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# Tracker Subject Status Priority Assignee Target version
2123 Bug need a way to uniquely identify actor in a workflow and locate it New Low ben leinfelder SanParksRelease Actions
2962 Bug Add metadata to data tokens so that it can be used downstream New Normal ben leinfelder SanParksRelease Actions
2964 Bug Change RExpression plotting actors to allow custom axis and title labels New Normal ben leinfelder SanParksRelease Actions
2968 Bug Ability to join tables within same EML data package New Normal ben leinfelder SanParksRelease Actions
2969 Bug Ability to join tables _across_ EML data packages New Normal ben leinfelder SanParksRelease Actions
4741 Bug create icons for engineering view components New Normal Daniel Crawl sensor-view-1.x.y Actions
4747 Bug import & export site layout to SensorML New Normal Daniel Crawl sensor-view-1.x.y Actions
4750 Bug create wiring table gui New Normal Daniel Crawl sensor-view-1.x.y Actions
4758 Bug search for site components in kepler's data tab New Normal Jing Tao sensor-view-1.x.y Actions
4763 Bug create gui to access datalogger program New Normal Derik Barseghian sensor-view-1.x.y Actions
4773 Bug Data processing on the GPP New Normal Daniel Crawl sensor-view-1.x.y Actions
5116 Bug add lat/lon to sensor metadata and use during import In Progress Normal Daniel Crawl sensor-view-1.x.y Actions
5171 Bug link workflow in components tree to workflow in scheduler view New Normal Daniel Crawl sensor-view-1.x.y Actions
5202 Bug update existing site layout with span changes In Progress Normal Derik Barseghian sensor-view-1.x.y Actions
5210 Bug Focus stolen from user trying to drag components around during execution New Normal Daniel Crawl sensor-view-1.x.y Actions
5252 Bug Plotting bugs In Progress Normal Derik Barseghian sensor-view-1.x.y Actions
5313 Bug fix Import Sensor Site and Export Site to KML menu item issues New Normal Derik Barseghian sensor-view-1.x.y Actions
5341 Bug Belkin f5u409 usb=>serial dongle periodically stops working New Normal Derik Barseghian sensor-view-1.x.y Actions
5347 Bug DataTurbine actor should support Start Time with sub-second accuracy New Normal Derik Barseghian sensor-view-1.x.y Actions
5362 Bug Create a GUI so user can easily archive a senosr's data from a dataturbine to a metacat New Normal Jing Tao sensor-view-1.x.y Actions
5363 Bug spanTodt performance New Normal Derik Barseghian sensor-view-1.x.y Actions
5364 Bug DataTurbine server memory error New Normal Derik Barseghian sensor-view-1.x.y Actions
5377 Bug DataTurbine actor fetch time outs (blockTimeout param not used?) New Normal Derik Barseghian sensor-view-1.x.y Actions
5400 Bug User can specify the interval of data chunk in the workflow archiving dataturbine data to metacat New Normal Derik Barseghian sensor-view-1.x.y Actions
5582 Bug DataTurbine server crashing the JRE New Normal Derik Barseghian sensor-view-1.x.y Actions
(376-400/514) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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