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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
6126 MetacatUI Bug Works For Me Normal Sign in via registry (#share) fails in IE 10 Lauren Walker 10/07/2013 04:08 PM Actions
5908 Metacat Task Rejected Normal Investigate EAR deployment of all Metacat webapps ben leinfelder 07/09/2013 01:59 PM Actions
5935 Metacat Task Rejected Normal Display the PID not the docid in the rendered metadata ben leinfelder 08/23/2013 02:42 PM Actions
5941 Metacat Task Rejected Normal Add login/logout methods to DataONE MN service ben leinfelder 07/09/2013 02:38 PM Actions
6029 MetacatUI Task Rejected Normal Implement MN.listViews() ben leinfelder 07/09/2013 09:47 AM Actions
6031 Metacat Feature Rejected Normal Add rendered metadata to Bagit package contents ben leinfelder 10/10/2013 12:10 PM Actions
6166 MetacatUI Bug Rejected Normal URL format of #data/search/{criteria} not constraining results Lauren Walker 10/25/2013 04:03 PM Actions
6210 MetacatUI Feature Rejected Normal Add map to SNAP theme Lauren Walker 03/20/2015 09:19 AM Actions
6221 MetacatUI Task Rejected Normal Borrow spatial aggregation library from d1_dashboard Lauren Walker 11/15/2013 04:02 PM Actions
6565 Metacat Feature Rejected Normal Optionally exclude data files from Google sitemap generation 06/06/2014 02:59 PM Actions
5810 Metacat Feature Closed High Implement SOLR-based search Jing Tao 08/01/2013 02:00 PM Actions
6071 MetacatUI Bug Closed High Scroll to anchorId hidden by the fixed KNB header Lauren Walker 09/18/2013 09:20 AM Actions
5369 Semtools Bug Closed Normal AnnotationManager: persistence layer Oracle support ben leinfelder 11/26/2013 09:11 AM Actions
5647 Metacat Bug Closed Normal Lack of access rights for "previous" datafile prevent saving ben leinfelder 09/10/2013 03:20 PM Actions
5811 Metacat Story Closed Normal Redesign KNB look and feel Matt Jones 07/09/2013 02:48 PM Actions
5812 Metacat Bug Closed Normal Rework default skin[s] to use SOLR query ben leinfelder 09/06/2013 12:46 PM Actions
5883 Metacat Task Closed Normal Create unit tests to exercise Metacat SOLR query/index features Jing Tao 08/01/2013 01:59 PM Actions
5884 Metacat Task Closed Normal Document solr-based Metacat indexing in user docs (RST format) ben leinfelder 08/01/2013 11:55 AM Actions
5907 Metacat Task Closed Normal Integrate metacat-index build in Metacat build ben leinfelder 07/09/2013 01:59 PM Actions
5910 Metacat Feature Closed Normal Build index from scratch Jing Tao 08/01/2013 01:55 PM Actions
5911 Metacat Feature Closed Normal Repair index after outage Jing Tao 08/01/2013 01:55 PM Actions
5912 Metacat Feature Closed Normal Force indexing on individual object[s] 07/09/2013 01:44 PM Actions
5913 Metacat Feature Closed Normal Handle indexing errors Jing Tao 08/01/2013 01:56 PM Actions
5914 Metacat Feature Closed Normal Reconcile SOLR server/client versions Jing Tao 07/09/2013 01:53 PM Actions
5915 Metacat Task Closed Normal Use MN.query(solr) in NCEAS skin ben leinfelder 08/23/2013 02:42 PM Actions
5916 Metacat Task Closed Normal Create resultset-solr.xsl ben leinfelder 08/23/2013 02:42 PM Actions
5917 Metacat Task Closed Normal Create NCEAS search form that uses SOLR instead of pathquery ben leinfelder 08/23/2013 02:42 PM Actions
5918 Metacat Task Closed Normal Separate unit tests from integration tests ben leinfelder 07/09/2013 01:59 PM Actions
5931 Metacat Task Closed Normal Allow use of PID (or docid) using Metacat API "read" action ben leinfelder 08/23/2013 02:42 PM Actions
5932 Metacat Task Closed Normal Allow use of PID (or docid) using cgi-registry modification form ben leinfelder 08/23/2013 02:42 PM Actions
5936 Metacat Feature Closed Normal Include certificate delegation inside Metacat ben leinfelder 07/09/2013 02:28 PM Actions
5940 Metacat Story Closed Normal Support session-based Metacat authentication (for D1 services) ben leinfelder 07/09/2013 02:45 PM Actions
5942 Metacat Task Closed Normal Handle sessionid (cookie from login method) in D1 REST service ben leinfelder 07/09/2013 01:43 PM Actions
5997 Metacat Bug Closed Normal Restrict KNB trusted CAs ben leinfelder 06/06/2013 03:48 PM Actions
6006 Metacat Bug Closed Normal Metacat admin screen requires metacat-index directories ben leinfelder 06/20/2013 05:28 PM Actions
6008 Metacat Bug Closed Normal Metacat servlet API upload() method uses user-supplied filename for temp upload ben leinfelder 06/21/2013 09:47 PM Actions
6009 Metacat Bug Closed Normal Metacat uses "metacat.output" temp files for all read() operations ben leinfelder 06/25/2013 09:10 AM Actions
6012 MetacatUI Bug Closed Normal Ensure all UTF-8 characters display correctly in query results ben leinfelder 07/23/2013 09:01 AM Actions
6014 MetacatUI Feature Closed Normal Implement publish DOI action 10/02/2013 02:30 PM Actions
6015 MetacatUI Story Closed Normal Update EML specification pages to use new KNB look and feel ben leinfelder 07/31/2013 05:33 PM Actions
6016 MetacatUI Story Closed Normal Update and deploy main Morpho page in new KNB site ben leinfelder 07/28/2013 10:30 AM Actions
6017 MetacatUI Story Closed Normal Update and deploy EMLParser webapp using new KNB look and feel ben leinfelder 07/31/2013 05:34 PM Actions
6019 MetacatUI Feature Closed Normal Implement "get view" service as a REST endpoint 07/09/2013 01:52 PM Actions
6020 MetacatUI Feature Closed Normal Integrate metacat-ui build with main Metacat build ben leinfelder 07/17/2013 01:18 PM Actions
6023 MetacatUI Task Closed Normal Implement a new MN.publish() method ben leinfelder 08/23/2013 03:56 PM Actions
6024 MetacatUI Task Closed Normal Wire-up the MN.publish() method to a REST endpoint ben leinfelder 08/23/2013 03:56 PM Actions
6025 MetacatUI Task Closed Normal Include publish DOI in the UI Lauren Walker 09/10/2013 09:52 AM Actions
6026 MetacatUI Task Closed Normal Implement MN.getPackage() ben leinfelder 07/08/2013 09:51 PM Actions
6027 MetacatUI Task Closed Normal Wire-up the MN.getPackage() method to a REST endpoint ben leinfelder 07/08/2013 12:31 PM Actions
6028 MetacatUI Task Closed Normal Wire-up the MN.view() method to a REST endpoint ben leinfelder 07/08/2013 06:10 PM Actions
(1-50/598) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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