



From 05/17/2007 to 06/15/2007


12:23 PM Bug #2871: stem mapping improvements needed
Done, but could use a test with real data:
1) If stems have the same X,Y they should have the same letter on the map,...
Michael Lee
09:09 AM Bug #2871: stem mapping improvements needed
comment #2 is done:
Also, it would be helpful to display stemCodeID on the form for resampling (not
TreeLineID, but t...
Michael Lee
08:33 AM Bug #2871: stem mapping improvements needed
FIXED: 2) the borders of the plot overlap the letters on stems, making it hard to
read. Should be reversed.
Michael Lee
08:29 AM Bug #2871: stem mapping improvements needed
Comment #1 resolved (211p2) Michael Lee
07:58 AM Bug #2720: Reorganize the Advanced Options Form into tabs?
Not sure when or even if this is needed. Michael Lee
07:19 AM Bug #2859: Rebar should be capped if used.
added to version 4.1.1 Michael Lee
06:54 AM Bug #2867: Reverse Migrate New archive data into old archive
depends on other bugs, so I am marking this as "new" not "assigned" (aka
something I am working on now)
Michael Lee
06:54 AM Bug #2869: Migrate OLD ARCHIVE to the NEW ARCHIVE
depends on other bugs, so I am marking this as "new" not "assigned" (aka something I am working on now) Michael Lee


11:27 AM Bug #2871: stem mapping improvements needed
Also, it would be helpful to display stemCodeID on the form for resampling (not TreeLineID, but the ID of the stem, w... Michael Lee
10:48 AM Bug #2871: stem mapping improvements needed
Need to retain original order of stems: copy over newOrder? Need to then reflect this in the report (but not display... Michael Lee
09:52 AM Bug #2871 (Resolved): stem mapping improvements needed
There are some improvements needed to the stem mapping interface for VMD:
1) If stems have the same X,Y they shoul...
Michael Lee


11:46 AM Bug #2869 (Resolved): Migrate OLD ARCHIVE to the NEW ARCHIVE
Need taxonomy upgrade and some fields will be problematic because they have no home in the new archive (e.g. groundCo... Michael Lee
11:44 AM Bug #2868 (In Progress): upgrade taxonomy using TaxonOccurence Spreadsheet (aka Cover_ver4_withCBS)
Could be Weakley 06 or 07. Michael Lee
11:42 AM Bug #2867 (Resolved): Reverse Migrate New archive data into old archive
The New Archive data that will be compiled into one db needs to be migrated into the old archive so that we can use i... Michael Lee
11:38 AM Bug #2866 (Resolved): Migrate data from OLD entry db to OLD archive (w/ SAS) (52,59,61)
This includes projects 52,59,61.
OLD entry db -> SAS -> old entry db -> old archive db
Michael Lee


04:25 PM Bug #2858: Need 6 spots for posts on datasheets
fixed. Publishing will be handled with finishing off bug 2861. Michael Lee
03:15 PM Bug #2858 (Resolved): Need 6 spots for posts on datasheets
Posts. The level 1 plot sheet has a place for 5 posts. There is a
tendency to record all posts (rather than just di...
Michael Lee
04:25 PM Bug #2861: DD-MMM-YYYY needed on level 1-2 plot datasheet
fixed, but not published. Still need to publish/update the website. Michael Lee
03:20 PM Bug #2861 (Resolved): DD-MMM-YYYY needed on level 1-2 plot datasheet
Date format. The Level 1&2 plot sheet indicates that date format
should be Mo/D/Yr whereas the Level 3 and Level 4&5...
Michael Lee
03:26 PM Bug #2865 (Resolved): Datasheets & Protocol: Concrete soil (or similar) is problematic to our database
Concrete. The question came up as to drainage category for
impermiable surfaces such as concrete, or more realistic...
Michael Lee
03:25 PM Bug #2864 (Resolved): Simplify level 3: no modules?, cover only by strata?
Cover records at Level 3. The intent of level 3 is to provide
information sufficient to assign a plot to a communit...
Michael Lee
03:23 PM Bug #2863 (Resolved): Splitting planted and natural stems while sampling: advice needed
Planted stems at level 2. When combining planted and natural woody
stem samplings, it is difficult to keep track of ...
Michael Lee
03:21 PM Bug #2862 (Resolved): Add rationale for subsampling/stem cut-offs (affects entry-tool too)
The Levels 2&3 natural stem datasheet allows for selection of 1 of 4
cutoff heights and also species specific subsam...
Michael Lee
03:20 PM Bug #2860 (Resolved): DS+Protocol: Add "U" = Unknown stem source
Source. The manual is silent on what to do when there is uncertainty
about the source of planted material. Should ...
Michael Lee
03:19 PM Bug #2859 (Resolved): Rebar should be capped if used.
The manual states "The corners ... must be marked with 12" or
greater sections of ½" diameter galvanized steel cond...
Michael Lee
02:51 PM Bug #2857: Extra message box displayed "About to update 1 row" on startup
fixed v210p7
Access 2000 issues also largely resolved (at least ones that I know about there): listBox source being ...
Michael Lee
02:05 PM Bug #2857: Extra message box displayed "About to update 1 row" on startup
also can be resolved by moving backupOnClose function below confirmation settings change. Needs test. Michael Lee
02:03 PM Bug #2857 (Resolved): Extra message box displayed "About to update 1 row" on startup
This happens when confirmations are not yet up. To fix:
Public Function configureCancelBackupOnCloseFields(blnBac...
Michael Lee


