



From 09/25/2013 to 10/24/2013


04:10 PM Story #6160: Make MetacatUI mobile-friendly
I paid attention to this in the new SNAP theme so that it looks fairly good on smaller browser widths. Lauren Walker
02:47 PM Feature #6162 (In Progress): Add input in registry form for working group information
ben leinfelder
02:47 PM Feature #6164 (In Progress): Limit query results to those of a specified working group/organization when using a theme that supports that feature
ben leinfelder
02:46 PM Feature #6163 (Closed): Add working group names to the SNAP theme search filters sidebar
This is more of a "Section" looking option rather than a search filter. Only expecting 6-8 WGs for SNAP, so it should... ben leinfelder
12:05 PM Bug #6166: URL format of #data/search/{criteria} not constraining results
(The gulfwatch skin was updated to work with the searchModel approach) ben leinfelder
12:04 PM Bug #6166 (Rejected): URL format of #data/search/{criteria} not constraining results
Decided to exclusively use the searchModel to convey search criteria within the UI. ben leinfelder
12:03 PM Bug #6056 (Closed): Sort by Author sorts by firstname rather than lastname
In the default, knb, gulfwatch and snap themes now. ben leinfelder


02:03 PM Bug #6166 (Rejected): URL format of #data/search/{criteria} not constraining results
Trying this out for WG filtering on SNAP but returns all results:
ben leinfelder


04:42 PM Feature #6162: Add input in registry form for working group information
I added a sample of how we might augment the existing keyword list -- see RegistryView.js -- but it is more targeted ... ben leinfelder
03:55 PM Task #6149 (Feedback): Create SNAP theme
The theme has been created and is currently on Will continue to edit as I hear feedback. Lauren Walker


05:01 PM Feature #6164 (Closed): Limit query results to those of a specified working group/organization when using a theme that supports that feature
Such as the SNAP theme, which will only show datasets belonging to the SNAP group and its working groups.
Lauren Walker
04:58 PM Feature #6163 (Closed): Add working group names to the SNAP theme search filters sidebar
Most likely by a checkbox list or multiple-select Lauren Walker
04:56 PM Feature #6162 (Closed): Add input in registry form for working group information
There should be a way to specify which metadata field in which the user wants to organize their working group name, s... Lauren Walker
04:18 PM Bug #6139: Ensure all UI queries limit to only the current revision of a document
Solr query should hide obsoleted objects using -obsoletedBy:* in the query (and potentially -archived:true).
ben leinfelder
04:18 PM Feature #6158 (Rejected): Add new filter forhiding obsolete objects
ben leinfelder
04:13 PM Feature #6116 (Closed): Use updated NCEAS logo in locations that use an NCEAS logo
ben leinfelder
11:55 AM Feature #6144 (Closed): Add link to the data view on Gulfwatch theme
Added. Also changed the language throughout from Data Catalog to Data Portal. Lauren Walker
11:51 AM Feature #6144 (New): Add link to the data view on Gulfwatch theme
We should keep this link in the navigation until Axiom's data portal is ready. Lauren Walker
09:13 AM Story #6160 (Resolved): Make MetacatUI mobile-friendly
Matt and I were discussing that in the future we would want MetacatUI to use responsive design throughout so that it ... Lauren Walker
08:33 AM Bug #6159 (Resolved): KNB theme has 0 margin for ldapweb.cgi activation
Lauren Walker
08:16 AM Bug #6159 (Resolved): KNB theme has 0 margin for ldapweb.cgi activation
When you get an email from the new account registration, there's a link to activate the account. The page that displa... ben leinfelder


