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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1725 SEEK Bug New Normal ENM IIA - Prepare metadata for all input layers Deana Pennington 10/22/2004 02:13 PM Actions
1724 SEEK Bug In Progress Normal ENM II - Prepare Spatial Layers for GARP layer input Dan Higgins 08/17/2005 11:56 AM Actions
1723 Morpho Bug New Normal Feature requests offered by UNESCO visitor Saurabh Garg 12/16/2004 01:07 PM Actions
1705 Morpho Bug New Normal Message after "Export" should show dir nam ben leinfelder 07/29/2010 11:28 AM Actions
1704 Morpho Bug New Normal need additional operators for the spatial search Saurabh Garg 12/16/2004 01:07 PM Actions
1702 Morpho Bug New Immediate spatial search is not saved Saurabh Garg 10/20/2005 05:02 PM Actions
1677 SEEK Bug In Progress Immediate Modify concept package objects to handle relationships for TOS v1.1.0 Aimee Stewart 11/29/2004 10:19 AM Actions
1673 SEEK Bug In Progress Immediate Work with XSLT parser to convert ITIS data for input to Taxon DB Aimee Stewart 09/13/2004 03:45 PM Actions
1672 Morpho Bug New Normal Unable to edit online distribution url for multiple data objects Saurabh Garg 12/16/2004 01:00 PM Actions
1669 Morpho Bug New Normal Adding Project Information causes invalid eml 2 warning Saurabh Garg 12/16/2004 01:00 PM Actions
1667 Morpho Bug New Normal Couldn't send data file to metacat using a download package Saurabh Garg 12/16/2004 12:45 PM Actions
1663 SEEK Bug New Immediate Create web prototype Robert Gales 08/30/2004 02:34 PM Actions
1662 EML Bug In Progress Immediate id key definitions in EML Matt Jones 01/10/2012 02:24 PM Actions
1657 Morpho Bug New Normal Repeatable <online>, <inline> tags in tree editor Saurabh Garg 12/16/2004 01:00 PM Actions
1656 Morpho Bug New Normal <para> should be repeatable in Morpho tree editor Saurabh Garg 12/16/2004 01:00 PM Actions
1655 Kepler Bug In Progress Normal DIALOGS: Implement New UI for Sources Dialog (was "integrate ecogrid registry into kepler ecogrid client") Matthew Brooke 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
1651 Morpho Bug New Immediate Scale requests Saurabh Garg 12/16/2004 01:03 PM Actions
1650 SEEK Bug New Normal move taxon materials to SEEK web site Aimee Stewart 07/31/2004 09:15 AM Actions
1648 SEEK Bug New Immediate Create taxon developer web site which calculates metrics of code Aimee Stewart 07/26/2004 09:11 PM Actions
1639 Morpho Bug New Normal ref to beta6 physical table left in morpho eml2 output Saurabh Garg 12/16/2004 01:07 PM Actions
1638 SEEK Bug New Normal EcoGrid Web - Implementation Lucas Gilbert 11/29/2005 11:49 AM Actions
1637 SEEK Bug New Normal EcoGrid Web - Design Lucas Gilbert 11/29/2005 11:49 AM Actions
1636 EML Bug New Normal requesting support for ids in taxonomicClassification element Matt Jones 09/02/2004 09:38 AM Actions
1634 EML Bug New Normal units not in eml-unitDictionary Matt Jones 10/01/2008 04:34 PM Actions
1633 Morpho Bug New Normal make morpho load metadata without loading data tables Saurabh Garg 12/16/2004 01:06 PM Actions
(1326-1350/1535) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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