From 01/12/2013 to 02/10/2013
- 05:41 PM Task #5820: Incorporate DataONE indexing
- The biggest obstacle to integrating D1 code directly is decoupling from Spring. Thankfully a lot of it is just name-v...
- 10:04 AM Revision 7490 (metacat): PARC, OBFS, NRS: use only the paths that are indexed by default in If deployments want to cusotmize these, they are free to do so, but we should ship skins that match the paths we index with a vanilla installation.
- 04:05 PM Bug #5840: Implement MN.generateIdentifier with UUID scheme
- This is in trunk now. See related bug re:DOI and reserving identifiers so that they are not handed out again.
- 03:37 PM Bug #5840 (Resolved): Implement MN.generateIdentifier with UUID scheme
- This method needs work -- it generates an identifier with fragment.timestamp and uses "autogen" if the fragment is no...
- 04:02 PM Revision 7489 (metacat): generate ID from UUID.
- 03:38 PM Bug #5753: Implement mn.generateIdentifier()
- This needs more attention.
- 10:17 AM Bug #5837 (Rejected): Strings
- Source is infested with hard-coded strings, many duplicated. Should be resources.
- 10:16 AM Bug #5836 (New): Logs
- Logs are kind of a mess, mixing multiple logging object types along with System.* output. Metacat has its own log dir...
- 09:44 AM Bug #5835 (New): Leaks
- There are significant memory leaks that will eventually hang or kill the application server if metacat is restarted w...
- 05:14 PM Bug #5833 (Closed): Temporary files aren't
- Detritus accumulates in the 'temporary' directory. Output files generated by read requests may persist for the lifeti...
- 04:49 PM Bug #5832 (Closed): Old libraries
- Most or all of the libraries used by Metacat are substantially out of date; many are deprecated or unsupported.
- 03:05 PM Bug #5830 (New): Deployment directory incorrect
- Metacat stores its deployment directory in, where the value can lose sync with the actual deployme...
- 02:58 PM Bug #5828 (New): docids not validated
- Externally provided document identifiers are not always checked for syntax (e.g. multipart-form submission) and produ...
- 10:42 PM Bug #5516: continue updating user documentation
- Spoke with Gastil -- we're good for this round of edits.
- 11:38 AM Bug #5516: continue updating user documentation
- Gastil, are there any more modifications you want to get into the user docs? Thanks!
- 04:04 PM Bug #5816: REST for Lucene index
- Not needed; SOLR/D1 interface only
- 01:54 PM Bug #5816 (Resolved): REST for Lucene index
- Make Lucene index available via REST
- 03:36 PM Task #5822 (Resolved): Enforce access control for SOLR-based search implementation
- Ensure that search results are filtered for clients access permissions.
- 02:13 PM Bug #5821: Allow certificate-based Metacat administration
- We could probably have the LDAP and certificate-based auth schemes coexist for some time. Would take some doing in th...
- 02:12 PM Bug #5821 (New): Allow certificate-based Metacat administration
- As we move toward the DataONE API where the MN does not provide identity and authorization services, perhaps the Meta...
- 01:55 PM Task #5820 (Resolved): Incorporate DataONE indexing
- Have Lucene/SOLR indexing follow DataONE schema, ideally incorporating D1 code directly.
- 01:55 PM Task #5819 (Resolved): MN query for SOLR
- Make SOLR available via DataONE MN query interface
- 01:54 PM Bug #5818 (Resolved): SOLR deployment on Lucene index
- Enable optional deployment of SOLR interface to Lucene index
- 01:54 PM Bug #5817 (Resolved): MN query for Lucene index
- Make Lucene index available via DataONE MN query interface
- 01:54 PM Bug #5815 (Resolved): Integrate Lucene indexing
- Add a Lucene index and query interface for metacat docs.
- 12:51 PM Bug #5814 (Resolved): Test CILogon-to-LDAP account mapping utility
- The "dataone" skin includes an account mapping utility that allows you to simultaneously login to Metacat using your ...
- 12:44 PM Bug #195: allow metacat to store files on multiple fs
- Multiple directories in the same fs should also be supported. See the duplicate bug #5813 for details.
- 12:43 PM Bug #5813: Partition document storage on filesystem
- This is a dupluciate of the longstanding bug #195.
- 12:35 PM Bug #5813 (Resolved): Partition document storage on filesystem
- There has been concern that ALL xml documents and revisions are saved into a single directory on the filesystem. Ther...
- 12:30 PM Bug #5812 (Closed): Rework default skin[s] to use SOLR query
- The default skin should showcase the speed and easy of use of the SOLR query implementation. We really want this as a...
- 12:28 PM Story #5811 (Closed): Redesign KNB look and feel
- Not necessarily a "Metacat" bug, but we will likely want to include the KNB skin in Metacat with an updated look and ...
- 12:26 PM Feature #5810 (Closed): Implement SOLR-based search
- This will be an implementation of the DataONE MNQuery() methods.
- 12:25 PM Bug #2792: KNB home link needed on the Map Page
- We should include this in the overall redesign
- 12:13 PM Bug #2986: No need for restart tomcat after modifying
- I don't think this is possible since the properties in control everything. Say we changed the DB i...
- 12:09 PM Bug #2690: Fully document the spatial option
- We have a section about using it and one about configuring it. Plus all the Geoserver docs are applicable for advance...
- 12:06 PM Bug #5176: Configuration to disable writing/updating/deleting function on metacat, but allow reading/querying
- We can't really do this since we need to log all activity even if it is read-only activity.
- 12:05 PM Bug #3397: metacat needs server side sort mechanism
- This should come with the SOLR implementation.
- 11:58 AM Bug #2985: Expand public access flag to the whole ACL
- You can access the complete ACL through both the Metacat API and the DataONE SystemMetadata. This should have been cl...
- 11:56 AM Bug #1984: add support for LSID identifiers
- Agreed. LSIDs are dead. We need to maintain our ability to find existing content from the ESA skin based on its LSI...
- 11:52 AM Bug #1984: add support for LSID identifiers
- Given our D1 API and DOI support, I believe we have gone a different direction with this. Please comment then close.
- 11:49 AM Bug #2190: Metacat Spatial Option Admin Page
- We expose all of Geoserver as a standalone webapp that can be customized to the sky. This was done as part of the 2.0...
- 11:45 AM Bug #5518: Track down the performance issue of metacat query.
- Moving this along with the 2.1 bugs because we are still supporting old Metacat query. We do want people to start usi...
- 11:43 AM Bug #5522: download linked KNB data and convert links in EML to ORE packages
- Are we committed to doing this? LTER was going to be a major source for new data, but perhaps plans have changed. Rev...
- 11:41 AM Bug #5513: add support for DOI identifiers from EZID
- We still haven't done everything in that "decision" list -- should also revisit it.
- 02:12 PM Revision 7486 (metacat): make sure serial version is included or set on MN.update().
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