From 10/16/2005 to 11/14/2005
- 12:15 PM Revision 2738 (metacat): Removed extra package declaration in LSID java file.
- 12:09 PM Revision 2737 (metacat): Initial checkin of LSID support code for metacat. The LSID support here
- provides access to metacat documents through an LSID identifier. The
identifier takes the form:
urn:lsid:ecoinform... - 10:12 AM Revision 2736 (metacat): Add new index value for distribution url.
- 10:03 AM Revision 2735 (metacat): Added parameter to specify how long the indexing Thread should wait for the docid to show up in xml_documents
- 10:01 AM Revision 2734 (metacat): Changes in calls made to IndexingQueue class
- 10:00 AM Revision 2733 (metacat): A version with less number of bugs.
- 02:13 PM Revision 2732 (metacat): New code for run an indexing queue and indexing thread which runs every 24 hours
- 01:40 PM Revision 2731 (metacat): Removed the call to indexing function in DBSAXHandler and added a call to indexing function IndexingQueue
- 01:38 PM Revision 2730 (metacat): removed the indexing code from DBSAXHandler
- 01:34 PM Revision 2729 (metacat): 1. Added code to start the indexing thread.
- 2. Fixed a bug in the query on xml_nodes and xml_index
3. Added more debug statements
4. Fixed a bug in code which de... - 01:22 PM Revision 2728 (metacat): New function which returns the formatted left join query. This is required as Oracle and postgres have different left join syntax
- 01:19 PM Revision 2727 (metacat): new variables defined for the indexing threads.
- 06:53 PM Revision 2725 (metacat): Add more debug info.
- 02:14 PM Revision 2724 (metacat): Using join query for more efficiency.
- 02:03 PM Revision 2723 (metacat): Add class as parent class add method.
- 02:02 PM Revision 2722 (metacat): Add method as parent class adding method.
- 02:02 PM Revision 2721 (metacat): Add method as parent class adding a method.
- 02:01 PM Revision 2720 (metacat): Add a method to get doc list query.
- 10:21 AM Revision 2719 (metacat): Fixed bug to get docid list.
- 09:49 AM Revision 2718 (metacat): Add new command to create no-password key.
- 03:52 PM Revision 2717 (metacat): Add more info transfer.
- 11:07 AM Revision 2716 (metacat): Modified the WARNing message
- 10:31 AM Revision 2715 (metacat): Fix for bug in the previous commit
- 10:16 AM Revision 2714 (metacat): Modified the debug levels of debug statements
- 05:01 PM Revision 2713 (metacat): Add code to handle replication document in xml_document table.
- 02:19 PM Revision 2712 (metacat): Modification in algo:
- 1. Find if the root element has prefix (e.g. <eml:eml>). If found, go to step
2, otheriwse go to step 3.
2. Look ... - 02:09 PM Revision 2711 (metacat): Bugfix for 2091. Removed the function needValidation(). Added function getPrefix which returns the prefix. And use the following steps to find out the namespace
- 1. Find if the root element has prefix (e.g. <eml:eml>). If found, go to step
2, otheriwse go to step 3.
2. Look for... - 11:38 AM Bug #2091: Don't determine document namespace by "schemaLocation" attribute
Changing the target and severity of the bug as this bug is allowing people to
insert invalid eml documents which in...- 11:31 AM Revision 2710 (metacat): Faster script for upgrading oracle database
- 11:09 AM Revision 2709 (metacat): Updated list of coordinates for OBFS sites
- (Commit for Veronique Connolly by Saurabh Garg)
- 10:57 AM Revision 2708 (metacat): Bugfix in the searches done from the skin webpages...
- 10:35 AM Revision 2707 (metacat): Updated list of coordinates for UCNRS sites
- (Commit for Veronique Connolly by Saurabh Garg)
- 09:38 AM Revision 2706 (metacat): Change in obfs homepage so that search uses a radio button instead of check box
- 09:35 AM Revision 2705 (metacat): Change in nrs homepage so that search uses a radio button instead of check box
- 09:14 AM Revision 2704 (metacat): Change in nceas homepage so that search uses a radio button instead of check box
- 05:24 PM Revision 2703 (metacat): Add code to handle catalog is null when inserting xml_revisions table.
