From 09/20/2003 to 10/19/2003
- 03:20 PM Bug #1180 (Resolved): look into creating installanywhere package with ant
- need to see if we could automate the installanywhere process in the ant build
file for keplar. this would let us do... - 03:06 PM Bug #1179: look into output data types for eml2 ingestion actor
- One idea is to make the output ports be dynamic in that there would be one port
per attribute in the data file. this... - 01:46 PM Bug #1179 (Resolved): look into output data types for eml2 ingestion actor
- currently, the eml2 ingestion actor outputs a record token which may or may not
be the format that we want to output... - 03:04 PM Bug #1175: move specification of eml package to input
- fixed 10/02/03
- 01:40 PM Bug #1175 (Resolved): move specification of eml package to input
- the parameter that specifies what package to parse in the eml2 ingestion actor
should be moved from an actor param t... - 01:44 PM Bug #1178 (Resolved): stub actors should be editable
- we need to be able to edit stub actors in the same dialog that we use to create
them. the actor should then be reco... - 01:43 PM Bug #1177 (Resolved): create implementation interface for stub actors
- There should be an interface to implement the actor stub code that is created
through the dynamic actor creation too... - 01:41 PM Bug #1176 (Resolved): allow user selected icon in dynamic actor tool
- The user should be able to create/select an icon to associate with the new
actor. Need to look into existing SVG ed... - 01:38 PM Bug #1174 (Resolved): enable missing value token handling
- need to make the ptolemy tool handle missing values in a data stream. currently
it throws an exception when it trie...
- 10:01 AM Bug #1060: expose whywhere image data on ecogrid
- We have exposed the whywhere image.(see
But we need to figure out how to integ...
- 03:20 PM Bug #1166: create a schema for registry metadata
- This schema will be used in the <record> elements that are returned from queries
to specify the GSH and other service... - 03:09 PM Bug #1166 (In Progress): create a schema for registry metadata
- Need a schema that defines the metadata associated with an EcoGrid Registry.
Minimally this is the GSH of the regis... - 03:14 PM Bug #1167 (Resolved): write serviceData schema for ecogrid query services
- Service data schema for query level I, II, II services and application
serviceData, including references to an analy... - 03:06 PM Bug #1040: set up registry service for ecogrid
- Agreed to pursue the OGSA service based registry approach to integrate it with
the rest of the OGSA stuff we are doin... - 03:02 PM Bug #1165 (Resolved): define wsdl interface for registry
- Need to create a WSDL document defining the interfaces for registry operations
for EcoGrid. We specified them in Se... - 02:47 PM Bug #1164 (Resolved): need ecogrid client library and command line client
- To easily build software clients that interact with EcoGrid, we need to build a
simple client library that provides ... - 02:43 PM Bug #1163 (New): install and configure certificate authority system for ecogrid
- We need a common mechanism for authenticating users for EcoGrid. We have
general agreement that the OGSA Grid Secur... - 02:34 PM Bug #1162 (In Progress): implement level III ecogrid methods for Xylopia
- When the level III methods are well specified and somewhat stable, we need to
implement them for Xylopia. Peter vol... - 02:22 PM Bug #1161 (Resolved): create wsdl for ecogrid level III interfaces
- Need to build and checkin OGSA stubs in java for the Level III query methods.
This is still experimental stuff, thu... - 02:17 PM Bug #1160 (Resolved): build php ogsa stubs for ecogrid
- Need PHP OGSA stubs to be built and checked in for ecogrid.
- 02:16 PM Bug #1159 (Resolved): build java ogsa stubs for ecogrid
- Need OGSA stubs in Java to be built and checked in.
- 02:08 PM Bug #1158 (New): create wsdl for ecogrid query level III interfaces
- During Seattle, we redefined the WSDL interfaces for the query operations for
the level III operations.
They now ... - 02:01 PM Bug #1041: revise WSDL for ecogrid query level I and II interfaces
- During Seattle, we redefined the WSDL interfaces for the query operations.
They now should contain:
Level I
------... - 01:39 PM Bug #1039: create and revise schema docs for ecogrid messages
- At the Seattle (Sept 2003) EcoGrid meeting we decided:
Revise query.xsd:
-- add repeatable returnfield element for...
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