02:37 PM Feature #6158 (Rejected): Add new filter forhiding obsolete objects
Solr query should hide obsoleted objects using -obsoletedBy:* in the query (and potentially -archived:true). Lauren Walker
12:38 PM Task #6155 (Resolved): Redesign the MetadataView for Gulfwatch theme
Now the Gulf Watch theme is more generic and is titled/branded as "Gulf of Alaska data portal" Lauren Walker
12:37 PM Task #6155: Redesign the MetadataView for Gulfwatch theme
Now the Gulf Watch theme is more generic and is titled/branded as "Gulf of Alaska data portal" Lauren Walker
10:27 AM Task #6155 (Resolved): Redesign the MetadataView for Gulfwatch theme
Rebrand as Gulf of Alaska with a minimal feel so that it can be linked to from the Data Layer Catalog ( Lauren Walker
12:28 PM Feature #6156 (Resolved): Hide Publish DOI button unless signed-in user is authorized to publish
Across all themes Lauren Walker
10:05 AM Feature #6131 (In Progress): Display suggestions for search terms when user starts typing a search entry
I've got a beta version working for now, will be expanding upon it to show the faceted search counts for each suggestion Lauren Walker
10:04 AM Feature #6143 (Rejected): Add search reset button to Gulfwatch
We will no longer be using the GulfWatch theme except for a minimized metadata view. Lauren Walker
10:03 AM Bug #6135 (Rejected): Tooltips not working in IE for Gulfwatch theme
We will no longer be using the GulfWatch theme except for a minimized metadata view. Lauren Walker
10:02 AM Feature #6144 (Rejected): Add link to the data view on Gulfwatch theme
We will no longer be using the GulfWatch theme except for a minimized metadata view. Lauren Walker


03:06 PM Task #6153: Create controlled vocabulary for SNAP
Since Morpho has a widget for using the VDEX spec and our UI can certainly load and find elements in XML, perhaps tha... ben leinfelder
02:21 PM Task #6153 (Closed): Create controlled vocabulary for SNAP
Need to decide on the exact format of the controlled vocabulary for SNAP. We need a keyword for the SNAP project its... Matt Jones
02:20 PM Task #6152 (Rejected): Create metacat skin for metacatui-snap
Metacat skins are used to configure the registry. Create a snap skin in metacat that allows us to configure the regi... Matt Jones
02:18 PM Task #6151 (Closed): Create search filter to subset SNAP results
Add a search filter that is applied to every query that only allows through SNAP data sets. Matt Jones
02:17 PM Task #6150 (Closed): Create sidebar filter for 2 SNAP working groups
Matt Jones
02:16 PM Task #6149 (Closed): Create SNAP theme
Modified version of default theme following Matt Jones
02:15 PM Story #6148: Create SNAP skin with support for working group filters
SNAP ( is a new NCEAS initiative that would like to use the KNB to manage its data. Data will be coll... Matt Jones
02:06 PM Story #6148 (Closed): Create SNAP skin with support for working group filters
Matt Jones
12:38 PM Task #6147 (New): Add ability to set logo and brand for group
Each Group/Lab/Site should be able to associate some branding with their content, in the form of a logo and possibly ... Matt Jones
12:36 PM Task #6146 (Closed): Add configurable 'filter' to select just data from that group
When viewing a repository, should be able to configure the skin to list just one group's content by applying a fixed ... Matt Jones
12:28 PM Feature #6032 (In Progress): Add dataset annotations to dataset views
Started working on the annotations using the microdata format and vocabulary. We may also want to conside... Matt Jones


10:37 AM Feature #6145 (Closed): Load in low-res background images before the high-res images via Javascript
(Default theme) Lauren Walker
10:03 AM Feature #6144 (Closed): Add link to the data view on Gulfwatch theme
Lauren Walker
10:02 AM Feature #6143 (Rejected): Add search reset button to Gulfwatch
Lauren Walker


03:22 PM Feature #6140 (Resolved): Hide the 'clear all'/'reset' button until the first filter is added
Lauren Walker
12:51 PM Bug #6139 (Closed): Ensure all UI queries limit to only the current revision of a document
ben leinfelder


