Bug #2176
openModerator UI and functionality for ESA
Implement the moderator UI and functionality..(MODERATE) -- Sid
* replication issues - e.g. when a user tries to update a document on
knb.ecoinformatics which was replicated from esa.ecoinformatics
(replication locks are denied if the replication is asynchronous -
with proper error sent back to user explaining replication is only one
(This is from the ESA tasklist)
Detailed Notes describing this functionality
-> The first step in the life cycle of a registry entry is document insertion
by the author. For this the author should have a ldap account.
Issue: Should links to the ldap account creation be provided from the ESA home
-> When the document is created it does not have public read access.
ToDo: Modify the register-dataset.cgi to not give public read access for the
documents created.
ToDo: The document has to viewed/deleted by the moderators. Hence all the
moderators should have all permission on the document.
Issue: Should email alert be sent to the moderator? To the author also with
instructions for viewing and editing the document?
-> Once the document is created, it has to be queued up for moderation. Hence
when the moderator logs into the system, he/she should be directly taken to a
search page which displays
ToDo: Create a new login page for the moderator
ToDo: Check that login/logout functionality for the moderator is working in the
ToDo: A new action should be created for moderator login? action=login can not
be used here because Metacat has to be told to check if the user is a moderator
or not. Hence either a new action has to be created. Or a new arguement to the
login action has to be creater. Metacat has to read the moderator list from
metacat.properties and it should check if the specified user is part of it.
-> Once the Metacat has checked that a user is a moderator, the moderator
should be forwarded to the search page. The search page should show all the
documents which do not have public read access with links/buttons for viewing,
accept, decline and revision of the document.
ToDo: Modify Resultset.xsl to have the above links/buttons.
ToDo: Accept leads to modification of the document to have public read access,
the document is updated in the repository and an email is sent to the author
ToDo: Decline leads to a page where the moderator can spefiy reason for
declining. Then the document is deleted and an email is sent to the author with
the reason.
ToDo: Revision leads to a page where the moderator can spefiy reason for
requesting revision. Then an email is sent to the author with the reason.