Bug #4310
openValueListeners receive valueChanged events when values have not changed
A ValueListener sometimes receives events for a Settable when the Settable's value has not changed. This can lead to a stack overflow since reading the value of the Settable may generate another valueChanged event.
To fix this, valueChanged not be called unless the value has actually changed.
Updated by Matt Jones over 15 years ago
The implications for this are not clear. Sounds like it is a serious bug that should be fixed, but we need a more detailed test case demonstrating the problem. Dan -- please either provide a way to reproduce this or retarget it to 2.X.Y.
Updated by Daniel Crawl over 15 years ago
Calling getValueAsString on Distributor.input_tokenConsumptionRate always generates a value changed event.
Updated by Bertram Ludaescher over 15 years ago
getValueAsString sounds like a "read only" activity, so I understand that a "valueChanged" event is a surprise, if not a bug. I'm glad we're not doing Heisenberg or other quantum experiments here..
More seriously: I wanted to confirm (maybe Edward would know) whether there is not a deeper reason why valueChanged is raised. It certainly sounds as if it shouldn't be though ...
If it results in a stack overflow, we are in trouble..