- 04:19 PM Revision 2702 (metacat): Add code to handle write record into xml_documents when catalog id is null.
- 12:56 PM Revision 2701 (metacat): Bugfix to the code which sets parentnodeid in xml_path_index. (Use setInt instead of setFloat)
- 11:40 AM Revision 2700 (metacat): Added some documentation and did a little cleanup.
- 09:26 AM Revision 2699 (metacat): Continued work -- now the user can get info on all layers servered by the wms, including the metacat docs.
- 12:20 PM Bug #2060: Documents not indexed because of error generated during indexing of documents
- Increasing severity to Blocking. This is after the update on KNB. The build
index thread is failing on a more regula...
- 04:46 PM Revision 2698 (metacat): Removed sql syntax not acceptable by Oracle.
- 04:15 PM Revision 2697 (metacat): Changed the filter and ldapbase values in getUserInfo so that it works for both NCEAS and LTER ldap
- 02:46 PM Bug #2236: metacat parser allows eml with missing content
Here is the link to the document that Margaret is talking about: 02:13 PM Bug #2236 (Resolved): metacat parser allows eml with missing content
- Incomplete packages are allowed by the EML parser in metacat and at knb
( - 02:28 PM Bug #2237 (Resolved): web.xml, tomcat and jstl
- I've been using JSP and Java Standard Tag Library functions with files in
metacat, and got tomcat5 errors because to...
- 02:20 PM Revision 2695 (metacat): Bugfix in the query sent to metacat
- 10:17 AM Revision 2694 (metacat): Bugfix in the metacat query generated in javascript
- 09:44 AM Revision 2693 (metacat): Bug fix in the changes made in previous commit
- 02:54 PM Revision 2692 (metacat): changed old link for Long-Term Studies Section to current link
- 02:51 PM Revision 2691 (metacat): this file is used in Fireworks to make the header and the slices
- 05:11 PM Revision 2690 (metacat): Added warning to be displayed in the log when document is not inserted.
- 05:09 PM Revision 2689 (metacat): 1. useSiteCoord option is made avaiable again
- 2. contact email address can be made required.
- 03:06 PM Revision 2688 (metacat): Interim checkin -- getting the postgis database setup
- 01:26 PM Revision 2687 (metacat): Added lter to list of orgs.
- 09:23 AM Bug #2207: Advanced Search integration
- Advanced Search Design and Implementation Plan
The Advanced Search interface was originally designed and implemente...
- 02:01 PM Revision 2686 (metacat): New changes in the esa skin so that includes the moderator functionality and login/logout functionality
- 11:59 AM Revision 2685 (metacat): These are all header updates to include the login and logout for the ESA Header links. I left the original Header and named it headerOld.html and saved the Slices
- that go with it too. (the ESAHomeLogo.gif file might be overwritten) The code for
the header to work with the Logout... - 11:42 AM Revision 2684 (metacat): Modified the login method in the perl metacat client so that status of the user logging is also returned
- Earlier if login info was not valid, 0 was returned. And 1 is sent back if login info was valid.
Now, if valid then ... - 11:39 AM Revision 2683 (metacat): Added support in the metacat client for the new function added to MetaCatServlet
- 11:38 AM Revision 2682 (metacat): Added a new action - getloggedinuserinfo - which returns information about the user in the following format.
- <user>
<name>Saurabh Garg</name>
<... - 11:34 AM Revision 2681 (metacat): Removed code entered in previous commit as it is no longer needed
- 11:32 AM Revision 2680 (metacat): Also in the previous commit, the successful message changed. Now in addtion to the sessionid tag, the following tags also included: <name>[name of the user]</name>, <isModerator> (if is moderator) and <isAdministrator> (if is Administrator)
- 11:26 AM Revision 2679 (metacat): Added a new function - getUserInfo to AuthInterface and AuthLdap
- The function returns a string array for a given username. the array contains the name, organization name and email ad...
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