



From 09/24/2000 to 10/23/2000


03:43 PM Bug #137: need admin client for managing SRB systems
Reassigned to David because he will be implementing the admin client. Matt Jones
03:41 PM Bug #152: Port SRB1_1_8 changes to Linux x86
Reassigned to Owen because he has main responsibility for the SRB work. Matt Jones
03:40 PM Bug #160: need resource restriction capability
Check with Raja (Arcto Rajasekar). He has told us in the past that this feature
was at least partially completed.
Matt Jones
03:39 PM Bug #160 (Resolved): need resource restriction capability
Earlier versions of the SRB allowed any user to access and write to any
SRB-registered storage resource. We need to...
Matt Jones


02:51 PM Bug #138: use LDAP as optional directory for authentication
The changes described inthe previous comment are checked into CVS uder a
separate branch with the tag "AUTH_LDAP".
Matt Jones
02:50 PM Bug #138: use LDAP as optional directory for authentication
Designed and implemented a new abstract authentication interface
( in metacat that allows the meta...
Matt Jones


11:55 AM Bug #154: change INSERT to fail if docid exists
DONE as suggested from Dan:
prevent insertion and show a message if Accession# is provided
and is already in use
Jivka Bojilova
11:01 AM Bug #154 (Resolved): change INSERT to fail if docid exists
Higgins writes:
I have a suggestion for a change in the behavoir of Insert commands in Metacat.
Presently, if one ...
Matt Jones


12:47 PM Bug #48: need an option to do xml indexing asynchronously
Need a way to show a response of the work done by that thread Jivka Bojilova
09:11 AM Bug #130: remove the title hack from metacat
Because of complications with the dmanclient this will be fixed sometime after
the kdi meeting.
Chad Berkley
08:31 AM Bug #31: need dataset id reference from metadata
Added datasetid to resource. Also, the package dtd and schema are defined and
implemented in metacatServlet.
Chad Berkley
08:23 AM Bug #113: need "dataset oriented" html interface for results
Created a backtracking scheme derived from relationships entered under the
package dtd. The servlet parameter return...
Chad Berkley


03:39 PM Bug #35: SRB RMI server doesn't authenticate after first connection
This big has been fixed, but needs to be revisited with changes added to srb
Dan Higgins
10:51 AM Bug #46: metacat insert fails on some documents
I talked with Dan. It seems us that this bug disappeared - probably was fixed
Jivka Bojilova
10:28 AM Bug #30: get dataguide function needed by client
It is already DONE and used by dmanclient appl. Jivka Bojilova
08:17 AM Bug #128: change resource public ID in the catalog
this was added 9/25/00. It was also added to the loadstylesheets.sql file. Chad Berkley

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