11:13 PM Bug #2791: Out of Stack space (access 2000)
fixed in version 210p6
Out of stack space is fixed (can add records to entry_cover fine)
Can open db fine, as well i...
Michael Lee
10:53 PM Bug #2791: Out of Stack space (access 2000)
Solution to brokenReferences thing:
Public Function checkForAppBrokenRef() As Boolean
On Error GoTo errThis
Dim ...
Michael Lee
10:42 PM Bug #2791: Out of Stack space (access 2000)
Make that:
> 'ignore difference of less than 2 seconds between this dirty
> 'and previous dirty event:
> Static ...
Michael Lee
10:40 PM Bug #2791: Out of Stack space (access 2000)
A bit of a hack is to check to see if the last dirty event was less than 2 seconds ago, if so, just skip the dirty ev... Michael Lee
10:13 PM Bug #2791: Out of Stack space (access 2000)
It appears that the form_BeforeInsert triggers the Form_Dirty event, which triggers the form_BeforeInsert event, and ... Michael Lee
05:36 PM Bug #2791: Out of Stack space (access 2000)
That's Application.BrokenReference that isn't available in Access2000 Michael Lee
05:35 PM Bug #2791: Out of Stack space (access 2000)
Confirmed: this is a problem in Access 2000 when you try to add a new record to Cover Data (not Planted or Natural St... Michael Lee
03:17 PM Bug #2762: Add "Ignore this Error" to logical error checking
after ignoring errors, you can reset to not ignore anything. It's not elegant (as it's all or nothing), but it's bet... Michael Lee
03:16 PM Bug #2820: Auto-truncate values in stem form to nearest integer (big stems only)
DONE: 210p5: truncating of values in bigStems for DBH (with nonModal msgBox) Michael Lee
02:43 PM Bug #2820: Auto-truncate values in stem form to nearest integer (big stems only)
This only applies to big stems, as planted stems form can hold decimal data types. The big stems on the natural stem... Michael Lee
08:35 AM Bug #2711: Finish End of Year Deliverables
This was done a while back. We have new deliverables to worry about now. Michael Lee
08:33 AM Bug #2846: Allow easier deletion of rows in main data forms
v210 has this now, with a "cute" little trash can icon. Will be covered in presentation too (several users had extra... Michael Lee


09:05 PM Bug #2856 (Resolved): Make sure the sub-sapling only applies to saplings at level 2-3, not trees
The sub-tree is not an option on levels 2-3, so trees are not subsampled. I need to make sure the migration routine ... Michael Lee


04:16 PM Bug #2762: Add "Ignore this Error" to logical error checking
You can now ignore errors. Still some minor issues with msgBoxes continuing too long and errors not getting rechecke... Michael Lee
07:03 AM Bug #2854: Data checking is redundant
Entry tool fixed so that error reports aren't duplicated for common errors (stem source, for example). Michael Lee
06:44 AM Bug #2854 (Resolved): Data checking is redundant
Some checks are duplicated in error check: stem source value, for example. Need only one check, and duplicate checks... Michael Lee


02:28 PM Bug #2848 (Resolved): (migration) Ensure unique plot names b/t EEP and CVS plots
The naming of projects is independent between CVS and EEP, that is EEP project numbers could collide with CVS. Michael Lee


02:44 AM Bug #2846 (Resolved): Allow easier deletion of rows in main data forms
Several users have not known how to do this, and they thus must choose a species and not fill in any data. Who knows... Michael Lee

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