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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
622 Bug Resolved Normal redundancy in eml-physical/binaryRaster Matt Jones 10/07/2002 02:04 PM Actions
608 Bug Resolved Immediate release preparation tasks for EML2.0.0rc2 Matt Jones 10/07/2002 02:11 PM Actions
602 Bug Resolved Immediate eml-physical Owen Eddins 10/04/2002 10:07 AM Actions
601 Bug Resolved Immediate element names in spatial modules do not follow guidelines Peter McCartney 10/04/2002 04:49 PM Actions
600 Bug Resolved Normal eml-storedProcedure - problems & proposal David Blankman 10/04/2002 02:51 PM Actions
599 Bug Resolved Normal storageType is repeatable in eml-attribute Matt Jones 10/01/2002 12:52 PM Actions
598 Bug Resolved Immediate literature namespace references are inconsistent Chad Berkley 09/20/2002 09:36 AM Actions
597 Bug Resolved Normal In eml-dataTable caseSensitive and orientation are modeled differently David Blankman 10/01/2002 05:00 PM Actions
596 Bug Resolved Normal Proposal: make attribute optional in OtherEntityType. Matt Jones 10/02/2002 11:30 AM Actions
594 Bug Resolved Normal change cardinality for designDescription and studyAreaDescription David Blankman 10/02/2002 10:46 AM Actions
592 Bug Resolved Normal validation error with xs:anyType Matt Jones 10/01/2002 12:47 PM Actions
589 Bug Resolved Normal eml-coverage: convert element references to types by defining complex types Chris Jones 10/01/2002 11:40 PM Actions
588 Bug Resolved Normal Remove lineage tags in documentation stylesheets Matt Jones 10/07/2002 02:01 PM Actions
586 Bug Resolved Immediate resolve validation problem with missing keys Matt Jones 10/04/2002 10:43 AM Actions
568 Bug Resolved Normal accomodation of stateful connection information. Matt Jones 10/01/2002 05:08 PM Actions

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