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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1890 Kepler Bug In Progress Normal Add query builder to generic db actor Efrat Jaeger 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
1884 Kepler Bug In Progress Normal Enable drag and drop of ports and relations Matthew Brooke 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
1879 Metacat Bug New Immediate Metacat Performance: Summary Jing Tao 07/28/2009 11:23 AM Actions
1832 Morpho Bug In Progress Normal need "save as" functionality in morpho ben leinfelder 11/05/2010 10:06 AM Actions
1825 Morpho Bug New Normal Typos/redundancies in Named Regions list of Geo. Coverage Saurabh Garg 12/16/2004 01:01 PM Actions
1823 Morpho Bug New Normal Morpho Editor and saving network data packages Saurabh Garg 12/16/2004 12:45 PM Actions
1817 Morpho Bug New Normal Citation screen in DPW feature request Saurabh Garg 12/16/2004 01:01 PM Actions
1807 Morpho Bug New Normal Stop/pause search feature request Saurabh Garg 10/19/2005 01:29 PM Actions
1804 VegBank Bug New Normal export data from VegBranch into several formats Michael Lee 09/11/2006 01:43 PM Actions
1794 EML Bug In Progress Immediate modify temporalCoverage to support ongoing data sources Matt Jones 11/05/2008 03:17 PM Actions
1792 Morpho Bug New Normal Can't print Intro to Metadata document Saurabh Garg 12/16/2004 01:09 PM Actions
1791 Morpho Bug In Progress Normal need ability to add data types other than dataTable (spatial) ben leinfelder 11/11/2010 12:30 PM Actions
1790 SEEK Bug New Immediate Add ITIS data to TOS db v1.1.0 Aimee Stewart 11/29/2004 10:37 AM Actions
1784 Morpho Bug New Normal Place some information from user guide on Morpho download web page Saurabh Garg 12/16/2004 01:01 PM Actions
1783 Morpho Bug New Normal Challenge of documenting dynamic data sets Saurabh Garg 12/16/2004 01:07 PM Actions
1779 Morpho Bug New Normal Changing “Look and Feel” in Morpho preferences doesn’t change appearance of menus Saurabh Garg 12/16/2004 01:08 PM Actions
1778 Morpho Bug New Normal Network icons missing after synchronizing Saurabh Garg 12/16/2004 01:09 PM Actions
1765 SEEK Bug In Progress Normal Investigate Hibernate for database and parser abstraction Aimee Stewart 11/08/2004 08:50 AM Actions
1763 SEEK Bug New Normal Strengthen SOAP server Aimee Stewart 11/08/2004 07:53 AM Actions
1761 SEEK Bug In Progress Immediate Update object model (v1.1.0) to more closely mirror TCS Aimee Stewart 11/29/2004 10:23 AM Actions
1749 Kepler Bug In Progress Normal Global toggle for port name display Matthew Brooke 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
1746 SEEK Bug In Progress Normal ENM IIIG - Saving GARP Rulesets for Climate Variation Calcs Jing Tao 01/04/2005 11:04 AM Actions
1735 SEEK Bug In Progress Normal ENM IIK - Assemble entire GARP layer input workflow Dan Higgins 08/17/2005 01:12 PM Actions
1729 SEEK Bug In Progress Normal ENM IIC3 - Initial Preparation of Hydro1K data Chad Berkley 11/16/2004 02:47 PM Actions
1728 SEEK Bug In Progress Normal ENM IIC2 - Initial Preparation of IPCC Climate Change Data Dan Higgins 08/17/2005 01:40 PM Actions
(1301-1325/1535) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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