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# Tracker Subject Status Priority Assignee Target version
5262 Bug EML document owner can't read the document New Normal ben leinfelder 2.x.y Actions
5608 Bug Enable all FK constraints in Metacat production [copies] New Normal ben leinfelder Unspecified Actions
3396 Bug Enable event notification feature In Progress Immediate Chris Jones 2.x.y Actions
5294 Bug Enable Junit test on New Normal Jing Tao 2.x.y Actions
4602 Bug Enable TLS for all LDAP functions New Normal ben leinfelder 2.x.y Actions
7177 Task Ensure Metacat runs on Tomcat 8 New Normal Jing Tao 2.9.0 Actions
7228 Bug Error in sorting data-sets based on title in MetaCatUI New Normal Jing Tao 2.9.0 Actions
6995 Task Error message doesn't provide cause of error New Normal Actions
6952 Bug error trying updating metadata on New Normal Actions
2841 Bug ESA Registry edit feature does not work with submitted data sets In Progress Normal Jing Tao Unspecified Actions
5007 Bug ESA registry: Logout link appears even when not logged in New Normal Shaun Walbridge 2.x.y Actions
4843 Bug ESA registry: Remove 'station' default value from Organization Name New Normal Shaun Walbridge Unspecified Actions
4892 Bug ESA registry shouldn't allow accepted docs to be modified New Normal Shaun Walbridge Unspecified Actions
7223 Bug EZID metadata registration doesn't seem to work with SIDs New Normal Jing Tao Actions
7022 Bug Fatal processing error when updating an object with incorrect sysmeta New Normal Actions
3509 Bug Fix XML Schema filesystem namespace conflicts and backups New Normal ben leinfelder 2.x.y Actions
7198 Feature Format solr engine description output New Normal Jing Tao Actions
4245 Bug Harvester command line scripts don't execute In Progress Normal Duane Costa Unspecified Actions
4243 Bug Harvester db errors due to fixed character length overflow In Progress Normal Duane Costa Unspecified Actions
3367 Bug Harvester stores passwords in clear text New Immediate Duane Costa Unspecified Actions
6959 Bug http response charset not included New Normal ben leinfelder Actions
7170 Bug Ignore the access part change in the EML sax parser classes when users use dataone api to update an eml object New Normal Jing Tao 2.9.0 Actions
3730 Bug Implement an isRequired field in the configuration metadata New Normal Michael Daigle Unspecified Actions
7203 Bug Improve D1NodeService.isAuthorized() performance In Progress Normal Chris Jones 2.9.0 Actions
3742 Bug Improve UI for selecting projects for NCEAS skin New Normal Michael Daigle Unspecified Actions
(51-75/170) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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