02:59 PM Bug #6056: Sort by Author sorts by firstname rather than lastname
authorSurNameSort field has been added to metacat in d1_cn_index_processor 1.2.0 and should be ready for sorting as s... Lauren Walker
02:04 PM Feature #6134 (Resolved): Searching from the navigation bar should start a new search
Now when a user enters a value in the navbar search input the current search model is reset to default, the new term ... Lauren Walker
07:26 AM Feature #6134 (Resolved): Searching from the navigation bar should start a new search
Searching from the navbar should clear the current search model and trigger a new search with that one term only Lauren Walker
12:22 PM Task #6133 (Resolved): Use updated NCEAS logo
Added to the footer of the default and KNB theme. (not in the Gulfwatch theme) Lauren Walker
07:23 AM Task #6133 (Resolved): Use updated NCEAS logo
LeeAnne has sent the final versions of the logo so I'll switch it out in the footer Lauren Walker
09:15 AM Bug #6135 (Rejected): Tooltips not working in IE for Gulfwatch theme
For IE 8,9,10.
Lauren Walker
09:01 AM Bug #6125 (Resolved): KNB CSS is being used on certain elements in default theme in IE only
Updated the Metacatui1.1 and Metacatui1.2/master branches with this CSS change. Lauren Walker
08:44 AM Bug #6125: KNB CSS is being used on certain elements in default theme in IE only
Assigning to 1.1.1 patch - should also be included in master branch for future releases. ben leinfelder
08:31 AM Bug #6125 (In Progress): KNB CSS is being used on certain elements in default theme in IE only
Again, Bootstrap is overriding CSS in the Gulfwatch theme in IE 9. Lauren Walker


12:03 PM Bug #6132 (Resolved): Pressing return does not send the form when logging in
You have to press the Login button Lauren Walker


05:46 PM Support #6130 (Resolved): Test advanced search features in KNB and Gulfwatch themes
I changed the CSS and templates for the KNB and Gulfwatch themes. Everything seems to be working and looking okay. Lauren Walker
04:28 PM Support #6130 (Resolved): Test advanced search features in KNB and Gulfwatch themes
Lauren Walker
05:03 PM Feature #6131 (Resolved): Display suggestions for search terms when user starts typing a search entry
Example: A user starts typing a filter term in an input box and is given a list of suggestions to complete the word o... Lauren Walker
04:08 PM Bug #6126 (Works For Me): Sign in via registry (#share) fails in IE 10
not sure what was going on with this error... ben leinfelder
03:50 PM Bug #6129 (Resolved): Clear all button does not reset the resourceMap choice
Lauren Walker
03:20 PM Bug #6129 (Resolved): Clear all button does not reset the resourceMap choice
Lauren Walker
02:31 PM Support #6060 (Resolved): Test cross-browser compatibility for IE, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome and add HTML5 fallbacks for older browser version
Everything looks good in all browsers now except for older versions of IE Lauren Walker
02:30 PM Feature #6120 (Resolved): Create informational tooltip for year filter types
Lauren Walker
02:30 PM Bug #6127 (Resolved): Tooltips not working with jQueryUI/slider
I replaced jQueryUI with a custom version with only the required functions and the slider feature. This took out the ... Lauren Walker
01:02 PM Bug #6125 (Resolved): KNB CSS is being used on certain elements in default theme in IE only
IE handles stylesheets that are added dynamically to the DOM differently. So the metacatui CSS added dynamically was ... Lauren Walker


