recursively submit obsoleted objects for indexing when instructed.
First pass at a class for summarizing attribute information for analysis. (semtools)
add note about archive correction
merge recent upgrade changes from 2.4 branch
use UI 1.4 branch pre 2.4 branch
uncomment other tests in suite.
look up guid when done setting access by docid so we can sync and refresh accesspolicy on MN and CN.
additional logging for set access
add a few more checks while debugging test
Use D1client for communication with CN (for integration test)
get guid from online id for call to SyncAccessPolicy
setAccessAction: get guid from passed in id for calls to SyncAccessPolicy, HazelcastService.refreshSystemMetadataEntry
example of how we can look up pid (guid) given a metacat docid.
Changed some of the font and stlyes of the metacat docs for easier reading and fixed a big where the metacat admin "configure" buttons were not working
remove sensorML from the catalog since we don't actually ship it (yet?)
add test for invalid dryad content -- should be rejected because it is not schema valid.
clean up dryad test doc - only use D1 api.
add generated diagrams for stats proposal -- seems to be our practice for other documentation pages.
test for inserting dryad instance doc.
add test to check sync of access policies of data object referenced in EML 2.0.1 docs
initial basic test of inserting dryad metadata. NOTE: uses metacat api, not dataone api.
do not delete the lib/schema directory on fullclean now that we actually have content in there in SVN.
Add an example Dryad Metadata Profile instance document to test inserts of this schema type.
Add in Darwin Core schema support into xml_catalog, and insert it on upgrade as well. The schemas are cached in lib/schema/dwc, and Matt and Ben noted that the tdwg_basetypes.xsd and tdwg_dwctypes.xsd are part of the same namespace, but are xs:include'd rather than imported via namespace.
In lieu of pulling schemas from URL endpoints for dataONE, Darwin core, and Dryad, we're caching them in Metacat so we have stable copies. Remove the ant targets used to pull them.
Add the three Darwin Core schemas required by the Dryad Metadata Profile (via imports).
include a few tests for isEqual method.
Add cached versions of the DataONE, Dryad, Dublin core, and Darwin Core schemas to Metacat. Remove schemaLocation attributes so that we rely on the local catalog and don't use (potentially changing) URL endpoints.
Use client.MetacatClient instance for all metacat api calls
Test syncing of access policies when updated with legacy metacat api
Change isEqual to private so it can be used by test suite
Add DataONE, Dublin Core, and Dryad schemas during the 2.4.0 upgrade, and be sure to remove the appropriate entries before inserting to avoid duplicate rows.
Add schema support for the DataONE, dublin Core, and Dryad schemas. Schemas get downloaded into lib/schema priior to jar and dist targets, and get loaded into xml_catalog on installation.
move the postgres changes to the oracle version -- update note about not attempting to restore because no Oracle MNs exist.
do not include "sm" alias in the SET clause.
allow statements starting with 'WITH'
comment out the select statements so they do not run during real upgrade.
use rangeOfDates | singleDateTime to populate the beginDate and endDate index fields.
switch to ezid 1.0.0 release and pull from Maven repo.
loosen the restriction on which archive flags we set to false -- if we have an obsoleted_by value then it need not be marked as archived.
add [partial] upgrade to the oracle script -- does not look for any records that the CN deleted because there are no Oracle-backed MNs at this time.
add comment (and commented out code) for possibly inspecting the /dirtySysMeta call for archive=true flag.
use '/var/metacat/users/password.xml' as the default password file path to: a) indicate it is for managing users and b) that it uses XML serialization.
add a link to the authentication interface page so users can more easily find information on how to add users to the auth file.
only index event information for known events.
call getDescription on cn.setaccesspolicy service failure
make all objects in a package publicly readable when published.
Add the code to check if the docid contains the whitespaces in the handleInsertOrUpdate, handleUpload and handleInsertMultipartInsertAction methods.
make all package contents publicly readable when publishing with a DOI.
Run syncAll in a single thread so admin config UI doesn't freeze
Change CnodeService.archive() to no longer broadcast MN.archive() calls to all of the replica MNs of a pid, but rather broadcast MN.systemMetadataChanged().
allow utf-8 user first/last names to be used in responses for: login, logout, validatesession, getprincipals.
minor formatting error
Design document for the new Metacat statistics service
Couple modifications:-use "pid" throughout so as not to confuse docids and pids-ensure any failures in the set do not prevent synching for other pids in the set
use the metacatUI 1.4.5 that includes default metacat theme and context
use AuthFile by default.
swap git command order to avoid merge conflict messages.
adjust whitespace for consistency
include ID field as a minimum for indexing additional fields.
sync pids of <distribution><online> data objects with CN when their access rules change in EML 2.0.* <additionalMetadata>
restrict the archived=false update to revisions that still have current entries in the xml_documents table.
tested the restore insertions - adjusted for FK constraints. I was able to delete a document locally, then restore it, then update the document with a new revision as expected.
use 'with' query to find the most recent revision of an object that was archived. still want more feedback on the criteria.
Modified the usage.
continue to work on the criteria for selecting documents to restore.expanded the criteria for setting archived=false to include any revision that was already obsoleted_by somethign else.
Minor edits on the new AuthFile features.
correct syntax - add more criteria for selecting documents.
Add the AOOS as part of the label of the unaffiliated account.
Add the documentation for the password file authentication.
Add the configuration for the password file authentication.
Move the authentication part forward a little bit.
do not set sm.archived=true when generating system metadata for objects that come in via the old Metacat API.
draft of fix for erroneously archived documents - first discovered by LTER - but also applicable to other Metacat MNs that still use the Metacat API as of Jan 2014 CN changes.
Modify the usage message.
Use a DN name for the group in the usage message printout.
Add the screenshots for the password file authentication and ldap authentication.
Fixed bug where sync'ing not working when CN had more access rules than MN
Sync access policy between MN -> CN when access rules are updated in EML 2.1+ for data object
Add a method to test an alias account in the ldap server.
Added a footer to the identity management config pages
Remove code to add the organzation in the search filter. This is not necessary since we use the dn as the search base. The code was not actually used but caused some problem.
use v2.4.0 for documentation and upgrade scripts.
correctly include stacktrace for error debugging.
can only log events with a valid localId.
return null if there is no existing SolrDoc for the given pid.
Use the default metacatui theme to replace the skin name.
use https for the new EZID api url.
Add a note to let users know where to run the script.
Add a note to let user know he/she should use single quotes to surround the hashed password.
edit some of the user management phrases. use UTF-8 for all returned XML.
index singleDateTime value into both begin and end date fields in solr.
Add the code to dispaly the label for the organization selection.
Read the organization label and name from a hash.
Use an array of a hash to keep the orgName/orgLabel pair.
use the updated EZID base URL. Should be active after Feb 2nd, 2014.
Add the label property for the organization.
uncomment the original tests now that the "field" test is working.
use explicit accessor for clientViewBean sessionid since the taglib was resulting in a blank page.