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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
3510 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal reorganize classes into a more functional specific structure Michael Daigle 11/18/2009 12:35 PM Actions
3507 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Reconfigure database credentials locks you in configuration Michael Daigle 10/22/2008 08:48 AM Actions
3498 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Metacat shows as unconfigured if an error is thrown Michael Daigle 10/22/2008 10:32 AM Actions
3497 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Fix Deploy dir autodiscovery mechanism Michael Daigle 10/22/2008 02:47 PM Actions
3495 Metacat Bug Resolved Immediate Incorporate EML 2.1.0 access changes in metacat Michael Daigle 10/21/2008 04:12 PM Actions
3494 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Test metacat against oracle Michael Daigle 10/02/2008 02:56 PM Actions
3493 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Add utilities module to fullclean/build Michael Daigle 08/04/2009 02:46 PM Actions
3461 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal create simple turnkey installer for metacat Phase I Michael Daigle 10/22/2008 08:50 AM Actions
3382 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Update documentation for all 1.9 changes Michael Daigle 11/20/2008 11:52 AM Actions
3381 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Create unit test code for 1.9 additions Michael Daigle 08/26/2008 09:59 AM Actions
3380 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Create LSID server installation Michael Daigle 11/18/2008 04:32 PM Actions
3378 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Test turnkey installation against Tomcat 6 Michael Daigle 02/09/2010 01:46 PM Actions
3377 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Create ANT install target for developers Michael Daigle 08/05/2008 09:02 AM Actions
3376 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Add DB upgrade/install functionality to java code Michael Daigle 08/05/2008 08:56 AM Actions
3375 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Create a sorted properties utility Michael Daigle 08/05/2008 08:47 AM Actions
3374 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Add authentication for configuration utility Michael Daigle 08/05/2008 08:50 AM Actions
3373 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Create skin specific configuration utility Michael Daigle 08/05/2008 08:44 AM Actions
3371 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Modify confguration utility in metacat Michael Daigle 08/05/2008 08:42 AM Actions
3370 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Merge token replacement code onto HEAD Michael Daigle 08/05/2008 08:41 AM Actions
3176 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Verify existing token changes to skins Michael Daigle 06/09/2008 12:02 PM Actions
3982 Metacat Bug Closed Normal Geoserver processes obsolete requests in background Michael Daigle 04/09/2013 01:16 PM Actions
3895 Metacat Bug Closed Normal Add/update authentication architecture documentation Michael Daigle 04/09/2013 01:23 PM Actions
3761 Metacat Bug Closed Normal Add ability for admin user to log out Michael Daigle 09/10/2013 03:40 PM Actions
3833 Metacat Bug Rejected Normal Advanced search (liveMap) map doesn't display on linux firefox Michael Daigle 04/09/2013 01:26 PM Actions
3718 Metacat Bug Rejected Normal toolRef.model.getSRS error in console when rendering map Michael Daigle 04/09/2013 04:01 PM Actions
3591 Metacat Bug Rejected Normal Move search returndoctype definitions to a centralized location Michael Daigle 04/09/2013 04:04 PM Actions
3757 Metacat Bug Resolved Immediate Error when creating ldap account via nceas skin on dev Shaun Walbridge 01/20/2009 12:20 PM Actions
3741 Metacat Bug Resolved Immediate Can't redirect to registry page on dev server Shaun Walbridge 01/12/2009 12:33 PM Actions
3725 Metacat Bug Resolved Immediate Can't add new ldap account via ldapweb.cgi Shaun Walbridge 01/14/2009 03:36 PM Actions
3721 Metacat Bug Resolved Immediate Some empty EML elements cause validator to fail Shaun Walbridge 01/06/2009 12:29 PM Actions
3720 Metacat Bug Resolved Immediate uninitialized value error when trying to create new login account on dev Shaun Walbridge 01/12/2009 03:22 PM Actions
3719 Metacat Bug Resolved Immediate $principal error when trying to register dataset. Shaun Walbridge 01/05/2009 10:10 AM Actions
3372 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Integrate perl token replacement changes into token_replacement branch Shaun Walbridge 01/05/2009 11:35 AM Actions
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