



From 02/22/2008 to 03/22/2008


11:10 AM Bug #2870: Copy/Paste of composite actors
I think I have this fixed by making changes to moml/
I've added a test case:
Christopher Brooks


04:20 PM Bug #3056: unable to print output of Display actor
The "Print" menu choice is now enabled in Display. The change was to ptolemy/actor/gui/
Getting multi...
Christopher Brooks


01:58 PM Bug #3107: http links don't work: Unsupported file type or connection not supported
I'm closing this. We can revisit this problem when ptII and Kepler require Java 1.6. At that point, we can change t... Chad Berkley
01:55 PM Bug #3107: http links don't work: Unsupported file type or connection not supported
I can no longer reproduce this? I'm not sure what's up, or what changed?
I tried it on the same machine (my laptop w...
Christopher Brooks


04:00 PM Bug #3179: Distinguish "download" and "information" attribute values in eml distributlon online url
Yeah. So here is my approach:
I am not exactly sure how hard the query will be implemented, but I don't think it will...
Jing Tao
03:50 PM Bug #3179: Distinguish "download" and "information" attribute values in eml distributlon online url
Whether or not the query is altered, I think Kepler will still need to handle both types of distribution urls. I'm t... ben leinfelder
03:45 PM Bug #3179: Distinguish "download" and "information" attribute values in eml distributlon online url
from Jing:
I am not exactly sure how hard the query will be implemented, but I don't
think it will be too hard. Howe...
ben leinfelder
03:40 PM Bug #3179 (Resolved): Distinguish "download" and "information" attribute values in eml distributlon online url
I agree, I don't think it does handle this, but this is a bug in my opinion. It should distinguish these URL types. ... Jing Tao
03:10 PM Bug #3135: semantic type and class params need special handling in doc window
Fixed this by adding an exclusion list to the configuration. the docviewer can now take a list of attribute names no... Chad Berkley


05:32 PM Bug #3107: http links don't work: Unsupported file type or connection not supported
I agree that is somewhat sketchy.
However, it works fine for me under Ptolemy and f...
Christopher Brooks
04:47 PM Bug #3107: http links don't work: Unsupported file type or connection not supported
The BareBoneBrowserLaunch you reference in is already in Kepler. Che...
Dan Higgins
02:35 PM Bug #3107: http links don't work: Unsupported file type or connection not supported
This looks like a bug in the somewhat sketchy class This class was written in 200... Chad Berkley
01:59 PM Bug #3107: http links don't work: Unsupported file type or connection not supported
I've been looking into this and it appears to be a problem on windows and linux but not OSX. The BrowserEffigy$Facto... Chad Berkley
01:33 PM Bug #3036: Need to be able to delete actors from the library
There is now a right click menu item to remove a component from the library. It removes the component from the cache... Chad Berkley


11:41 AM Bug #3150: Need to add PTII Python actors back into Kepler
The Python actor(s) now operate correctly in Kepler. Several examples workflows are now in the demos/Python directory... Dan Higgins


11:57 PM Bug #3173: Improve data frame handling between RExpression actors
The R actor now uses the serialize/unserialize method described by jim for data frames and also for other complex R o... ben leinfelder
10:40 AM Bug #3173: Improve data frame handling between RExpression actors
tried with my system (running R v2.4.1) and it does work.
Jim pointed out that my version of R does not use "1L" to e...
ben leinfelder


08:36 PM Bug #3173 (Resolved): Improve data frame handling between RExpression actors
The short version: true data types might not be preserved when using text file-based serialization of data frames bet... ben leinfelder
04:04 PM Bug #3172 (New): windows mouse wheel doesn't scroll canvas
Kepler Version: Release Candidate 1
OS: Windows xp
I have a usb mouse. When a workflow exceeds the window size,...
Kevin Drury


02:39 PM Bug #3127: workflows can open off the screen
I changed ptolemy/actor/gui/ so that if any part of the window is off of the screen, th... Chad Berkley


01:08 PM Bug #3169: Cannot add documentation to a new actor from within Kepler
This now works. You can click customize and even if there is no current documentation, a blank documentation window ... Chad Berkley


09:31 AM Bug #3169: Cannot add documentation to a new actor from within Kepler
Creating and actor without the KeplerDocumentation Attribute is as simple as creating a new Java coded acto...
Dan Higgins


02:04 PM Bug #3169: Cannot add documentation to a new actor from within Kepler
I fixed a bug where the documentation would not show if a value in the moml was null. This fix was in the PTII tree ... Chad Berkley
12:11 PM Bug #3169: Cannot add documentation to a new actor from within Kepler
Oops, I meant to add that feature but forgot. I'll add it now. Thanks for finding it, Dan. Chad Berkley
11:40 AM Bug #3169 (Resolved): Cannot add documentation to a new actor from within Kepler
If one instantiates a new actor, it can be added to the library or saved as a KAR, but there is no way to add documen... Dan Higgins
10:40 AM Bug #3167 (Resolved): Customize documentation fails when ports added
New customized documentation dialog has a 'null' error when ports have been added.
To see the error, customize an ...
Dan Higgins


11:10 AM Bug #3078: No documentation for the 'SSH to Execute' actor
These actors now have documentation. closing the bug. Chad Berkley
11:03 AM Bug #2853: Documentation (where to save it; customization)
This bug is now fixed. Kepler documentation can be edited and customized from the workflow. Chad Berkley


03:13 PM Bug #3162 (Resolved): ptExecuteConfig.xml depends on removed basicKeplerLibrary.xml
ptExecuteConfig.xml, used by ptexecute, depends on basicKeplerLibrary.xml,
which was recently removed from CVS. I tr...
Daniel Crawl
01:38 PM Bug #3062: Need ASC grid Utilities actor
A new actor called 'AscGridValue' has been added to the Kepler src and an example workflow using it has been added to... Dan Higgins


08:43 AM Bug #3153: Preview problems with EML DataSource (for IPCC data)
added support for just viewing the contents of the cache file rather than trying to cram it into a table.
also, if th...
ben leinfelder


04:21 PM Bug #3161 (New): progress meter when downloading data with RBNBToKepler actors
When the RBNBToKepler actors are downloading data, some kind of progress meter should appear. Derik Barseghian
04:17 PM Bug #3160 (New): RBNBToKepler actors should work within SDF, PN and DDF
The RBNBToKepler actors need to work in a reasonable way under at least the following three domains: SDF, PN, DDF. Derik Barseghian
04:13 PM Bug #3159 (Resolved): RBNBToKepler datasource actors should be merged into one.
The 3 RBNBToKepler actors should be merged into one. Derik Barseghian
04:08 PM Bug #3158 (New): RBNBToKepler actors need to timeout more quickly
RBNBToKepler actors need to timeout more quickly when an RBNB server cannot be reached. It currently takes too long f... Derik Barseghian
03:58 PM Bug #3157 (Resolved): RBNBToKepler actors should support all three sink modes
RBNBToKepler actors should support all three sink modes: Subscribe, Monitor and Request. Currently only Request is su... Derik Barseghian
03:45 PM Bug #3156 (Resolved): RBNBToKepler actors should only download data for connected ports.
RBNBToKepler actors should only download channel data for output ports that are connected.
Currently a requestChan...
Derik Barseghian
03:39 PM Bug #3155 (Resolved): RBNBToKepler actors should allow different output formats
RBNBToKepler actors need the ability to switch between at least two different styles of data output from their output... Derik Barseghian

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