



From 04/16/2007 to 05/15/2007


11:03 AM Bug #2840 (Resolved): Kepler beta3 will not run on Mac OSX10.3
Kepler 10.3 will not run under Mac OSX 10.3 (but does on Mac OSX 10.4). Kepler beta2 does work OK!
It looks like th...
Dan Higgins


08:34 AM Bug #2315: Unable to run multiple Kepler instances simultaneously
Matt writes:
The issue is that Kepler uses a backend relational db for caching and
several data processing activitie...
Christopher Brooks


11:12 AM Bug #2834: Incorrect Actor Icons
A comment from a user about Model actor icons:
LinearModel actor icon does not have a horizontal arrow (as expected i...
Kirsten Menger-Anderson


10:06 AM Bug #2696: EML 2 Dataset actor needs to access local data files
A new data file parameter has been added to the actor. User needs to specify both the local metadata and the local da... Dan Higgins
08:37 AM Bug #2834: Incorrect Actor Icons
Another actor icon that needs to be changed is StatusChecker. It should have an ExecutionActor icon (blank teal backg... Kirsten Menger-Anderson


05:14 PM Bug #2834 (Resolved): Incorrect Actor Icons
A couple actor icons that aren't correct:
MATLABExpression (this actor currently uses an arrow icon, but it should...
Kirsten Menger-Anderson
02:51 PM Bug #2833 (Resolved): 'Open' problem with new DarwinCoreDataSource actor
Recently, the DarwinCoreDataSource actor was updated to allow species names to be input during workflow execution rat... Dan Higgins


04:37 PM Bug #2426: Search for 'image' in actor tree 'hangs' window in nightly build
The two actors that seem to cause the problem are the only 2 that use the "ptolemy.vergil.icon.ImageIcon" class. Mayb... Dan Higgins
11:21 AM Bug #2426: Search for 'image' in actor tree 'hangs' window in nightly build
If both the 'Image' and 'Monitor Image' are removed from the actor list, the error message goes away! Dan Higgins
09:19 AM Bug #2307: Mac OSX code missing for several JNI actors
Mac OSX Intel code and associated libraries for GDAL projection and file conversion actors has been checked in to lib... Dan Higgins


10:58 AM Bug #2830 (Resolved): Actor names to change/actors to remove from application
I'm opening a bug to keep track of notes about some actors that have come up as I've gone through the actor docs.
Kirsten Menger-Anderson


02:56 PM Bug #2829: "Warning: Unrecognized XML Element" message
Added <configure> </configure> tags around the paragraph (<P></P>) tags used in the new documentation (ie inside the ... Dan Higgins
02:45 PM Bug #2829 (Resolved): "Warning: Unrecognized XML Element" message
A "Warning: Unrecognized XML Element" message (message box containing "P") appears when starting Kepler after deletin... Dan Higgins


11:33 AM Bug #2828 (In Progress): Actor names inconsistent
Actor names and parameter names are currently inconsistently formatted. They should all be camel cap/no space (e.g., ... Kirsten Menger-Anderson
09:51 AM Bug #2822: endPoint not working
Jing fixed configuration problem so endpoint works again Dan Higgins


02:22 PM Bug #2822 (Resolved): endPoint not working
ecogrid endpoint at '' not working! Workaround is to replace that endpoint in $Kepler/lib/c... Dan Higgins

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