Bug #4913
closedant change-to -Dsuite=kepler-2.0 checks out ptolemy from the head not the rel-8-0-beta-2 branch
How do I check out the 2.0 branch?
svn co https://code.kepler-project.org/code/kepler/branches/releases/release-branches/build-area-2.0 build-area
cd build-area
ant change-to -Dsuite=kepler-2.0
Checks out the ptII head, not the rel-8-0-beta-2 branch
svn co svn+ssh://source.eecs.berkeley.edu/chess/ptII/branches/rel-8-0-beta-2 ptolemy-8.0
This is critical because it means that anyone who is working on the
Kepler 2.0 branch is working from the Ptolemy head, not the 8.0 release.
The primary issue is that the Ptolemy head is larger than the 8.0 release.
Over time, a second issue will be that the Ptolemy head will evolve.
The way to check is to look at CURRENT_VERSION in VersionAttribute.jar:
bash-3.2$ grep CURRENT_VERSION kepler-2.0/ptolemy-8.0/src/ptolemy/kernel/attributes/VersionAttribute.java
Iterator versionTuples = CURRENT_VERSION.iterator();
* if (VersionAttribute.CURRENT_VERSION.isLessThan(assumedVersion)) {
* if (VersionAttribute.CURRENT_VERSION.compareTo(
public static final VersionAttribute CURRENT_VERSION;
CURRENT_VERSION = new VersionAttribute("8.1.devel");
"Failed to create CURRENT_VERSION: "
The above is the current ptII svn head.
Another way is to look at intro.htm:
bash-3.2$ grep Version kepler-2.0/ptolemy-8.0/src/ptolemy/configs/full/intro.htm
Ptolemy II Version 8.1.devel
If we had a build system test suite (bug #4260), then we could test for
this sort of problem.