



From 01/16/2016 to 02/14/2016


02:20 PM Bug #6960 (Resolved): "DataONE member node since" lengths are one year off
"MN since" length should be calculated with a start date of July 2012 Lauren Walker


01:08 PM Task #6775 (Resolved): Filter list shows whited-out boxes on high resolution displays
Lauren Walker


02:24 PM Feature #6958 (Resolved): Reverse lightness scale of map tiles so that higher tile counts are darker
Lauren Walker


02:13 PM Feature #6628: Add copy/paste R and Matlab code snippet for downloading a DataONE package
Chris - I think we can assume that users who use that code will have the Matlab Toolbox installed. Maybe we can inclu... Lauren Walker
02:07 PM Feature #6628: Add copy/paste R and Matlab code snippet for downloading a DataONE package
In principle this is a great idea. In practice, I'm not so sure about the code snippet from Peter, as it only provid... Matt Jones
01:43 PM Feature #6628: Add copy/paste R and Matlab code snippet for downloading a DataONE package
The complete R program to download a package from KNB, for example:
cn <- CNode()
mn <- getMNod...
Peter Slaughter
01:38 PM Feature #6628: Add copy/paste R and Matlab code snippet for downloading a DataONE package
Hi Lauren,
I think this a great idea, and we can provide a Matlab snippet. However, it requires that the person ha...
Chris Jones


03:46 PM Feature #6956 (Resolved): Add new Arctica theme
Lauren Walker


05:38 PM Feature #6956 (In Progress): Add new Arctica theme
Most of the styling is complete, I just need to edit the actual content of the theme now. Many of our pages (Tools, A... Lauren Walker


05:27 PM Task #6946 (In Progress): Create mockup of the services display in metadata and search result views
First revision of the services mockups should include:
- Show URL, type of service, and service description in Ser...
Lauren Walker
05:22 PM Feature #6957 (Resolved): Move copy citation button to the citation header instead of under it
Lauren Walker
05:16 PM Feature #6956 (Resolved): Add new Arctica theme
Lauren Walker


09:37 AM Bug #6953 (Resolved): Prov chart disappears quickly after being rendered while logged in
I think it is being caused by the Metadata View being rerendered after the user sign-in status is checked. Lauren Walker


02:34 PM Feature #6950 (Rejected): Add "show available services" search to DataCatalog View
As described in the "Discover Relevant Services" scenario in the DataONE docs:
Lauren Walker
09:41 AM Task #6949 (New): Create Metadata/MetadataIndex View for loosely-coupled services
Lauren Walker
09:39 AM Task #6948 (New): Display loosely-coupled services in the Metadata View for datasets
Lauren Walker
09:38 AM Task #6947 (New): Add MN Services display to search result views
Lauren Walker
09:38 AM Task #6946 (Resolved): Create mockup of the services display in metadata and search result views
The services will be displayed in three locations:
- The Metadata View for data sets with objects loosely coupled ...
Lauren Walker
09:33 AM Story #6945 (Resolved): Expose Member Node services
Lauren Walker


05:11 PM Bug #6944 (Resolved): Do not allow blank values to be submitted in the group creation form
Lauren Walker
05:11 PM Bug #6943 (Resolved): Group profile not rendering
The 500 server error was being caused by a blank member in the group. WIll create new ticket to check for blank value... Lauren Walker
03:46 PM Bug #6943: Group profile not rendering
There is a 500 Internal Server Error when trying to access getSubjectInfo() here: Lauren Walker
03:35 PM Bug #6943 (Resolved): Group profile not rendering
Jessica Couture brought an issue to my attention - she created a group on and then when she goes t... Lauren Walker
09:59 AM Feature #6942 (Resolved): Use Javascript-only for copying to clipboard
Replace the ZeroClipboard library with the ( Clipboard.js library Lauren Walker

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