Bug #2028
openprovide ability to easily visualize data at various places in workflow
provide the user with the capability of visualizing data and results at
various places in the workflow (related to bug 2027) but this adds
visualiation capability
Related issues
Updated by Matt Jones over 19 years ago
The data source actors (EMLDataSource, DiGIRDataSource, ADNDataSOurce, etc,
should all have the capability to pull up a tabular view of relational data and
a visualization of spatial data. As some of these data sets may be large, there
will need to be a provision for handling much of this directly from disk
(instead of in-memory). Dan Higgins already has an implementaiton of the
tabular disk-based view for Morpho that could probably be utilized.
Updated by Matt Jones over 19 years ago
Additional info from bug #2111, which is a duplicate of this one.
Add "view data" capability (and menu item) for data sources so users can view
data before constructing workflow. This should be able to be done from the
tree, saved items, or the canvas.
Updated by Matt Jones over 19 years ago
- Bug 2111 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***