remove old EML jar -- datamanager.jar has the EMLParser now and is pulled in with maven.
use css changes from EML project to render a PDF that fits on a printed page during export. Note that this also changes the default skin slightly (for the better, we think).
remove configxml.jar as the ConfigXML class is now included in the utilities library.
use maven for datamanager dependency now that EML project has been [partially] maven-ized.
use separate surName and givenNames to lookup ORCIDs.
change the hazelcast group name to be the default "metacat" instance so that the metacat-index tests pass without additional local configuration, at least when running a default metacat deployment.
Remove the attribute disable from the update button if it has been submitted.
Add the cn url.
Add the text field for the cn url.
recompile with java 1.6 for compatibility with our servers.
Check for undefined and null elements to avoid errors in IE 8 and earlier in the registry entry form JS
Close a <span> HTML tag in the entry form MetacatUI template to avoid errors in older browsers
refactor web service calls to bioportal and orcid outside of the annotator class. test with orcid sandbox server. include orcid uri for the annotations being generated (we can index these and drive our searches on these values down the road). related to this: and also some semtools tasks.
merge from trunk: these open layers resources were not committed!
Add a pisco test account.
use local release of OpenLayers api so that it works over https with our secure deployments ( does not offer the api from their servers using https).
Change the loginForm attributes which is generated by the logout action.
Use the userManagement variable.
make the loginForm and logoutForm the onSubmit "false" and the method "post".
remove metacarta map layer -- their WMS service is no longer responding.
update to use 2.4.1 so the trunk has all artifacts for upgrades.
merge recent upgrade changes from 2.4 branch
Changed some of the font and stlyes of the metacat docs for easier reading and fixed a big where the metacat admin "configure" buttons were not working
Add the three Darwin Core schemas required by the Dryad Metadata Profile (via imports).
Add cached versions of the DataONE, Dryad, Dublin core, and Darwin Core schemas to Metacat. Remove schemaLocation attributes so that we rely on the local catalog and don't use (potentially changing) URL endpoints.
switch to ezid 1.0.0 release and pull from Maven repo.
use '/var/metacat/users/password.xml' as the default password file path to: a) indicate it is for managing users and b) that it uses XML serialization.
use AuthFile by default.
Add the AOOS as part of the label of the unaffiliated account.
Added a footer to the identity management config pages
use v2.4.0 for documentation and upgrade scripts.
Use the default metacatui theme to replace the skin name.
use https for the new EZID api url.
Add the code to dispaly the label for the organization selection.
Read the organization label and name from a hash.
use the updated EZID base URL. Should be active after Feb 2nd, 2014.
Add the label property for the organization.
use explicit accessor for clientViewBean sessionid since the taglib was resulting in a blank page.
Add the code to hide/display the file/ldap section base on the selection of the auth class.
Add the icon-plus-sign and icon-minus-sign.
Add the code to constructor default user management url.
Add a property to store the default user management page.
Add a default page to handle the user management for the filed-based authentication.
Use the userManagementurl to replace the ldapweb.cgi.
Add a variable to store the user management url.
Use the userManagementUrl to replace the ldapweb.cgi url.
Add a new property for the user management url.
Add a new config for the user-management-url.
Add the code to set the stored value be selected in the option list.
Change the auth class from the text box to the option list.
Add the correct doc url for the property of auth.file.path.
Added the file-based authentication configuration. Removed the ldap client section.
Separate the properteis for the file-based authentication to the ldap-based authentication.
Add a new property to specify the hash class which will be used to protect the password.
prep for 2.3.1 release
Add a property as the password for generating keys.
Add a property to specify the authen file path.
Add some new properties for getting the next avaliable uid.
Remove the file since we rename it.
Use the new name of the ldap ca certicate.
Rename the ca certificate file.
Add a new property to sepcify the ldap ca cert location.
Add the ldap-dev ca certificate.
Change the default value of context name to be identity.
Use ";" rather than "," to separate the organization names.
add ou=Account to the default
set the page title without always using "Data" in the name - rely on the values to drive that in the template.
show recaptcha on load without user having to click. works in both metacatUI and in traditional server-side skin (cfg=account)
do not use bullets in ul.
include header/footer code in the ldap templates for the account skin.
bring identity management more in line with the current nceas look and feel
make account index.html more dynamic for our typical installations. May still require a context configuration value to be manually specified, but at least the default will work and we don't need to hardcode a hostname.
Change the mime type to text/xml.
Add the nceas' logo here.
Add nceas's logo.
Use java script in the index.html to create the page. So the account skin doesn't involve any java classes.
Add a specify web.xml for the account war file which only contains the cgi and style stuff.
surround the ldap account tools in a div so we can replace them with theme-specific links as needed in the metacatUI.
use "Username" in header
include href on the captcha link so that it shows as a pointer -- but doesn't navigate anywhere.
clear temporary accounts that have not been activated after a configurable number of hours.
do not include admin moderator for registry entries by default.
show the Organization input field now that we will use keywords for the working group.
Make UI include the Organization (called "site" in the form params) instead of the registry code.
use 2.3.0 for this next release of metacat.
Change the version to 2.2.2
Change the button from Cancel to Bypass. So it is consistent with the Geoserver configuration page.
Add a jsp file to display the schema modification exception.
Add properties to keep the hash values for the schema.xml of the solr.
prep project for 2.2.1 patch release -- will also merge to the 2.2.x branch.
Reviewed code for all uses of FileInputStream, checking to see if the method should be closing the stream, and if so, closing it in the method as well as in the finally clause to ensure we don't leak file descriptors.
Change the default org from Account to unaffilicated in the account creation.
Change the default org from Account to unaffiliated in the account creation.
add note about restarting Tomcat when using Metacat indexing.
Refer to metacat.war deployments since those are now the default.
Added the documentation for the new MetacatUI theming mechanism. Make some styling changes to the documentation and configuration pages and added Bootstrap and FontAwesome.
Use https to replace http. Otherwise, the recapatcha code can't show up in a https link.
add "btn" class as stop-gap for metacatUI styled email links.
comment out the "forgot password?" link so that we can use the reset page in different UI locations.
remove unused JS that was only throwing an error when loaded via ajax