



Bug #1844


tool tip problems

Added by Laura Downey about 20 years ago. Updated almost 19 years ago.

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Sometimes the tooltips don't appear at all.

Sometimes the wrong tooltip appears when hovering over a port (the tooltip for
the line/relation is displayed instead of the tooltip for the port).

In operating on a dual screen PC sometimes the tool tip displays on the
opposite screen from which the mouse cursor is located (and hovering over an

Actions #1

Updated by Chad Berkley about 20 years ago

look into whether this is a java problem or a kepler problem.

Actions #2

Updated by Matt Jones about 20 years ago

A bit more information on the tooltip problems. Tooltips work intermittently
for me. It seems that when I drag a new actor from the tree onto the canvas,
tooltips no longer display for any actor when hovering over the actor's ports.
However, after hitting the 'Run' button on the toolbar (even if the run ends up
in an Exception), the tooltips start working again. This argues to me that this
is a Ptolemy or Kepler problem. Maybe the drag and drop operation changes the
state of the event listeners to not notice the hover events. Or something like
that. Maybe hitting run causes the event listeners to be reset. This can
probably be tracked down in a debugger pretty easily by watching the event
generation and consumption in various situations.

Actions #3

Updated by Dan Higgins about 19 years ago

Another input: tooltips fail after dragging an actor to the work area. They will
(also) start working again if you simply select another window (other than
Kepler) and then return to hovering over a port!

Dan Higgins - 1 Mar 2006

Actions #4

Updated by Matthew Brooke almost 19 years ago

test of new server - ignore

Actions #5

Updated by Matthew Brooke almost 19 years ago

Fixed the major problem whereby tooltips stopped appearing after dragging an actor to the canvas (fix checked into the ptolemy tree - ptII/ptolemy/vergil/basic/

Not sure about the remaining 2 problems. Closing this bug as fixed, and then opening new bugs for these:

1) (see new Bug #2396) Sometimes the wrong tooltip appears when hovering over a port (the tooltip for the line/relation is displayed instead of the tooltip for the port). [MB's note: Can't repeat this - can anyone verify it's still a problem, and are there any specific test cases?]

2) (see new Bug #2397) In operating on a dual screen PC sometimes the tool tip displays on the opposite screen from which the mouse cursor is located (and hovering over an object). [MB's note: I think this is probably a JVM bug. Anyone have any additional info, or specific test cases?]

Actions #6

Updated by Matthew Brooke almost 19 years ago

Reopening, since Matt reported this bug is still not fixed if a workflow is executed first, then an actor is dragged from the library - see IRC conversation below:
i am checking the tooltip bug on linux after a fresh checkout
unfortunately, its not fixed afaict on linux
bottom line: open eml-simple-plot.xml, tooltips work, execute the wf, tooltips work, drag Display actor onto canvas, tooltips fail, give focus to another window, then back to eml-simpleplot window, tooltips work
very repeatable for me
and it seems that its an interaction between the execution and the DnD
ie, if you just DnD an actor without executing first, the tooltips continue to work
its the execute then DnD sequence that does it

Actions #7

Updated by Matthew Brooke almost 19 years ago

Now looks like it's fixed - checked in to ptolemy tree (ptII/ptolemy/vergil/basic/ Tested on win, mac & linux

The problem seems to be that the JGraph somehow loses focus (or maybe becomes un-registered with the ToolTipManager?) when you do something outside the right frame (such as click the run button). After that, it doesn't seem to get the focus back again when you drag & drop an actor on there, even if the "drop" code is made to call requestFocus(), repaint() or other sundry methods.

The only way I could get it to work consistently was to register the JGraph with the tooltip manager after a drag & drop is finished.

Actions #8

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 1844


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