



From 12/14/2007 to 01/12/2008


03:44 PM Revision 3678 (metacat): prevent null pointer exception when there are no nodes found (just an empty list)
ben leinfelder
01:09 PM Revision 3677 (metacat): made java 1.4 compliant
ben leinfelder
11:39 AM Revision 3676 (metacat): Removed the use of String.contains() to make it java 1.4 compliant.


03:14 PM Bug #3058: Generalize the reading of skin.configs in DBTransform
Modified DBTransform.doTransform() Chris Barteau
11:01 AM Bug #3058 (Resolved): Generalize the reading of skin.configs in DBTransform
Generalize the reading of skin.configs to read any property within a skin config property file and pass them all as p... Chris Barteau
11:55 AM Bug #3059: EML citation section should include both organizationNames and individualNames
this requires changes in eml-identifier.xsl
specifically around this template:
<!--*************** displays dataset ...
ben leinfelder
11:53 AM Bug #3059 (Resolved): EML citation section should include both organizationNames and individualNames
The citation part needs to be pulled from creator/organization/organizationName and creator/individualName.
it shoul...
ben leinfelder
11:44 AM Bug #3057: The field "skinconfigs" in the MetacatUtil class is public
Made changes to,, and Chris Barteau
09:52 AM Bug #3057 (Resolved): The field "skinconfigs" in the MetacatUtil class is public
The field "skinconfigs" in the MetacatUtil class is public, exposing it to uncontrolled access. The fix would be:
Chris Barteau
11:13 AM Revision 3675 (metacat): Modification for changes to the field "MetacatUtil.skinconfigs" (bug 3057 fix).
Also changes reading skin.configs properties/files (bug 3058 fix). barteau
11:11 AM Revision 3674 (metacat): Modification for changes to the field "MetacatUtil.skinconfigs".
11:08 AM Revision 3673 (metacat): Changes to the field "skinconfigs":
1) Made it private
2) Created setter and getter methods
3) Created a 'hasSkinConfig' method
09:52 AM Revision 3672 (metacat): replace relative urls (for stylesheets, js files, and even form actions) with absolute paths. yes, this means using ant tokens still.
needed for using 'sanparks' as the default skin when deployed on ben leinfelder


03:20 PM Bug #2805: Metacat Performance: updates from Morpho of data packages are taking longer than five minutes
saving or updating data packages takes around 3 minutes. Callie Bowdish


10:34 AM Revision 3671 (metacat): Revise relative referances to skin directory
10:31 AM Revision 3670 (metacat): Revise relative referance to resultset-table.xsl


04:57 PM Revision 3669 (metacat): add support for selecting records for only one question from a set of one or more assessment response data files
ben leinfelder


02:40 PM Revision 3668 (metacat): Turnkey Installer modification: remove locale specific ant tokens with relative paths.
02:27 PM Revision 3667 (metacat): Turnkey Installer modification: remove locale specific ant tokens with relative paths.


02:59 PM Revision 3666 (metacat): Removed "Last Modified July 10, 2007" section because it is static and people may think that it means the data package was last modified then.


05:21 PM Revision 3665 (metacat): Fixed the implement of java class which will upload ipcc data.
Jing Tao
03:05 PM Bug #3033: Registry on KNB login response to registry deadends
Fixed in knb.xml by re-enabling login.xsl processing for the KNB skin; diff with previous version:
Shaun Walbridge
02:58 PM Revision 3664 (metacat): Modified knb.xml to re-enable login.xsl processing for the registry workflow: after a 'login' request, the user will be correctly redirected to the registry form.


06:51 PM Revision 3663 (metacat): Add new index - abstract into xml_path_index path
Jing Tao
05:58 PM Revision 3662 (metacat): Add a file which will upload ipcc data to metacat.
Jing Tao
02:50 PM Revision 3661 (metacat): Metacat installer bug: replaced locale-specific ant tokens with runtime lookup.


03:55 PM Revision 3660 (metacat): Metacat installer: remove locale-specific ant tokens. Made links relative to the installation.
03:07 PM Revision 3659 (metacat): Metacat installer: remove locale-specific ant tokens.
03:07 PM Revision 3658 (metacat): Metacat installer: remove locale-specific ant tokens. Made relative to installation.
03:04 PM Bug #2797: Character set (charset) problem when filling out form
Looks like the forward slash needs to be added to the "special characters" that are problematic with viewing online. ... Callie Bowdish
11:31 AM Bug #3033 (Resolved): Registry on KNB login response to registry deadends
When someone who hasn't logged into the KNB (www.knb.ecoinformatics) uses the link to register a dataset they get a l... Callie Bowdish


02:41 PM Revision 3657 (metacat): remove that awful underline for links
ben leinfelder
02:25 PM Revision 3656 (metacat): add SANParks and SAEON affiliations
ben leinfelder
02:16 PM Revision 3655 (metacat): add sanparks and saeon affiliations
ben leinfelder
12:43 PM Bug #3032 (Resolved): Sanparks skin search is slower than other skin
Callie reported the Sanparks skin search is slower than other skin. Ben figured out that "placekey" is not index in x... Jing Tao
12:35 PM Revision 3654 (metacat): add "placekey" as an indexed path for FGDC searching in SANParks and SAEON skins
ben leinfelder
11:50 AM Revision 3653 (metacat): use color from background for highlight, tablehead text - more in keeping with the L+F
ben leinfelder
11:50 AM Revision 3652 (metacat): include cfg parameter to pull in correct skin format for cgi/ldap
ben leinfelder
11:49 AM Revision 3651 (metacat): comment out the dataset registration link (at least for now)
ben leinfelder
11:47 AM Revision 3650 (metacat): handle special case for searching _both_ SANParks and SAEON (but not all of KNB)
ben leinfelder

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