



Bug #2315


Unable to run multiple Kepler instances simultaneously

Added by Dan Higgins about 19 years ago. Updated almost 16 years ago.

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On a Windows machine, I have been unable to launch a second instance of Kepler
(using a batch file which should run completely separate task) while first
instance is still running. Error message is:

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.kepler.objectmanager.cache.CacheUtil.executeSQLCommand(

Related issues

Is duplicate of Kepler - Bug #2320: Cannot run multiple instances of Kepler simultaneously.ResolvedChad Berkley12/16/2005

Actions #1

Updated by Dan Higgins about 19 years ago

Because of the internal database (hsqldb), one cannot run two instances of
kepler simultaneously. The second instance of kepler started results in a very
ugly stacktrace but does not terminate the application. This is an example of
the stacktrace:

at org.kepler.objectmanager.cache.CacheUtil.executeSQLCommand(
at org.kepler.objectmanager.cache.CacheManager.<init>(
at org.kepler.objectmanager.cache.CacheManager.getInstance(
at org.kepler.moml.KSWLibraryBuilder.buildLibrary(
at ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication.openLibrary(
at ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication._parseArgs(
at ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication.<init>(
at ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication$
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
at org.kepler.objectmanager.cache.CacheUtil.executeSQLCommand(
at org.kepler.objectmanager.cache.CacheManager.<init>(
at org.kepler.objectmanager.cache.CacheManager.getInstance(
at org.kepler.moml.KSWLibraryBuilder.buildLibrary(
at ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication.openLibrary(
at ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication._parseArgs(
at ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication.<init>(
at ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication$
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(

Here are some possible resolutions:

1) deploy hsqldb as a service and have it run in an independent jvm. Questions:
How is startup managed? Are there any performance or resource constraints?

2) test for another instance of kepler and terminate the second copy with an
appropriate error message

3) use a different database system which operates independently from kepler.
MySQL is one example. Questions: what are the deployment issues involved here.

Actions #2

Updated by Dan Higgins about 19 years ago

  • Bug 2320 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Actions #3

Updated by Chad Berkley about 19 years ago

The only way we could fix this is to have multiple .kepler directories on one
machine. This would require a profiling system like morpho has. Since I don't
think this is on our list of things to do, i'm going to mark this WONTFIX. If
at some point we add a profile system, possibly when we add authentication, this
problem should be fixed.

Actions #4

Updated by Christopher Brooks about 18 years ago

On kepler-dev, Dan wrote:

The problem with multiple instances of Kepler is due to the internal
database (hsql) used for the cache and keeping track of actors for the
Kepler actor list. Running multiple workflows can be done using
'momlexecute' or 'ptexecute'. (There are some ant targets for these
methods in the build.xml file.) These methods avoid even setting up the
Incidently, I disagree with the 'wontfix' decision that Christopher
quoted for the bug. I think that I should be able to work with multiple
simultaneous versions of Kepler.

Dan Higgins - NCEAS

Norbert Podhorszki wrote:

Hi Christopher,

Uhhoh, or what.
Then I have to ask that guy, how was he able to execute ten workflows from
a script last Fall, since this bug had been resolved a year ago.

If you happened to misunderstand me, I clarify now: I do not want to run
even one copy of Kepler on a machine. I (may) want to execute two
workflows created in Kepler at once on the same machine ;-)

Best regards

On Thu, 25 Jan 2007, Christopher Brooks wrote:

Hi Norbert,
is marked as resolved and wontfix.

Actions #5

Updated by Christopher Brooks almost 18 years ago

Matt writes:

The issue is that Kepler uses a backend relational db for caching and
several data processing activities. That relational db (hsql) stores
its files in a subdir of the ~/.kepler directory. If more than one
instance of Kepler tries to start up, you get the exception that
Christopher listed.

