
- eml-attribute has typos, such as filed for file and mailnly for mainly. Also,
the unitDictionary contains errors t...
- 01:38 PM Bug #659: release tasks for eml-2.0.0rc3
- need to make sure the new schemas get installed into the
/opt/tomcat/webapps/emlparser/schema directory. - 12:29 PM Bug #659: release tasks for eml-2.0.0rc3
- Namespaces are now updated to rc3 (1). README and index.html were updated and
are ready to go (2). Still need to do... - 12:27 PM Bug #655: need better model for numeric domains for attributes
- DONE. Both number type and the exclusive options are now part of the domain
expression. This allows precise numeric... - 12:25 PM Bug #654: scope of the unit element
- DONE. Unit is now under measurement scale only where appropriate, and the
definition of ratio scale has been fixed. - 12:24 PM Bug #638: request for id/ref in attributeDomain
- DONE. All attribute Domain elements can now be referenced to allow for this
sort of repeated use of the same domain ... - 12:22 PM Bug #637: attributeDomain should be required
- Done. AttributeDomain is now nested within measurementScale, so it can be
required across the board, and the right ty...
- 02:59 PM Bug #634: Documentation of reference elements in the schemas
- Completed. All references elements now use res:ReferencesGroup, which contains
the documentation for the references ... - 02:52 PM Bug #659: release tasks for eml-2.0.0rc3
- 5) Generate new png images
- 11:07 AM Bug #659 (Resolved): release tasks for eml-2.0.0rc3
- This is a tracking bug for tasks that need to be doen for the eml-2.0.0 release.
Add any housekeeping, non-controve... - 11:08 AM Bug #365: Eml documentation for Seminars & LTER sites
- EML Primer is postponed until December 1 in order to be ready For the next Morpho release and for the Spring KNB semi...
- 09:49 AM Bug #656: physical should be repeatable
- Done. Made it repeatable, and updated the documentation. RESOLVED FIXED.
- 05:54 AM Bug #654: scope of the unit element
- So... an attribute with celsius units has an interval measurement scale, but one
with kelvin units has a ratio measu...
- 02:07 PM Bug #656 (Resolved): physical should be repeatable
- Point from Barbara Benson (NTL):
The physical element in EntityGroup should be repeatable to allow individuals to
... - 01:07 PM Bug #654: scope of the unit element
- Comments from Barbara Benson show that our previous definition of ratio scale is
wrong. It is, in fact, an extension... - 12:43 PM Bug #632: broken link in faq
- FIXED. Checked all links in the FAQ -- all seem to be working after the fixes.
- 12:58 PM Bug #655: need better model for numeric domains for attributes
- Does this belong in numeric domain or in measurement scale? seems like it
qualifies measuremnt scale rather than doma... - 11:02 AM Bug #655 (Resolved): need better model for numeric domains for attributes
- We've found another problem with attributeDomain that needs to be fixed for the
EML 2 release. Currently, the numer... - 11:17 AM Bug #629: unit conversion coefficients need checking
- Also, need to resolve issues with:
1) additional units that should be added
2) datetime values
3) non-linear unit co... - 11:11 AM Bug #629: unit conversion coefficients need checking
- Tim checked these. There are some problems. See Tim's email for details.
Needs to be fixed for the EML 2 release. - 11:13 AM Bug #632: broken link in faq
- Need to check all of the links in all of the docs before the 2.0.0 release.
Several were found to be broken, some of... - 11:09 AM Bug #634: Documentation of reference elements in the schemas
- Should be done for the 2.0.0 release.
- 10:36 AM Bug #654: scope of the unit element
- Peter,
Thanks for the excellent summary. I think I agree with this approach, excpet
for one point: the "library" att... - 10:02 AM Bug #654 (Resolved): scope of the unit element
- Discussion of stmml has revealed several isses, one of which is the fact that
units, as expressed by stmml, are app...
- 09:56 AM Bug #365: Eml documentation for Seminars & LTER sites
- Continuing to make progress but may not be ready for 2.0 rollout. I have been
putting more effort into developing the...
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