Exclude an older verion of log4j jar from ecogrid.
Change the version of metacatui to 1.14.7.
Change the metacatui version to 1.14.6.
Use MetacatUI 1.14.2 release.
Exclude the MockReplicationMNode class in the test method.
The metacatui version was changed to 1.14.1
Change the metacat ui version to 1.13.3
Change MetacatUI version to 1.12.3
Use MetacatUI 1.12.2
Use an eml tag to download the xsl file.
The D1NodeServiceTest will be included in the test, but any of internal classess will be excluded.
Since ecogrid is checked out in the build directory, we don't need a condition for checking out.
Move some properies which are often configured to the beginging of the file.
Add a depency on the target giteml. Otherwise, the checkout will not happen.
Migrate the metacat build.xml to use Git for EML files rather than SVN. This addresses issue #7076 for the trunk, but will need to be checked and possibly merged into release branches as needed.
Move the seek check-out directory from ../seek to build/seek.Don't include the seek directory on the source distribution.
Add a system property to pass maven home directory to maven call.
use metacat ui 1.11.3 tag
In the clean method, the metacatui build directory will be deleted as well.
Change the metacatui to 1.8.1
Excluded a non-test class in the test target.
Use MetacatUI 1.7.1 tag in Metacat build
Uncomment the code to copy the log4j.properties file to web-inf.
Use the ecogrid 1.2.3 tag to replace the branch.
comment the statement related to the removed file lib/oa4mp_client.xml.
Make target and source code to be compatiable to java 1.7 rather than 1.6.
Separate the target and source version for the java compilation.
Add target and source attribute to harvester, client and compile-lsid beside the target compile.
Add the attribute target="1.6" when it compiles the metacat code. The metacat.jar file can run in java 1.6 even though it was compiled in java 1.7.
switch to use utilities from Maven repo instead of pulling from SVN and building locally. Added trunk/SNAPSHOT build to dev-testing Hudson (DataONE) for users who do not actively develop the utilities library. Motivated by the HTML->PDF utility, seemed like as good a time as any to convert Metacat's dependency on the project.
Include PDF version of the metadata in the package download. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6053
use 1.5.1 tag for hudson to build metacat ui (for KNB deployment)
Use the ecogrid-1.2.3 branch which will be the next release.
update to use 2.4.1 so the trunk has all artifacts for upgrades.
use UI 1.4 branch pre 2.4 branch
do not delete the lib/schema directory on fullclean now that we actually have content in there in SVN. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6419
In lieu of pulling schemas from URL endpoints for dataONE, Darwin core, and Dryad, we're caching them in Metacat so we have stable copies. Remove the ant targets used to pull them.
Add schema support for the DataONE, dublin Core, and Dryad schemas. Schemas get downloaded into lib/schema priior to jar and dist targets, and get loaded into xml_catalog on installation.
use the metacatUI 1.4.5 that includes default metacat theme and context
swap git command order to avoid merge conflict messages.
use v2.4.0 for documentation and upgrade scripts.
use 1.4.3 MetacatUI tag
Change MetacatUI version to 1.4.2
Use the new ldap certicate name.
Include the ldap-dev ca cert in the war file.
Use the identity.war to replace the account.war.
Use the special web.xml to build the account.war.
use metacatUI 1.2.0 tag for building into Metacat 2.3.0 release.
switch to 1.2 branch of metacatui and make sure fullclean actually removes the metacatui_build directory.
use UI RC3 tag
use RC2 metacatui tag
use RC1 metacatUI tag
Create a utility target to generate a war file which manage ldap accounts - register, password set.
Refer to metacat.war deployments since those are now the default. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6082
pull a specific tag/branch form git when needed for metacatui.warhttps://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6095
clone metacatui into a non-build directory so that it doesn't have to be recloned for every build.
try to cut down on the number of metacat-ui build calls - the SEEK build ends up calling war target more oftenthan not!
include metacatui.war in the Metacat distribution. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6064
[merge from branch to keep trunk up to date with upgrade history] prep for Metacat 2.1.1 release
[merge from 2.1 branch] do not require app deployment when calling build-metacat target
include Metacat classes when compiling lsid lib (was getting a compilation error otherwise).
do not pull metacatui resources from git into Metacat during build.
retrieve MetacatUI project from github (requires client has git installed!) and build into the "metacatui" skin during the war process. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6020
The "war" target will build the metacat-index.war as well.
Make the target init depend on build-metacat-common.
exlude /lib/maven from the war file
first pass at integrating CILogon/MyProxy certificates in Metacat. Configuration is specific to mn-demo-4.test.dataone.org for the time being (this will cause localhost deployments to fail webapp deployment). https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/5936
Copy the index fields description file to the web-inf dir.
only build metacat-common before compile, no need to do it every time the ant build is called.
move maven.home into build properties (hoping that hudson will be able to correctly override it)
Add the code to build the metacat-common.
create the lib/maven directory in order to resolve the deps and carry on with the build.
require utilities.jar before compile
use maven to manage most jar dependencies in Metacat.Exceptions include: LSID, Datamamager (EML),
Include solr and lucene jar files into the war. We maybe change it when we use pom.xml to manage the jar dependency.
do not skip tests during metacat-index package phase. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/5918
split the deployment of metacat-index.war copy into two different tasks so that the "install" target puts it in both the /dist and "deployment directory" whereas the "install-metacat-index" bypasses metacat building and kust rebuilds the metacat-index.war and puts it in the deply directory.
copy the metacat-index.war file to the app.deploy.dir rather than dist.dir.
build metacat-index.war using maven and copy to the metacat /dist folder. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/5907
use updated EML stylesheet tag. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/5903
enable plantuml generation when building the sphinx documentation. note that you do need to have graphviz installed, but hopefully that is all.
use utilities 1.3.0 tag
use utilities and eml style tag as we prep for release.
Search and indexing with Lucene/SOLRRequires a manually configured SOLR installationNot currently used by the rest of metacat
use utilities tag to build (remember to 'fullclean' after this update!)
use utilities and eml RC tags for building Metacat.
correct the "?" links in the admin pages to the docs pages that are deployed as part of metacat.
remove morpho.jar -- moved needed classes into shared utilities project. (currently building form utilities trunk -- be sure to 'ant fullclean' to get the latest utilities.jar built)
include sessionid when constructing the EML download link. pull from RELEASE_EML_UTILS_1_0_5 eml tag.http://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5709
include sessionid when constructing the EML download link. pull from RELEASE_EML_UTILS_1_0_5_RC1 eml tag.http://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5709
use RELEASE_EML_UTILS_1_0_4 for EML stylesheets
use RELEASE_EML_UTILS_1_0_4_RC1 for EML stylesheets
use eml stylesheet tag (1.0.3)
update for 2.0.1 upgrade -- scripts, docs, readme
include xml-apis*.jar when building the LSID authority.war -- without this file the authority webapp has a fatal error (no class def found) on init.
excluded the HzObjectPathMapTest$1 and HzObjectPathMapTest$2 classes which are not test classes in the test taraget.
use 1.0.2 tag for EML stylesheets
use RC for EML stylesheets before going to yet another minor revision number.
add 'fulldist' target to combine building of src and bin distributions
remove distribution tar.gz and zip files on fullclean.