



From 03/23/2005 to 04/21/2005


01:23 PM Bug #2068 (Resolved): Error while building actor tree with PT CVS version
If you are using the CVS version of Ptolemy (rather than 4.0.1 release), a
number of error message flash by when a n...
Dan Higgins
12:17 PM Bug #2067: Configure Ports command causes error with PTII CVS
Updated the Kepler version of to include new features that are in
the PT CVS version (which included c...
Dan Higgins


11:49 AM Bug #2067 (Resolved): Configure Ports command causes error with PTII CVS
When using the Ptolemy CVS version as the basis for Kepler and compiling from
Ant, trying the 'Configure Ports' comm...
Dan Higgins


02:40 PM Bug #2062: Number of search results in data panel doesn't match the real result
In QuickSearchAction class, new code was added to set variable - number of hits,
to 0 after a search.
There is anoth...
Jing Tao
11:54 AM Bug #2062 (Resolved): Number of search results in data panel doesn't match the real result
When user tried to search "species" and get 5 results, but the number in the
bottom show is 6. Then search "datos" a...
Jing Tao


03:26 PM Bug #2050: EMLDataSource output as Ptolemy records
In EML2DataSource actor, two options - output as column vector or as column
based Record, were added. If user chose t...
Jing Tao


09:33 AM Bug #2050: EMLDataSource output as Ptolemy records
I don't think it is correct to have one port per attribute. This approach
looses the information that the ports are ...
Shawn Bowers
08:56 AM Bug #2050: EMLDataSource output as Ptolemy records
Upon consideration, there are two options that should be considered.
1) Show each column as a port, as is currently ...
Dan Higgins


02:57 PM Bug #1548: consolidating data access user interfaces
Here is the summary after the meeting in March 11:
Federate Metadata across different communities: Create a unified ...
Jing Tao
01:47 PM Bug #2056 (In Progress): Port labels appear 'twice' when DataSource actor added
Put any actor on a blank graph page (say, the SequenceToArray actor) Configure
the ports to show port names(e.g. 'in...
Dan Higgins


05:04 PM Bug #1990: DataType of EML for KEPLER
Add new classes - NumericDomain, TextDomain, DatTimeDomain and EnumericDomain
which extends from Domain Interface. In...
Jing Tao


05:36 PM Bug #1189: add full support for EML2 comple textFormat in EML ingestor
Create two classes - TextWidthFixedDataFormat and TextDelimitedDataFormat to
store the data format information. And i...
Jing Tao
02:01 PM Bug #2051: Could Not Get EML Metadata in existed workflow
The problem is the old workflow moml, it doesn't has a namepsace parameter. We
add a default value for it. And it wor...
Jing Tao
12:24 PM Bug #2051 (Resolved): Could Not Get EML Metadata in existed workflow
In EML Simple Plot workflow, you click get metadata and will get an error. But
in search result panel and draging se...
Jing Tao

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