One potential workaround is to have the script that runs the multiple
instances run from different accounts, and therefore each instance would
use a different .kepler folder and therefore different .hsql db. The
limitation is not really on running more than one instance of kepler on
a machine -- its running more than one instance of Kepler in a single
user account. Any workaround that allows each process to have its own
.kepler dir will work. Of course, the downside is that these processes
will not share the cache, and therefore large data downloads, etc, will
have to be repeated for each instance.

Actions #6

Updated by Matt Jones about 17 years ago

Reopening this bug regarding the ability to start multiple instances of Kepler simultaneously in one account. The limitation is due to a deficiency in hslq not being able to open the same database under multiple processes. This is something that could be fixed, and should should be considered under the Kepler/CORE project as an infrastructure issue.

Actions #7

Updated by Dan Higgins about 17 years ago

TO be handled as part of KeplerCore

Actions #8

Updated by Daniel Crawl over 16 years ago

Another solution is to run the HSQL server in the first Kepler's JVM; subsequent Kepler instances could then contact the server. This is possible with HSQL 1.8.0:

(Kepler currently appears to be using 1.7.2).

Actions #9

Updated by ben leinfelder almost 16 years ago

I've played with the current (1.7.2) HSQL and got it to run in "Server" mode within the first Kepler JVM. Subsequent Kepler launches skip the server startup and then just connect to it. I believe we get 10 simultaneous connections.
I put the DB server launch call in the KeplerApplication class, but maybe it should be somewhere else?
I'd like some feedback before checking in such a large (albeit small) change.

Actions #10

Updated by Daniel Crawl almost 16 years ago

What happens when you close the first Kepler instance; are the connections to the subsequent Keplers closed or does the first Kepler process stay alive until all the subsequent Keplers quit?

What about running the HSQL server in its own process?

We could have a config file that specifies how to access the cache: embedded, embedded server, or standalone server.

Actions #11

Updated by ben leinfelder almost 16 years ago

good point about closing the first Kepler - the db server would die with it.
Now I've got it so that the server starts up if need be when a connecting is requested - so if the first Kepler is terminated (and the hsql server with it) the second Kepler can then start up the server when a connection is needed.
BUT: I had to refactor some of the CacheManager class (and a few others) so that there is no DBConnection member variable (otherwise the conn that is originally made when the object is instantiated can become "broken" when the server's JVM switches. It means more calls to getDBConnection() (and also conn.close()) - but I think that should be alright.

Actions #12

Updated by ben leinfelder almost 16 years ago

committed the changes to DBConnectionFactory and also the CacheManager and LSIDTree so that connections are not saved and sitting around broken when HSQL switches JVMs.

Actions #13

Updated by ben leinfelder almost 16 years ago

Realized this bug can be closed.
If issues arise with the the way this is working (in Server mode) then we'll open new bugs and go from there.

Actions #14

Updated by Christopher Brooks almost 16 years ago

When I run two instances of Kepler using "ant run", I see the message:
[run] Building Kars...
[run] [Server@2fc7db]: [Thread[HSQLDB Server @2fc7db,6,main]]: run()/openServerSocket():
[run] Address already in use
[run] at Method)
[run] at
[run] at
[run] at<init>(
[run] at<init>(
[run] at org.hsqldb.HsqlSocketFactory.createServerSocket(Unknown Source)
[run] at org.hsqldb.Server.openServerSocket(Unknown Source)
[run] at Source)
[run] at org.hsqldb.Server.access$000(Unknown Source)
[run] at org.hsqldb.Server$ Source)
[run] Opening user preferences PtolemyPreferences.xml...
[run] * Attempting to get ResourceBundle for SVG defaults
svgRenderingMethod = SVG_BATIK_RENDERING *
[run] 5179 ms. Memory: 26736K Free: 2941K (11%)

However, it seems like both versions work ok. I've seen this error
under both Windows and Mac OS X.

Is there any chance we can get rid of the exception that is displayed?
It makes it seem like the second instance of Kepler is not working.

Actions #15

Updated by ben leinfelder almost 16 years ago

set the error writer for the DB server to null unless debug log level is enabled.
this prevents the stacktrace from showing up when it is not actually a critical error

Actions #16

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 2315


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