



From 10/09/2003 to 11/07/2003


10:53 AM Bug #1204 (Resolved): data handling for eml2 packages
new datapackage handler needs to be able to handle either 'in-line' data or
special 'urn/uri' description saved in '...
Dan Higgins
10:51 AM Bug #1199: Split data package wizard into two separate wizards
per Dan's comment above - this is covered in bug #1201, although Dan provides additional detail
Matthew Brooke
10:13 AM Bug #1199: Split data package wizard into two separate wizards
As part of out discussions, I think we agreed that the 'data import' wizard
would include some capability to create r...
Dan Higgins
10:20 AM Bug #1203 (Resolved): Automatic display of eml-beta6 docs as eml2.0 docs
New DataPackage class should detect eml beta6 docs and dynamically convert to
eml2.0 format for display in order to ...
Dan Higgins


04:26 PM Bug #1200: redesign INLINE/ONLINE/OFFLINE wizard page as a progressive questionnaire
forgot to add - will do this as an image mockup for speed Matthew Brooke
04:19 PM Bug #1200 (Resolved): redesign INLINE/ONLINE/OFFLINE wizard page as a progressive questionnaire
redesign INLINE/ONLINE/OFFLINE wizard page as a progressive questionnaire
example (only an example - needs work!):
Matthew Brooke
04:24 PM Bug #1201 (Resolved): Changes to Attribute dialog
a) - species lists:
add taxonomic lookup to attribute dialog
if NOMINAL: "are definition for these codes found in a...
Matthew Brooke
04:15 PM Bug #1199: Split data package wizard into two separate wizards
oops - forgot to assign to me Matthew Brooke
04:13 PM Bug #1199 (Resolved): Split data package wizard into two separate wizards
Split data package wizard into two separate wizards:
"new data pkg" wiz and "data import" wiz
User first defines ...
Matthew Brooke
04:04 PM Bug #1198 (Resolved): Increase visibility & Descriptiveness of "more..." link under morpho citation title/header
more... link under morpho citation title/header (that opens package html pane) should be
made more visible and poss...
Matthew Brooke


05:23 PM Bug #1157: Photoshop Mockup for Text Import Wiz Changes
already did this prior to Perumal's changes Matthew Brooke
05:19 PM Bug #413: Resized DataPackage wizard should use entire window
superseded by new DPW Matthew Brooke
02:32 PM Bug #1196 (Resolved): new data package wizard fails to insert party
The new data package wizard has a problem inserting a party when certain
specific conditions are met. This happens...
Matt Jones


02:55 PM Bug #1188: add 'formatted printed output' for datapackage metadata
We want Morpho itself to do the printing. This may not be feasible under our
time constraints, but it would be nice ...
Matt Jones
01:36 PM Bug #1188: add 'formatted printed output' for datapackage metadata
Creating an html output file is easy. Basically this is the same as our current
export function with an eml2 transfor...
Dan Higgins
01:24 PM Bug #1188 (Resolved): add 'formatted printed output' for datapackage metadata
Comment from Sandy Andelman -
Formatting metadata output for printing. Again, based on our experience, most
Dan Higgins
01:18 PM Bug #1187 (Resolved): add ca
Dan Higgins

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