05:18 PM Bug #6127 (Resolved): Tooltips not working with jQueryUI/slider
jQueryUI / the year slider is interfering with Bootstrap Tooltips somehow. Once I added jQueryUI on the advanced-sear... Lauren Walker
05:00 PM Bug #6126 (Works For Me): Sign in via registry (#share) fails in IE 10
When using IE 10 I cannot login using the metacatui (but can in Chrome on the Mac using the same username/password).
ben leinfelder
04:54 PM Bug #6125 (Resolved): KNB CSS is being used on certain elements in default theme in IE only
Lauren Walker
04:14 PM Task #6105 (Closed): Search is triggered twice when changing the year slider for the first time after page load
this has been fixed Lauren Walker
04:13 PM Task #6106 (Closed): Search results do not update properly after clearing all filters
It seems to be okay now Lauren Walker
03:10 PM Bug #6124 (Closed): Use POST for all login requests
Changed RegistryView to explicitly use $.post() method for submitting login form. Now I just see the post in the logs... ben leinfelder
02:50 PM Bug #6124 (Closed): Use POST for all login requests
Matt was looking through the apache log and noticed that we log our get request URIs:... ben leinfelder
02:06 PM Feature #6119 (Resolved): Disable both year options/checkboxes upon page load, and disable slider until a choice is made
Lauren Walker
12:10 PM Bug #6118 (Resolved): Clear all button does not reset the year filter
The DataCatalogView now uses the jQuery slider API to directly change the values of the slider based on the default s... Lauren Walker


04:08 PM Feature #6121 (Resolved): Set the default minimum year and maximum year in Search model to the actual min and max years of all datasets
Lauren Walker
04:05 PM Feature #6120 (Resolved): Create informational tooltip for year filter types
Lauren Walker
04:05 PM Feature #6119 (Resolved): Disable both year options/checkboxes upon page load, and disable slider until a choice is made
So upon page load, no year filtering is done at all. When a user checks a checkbox, or selects a type of year to filt... Lauren Walker
02:45 PM Bug #6118 (Resolved): Clear all button does not reset the year filter
Lauren Walker
10:15 AM Feature #6097 (Closed): Add photography attribution to About page
It's been two weeks and I've heard back from about half of the photographers. If I hear from anymore, they'll get cha... Lauren Walker
10:05 AM Task #5973 (New): Update pager widget on bottom of resultset listing to always show current page
Ben and I decided the pagination should always show the current page you are on, so the new scheme is:
Lauren Walker


04:46 PM Support #6060 (In Progress): Test cross-browser compatibility for IE, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome and add HTML5 fallbacks for older browser version
Everything is looking good in Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. Can check IE tonight on a Windows machine. Lauren Walker
02:31 PM Support #6060: Test cross-browser compatibility for IE, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome and add HTML5 fallbacks for older browser version
How's this looking on other browsers? I've only used the UI in Chrome, to be honest. ben leinfelder
02:32 PM Feature #6116 (Closed): Use updated NCEAS logo in locations that use an NCEAS logo
ben leinfelder
02:30 PM Feature #6014 (Closed): Implement publish DOI action
ben leinfelder
02:30 PM Feature #5957 (Closed): Design and implement graphical look and feel for default skin
Pretty cool! ben leinfelder
02:29 PM Task #6076 (Closed): Rearrange footer logos
new logo can be used in next release. ben leinfelder


01:29 PM Task #6072 (Closed): Design advanced search features
we are past the design phase and I started an advancedSearch branch of the datadepot project for implementation of th... Lauren Walker
01:28 PM Feature #6108 (Closed): In Gulfwatch theme, make the data category searches in the sidebar search the keywords only
Lauren Walker


02:27 PM Feature #6108 (Closed): In Gulfwatch theme, make the data category searches in the sidebar search the keywords only
To reflect the Gulf Watch Alaska data portal categories Lauren Walker
10:34 AM Task #6106 (Closed): Search results do not update properly after clearing all filters
Lauren Walker


12:35 PM Task #6105 (Closed): Search is triggered twice when changing the year slider for the first time after page load
Lauren Walker
08:30 AM Task #6104 (Rejected): Reload previous search and filters when refreshing or reentering the DataCatalogView
Get all the attributes from the search model in the view's render function and populate the search template Lauren Walker


04:02 PM Bug #6103 (New): Sort by Identifier sorts capitalized letters separately from undercase letters
Lauren Walker
02:52 PM Feature #5949 (In Progress): Implement advanced search filters in sidebar
Created a Search model to hold all the current filter terms, most attributes are arrays to allow for multiple filters... Lauren Walker

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