



From 08/10/2002 to 09/08/2002


03:56 PM Bug #585 (Closed): internationalization needed in EML
We need ot investigate possible internationalizing EML. Maybe by using enabling
the use of 'lang' attributes.
Chad Berkley
03:36 PM Bug #584 (Resolved): RC1 release preparation tasks
Need to regenerate all png images for the RC1 release. Matt Jones
03:28 PM Bug #492: eml-literature changes needed
Presentation type added back in as requested. Changes for literature are now
complete. Marking bug RESOLVED FIXED.
Matt Jones


04:40 PM Bug #495: create FAQ for EML
James -- I'll develop an XSLT stylesheet to produce XML from your faq that can
be linked into the EML docs. I agree ...
Matt Jones
01:58 PM Bug #495: create FAQ for EML
I've checked the first real draft into cvs for comments, formatting, additions,
etc. I'm hoping someone will take on ...
James Brunt
04:34 PM Bug #544: issues about storageType and attributeDomain
Note from conference call:
some people think unit and attributeDomain should be optional, or that we need a
good def...
Matt Jones
04:30 PM Bug #558: paragraph tag needs formatting structure
OK, looks like people are pretty happy with TextType as it is, given that method
will be changed to accomodate the re...
Matt Jones
04:25 PM Bug #492: eml-literature changes needed
OK, undid my epiphany. ResourceGroup is back as a child of CitationType.
Still need to create a "Presentation" type...
Matt Jones


05:17 PM Bug #484: eml-attribute changes needed
In responding to a request from Chad to provide a sample metadata file from our
Xylographa tool, im finding a number...
Peter McCartney
11:38 AM Bug #556: change namespaces to include
done Chad Berkley
11:37 AM Bug #579: eml-docbook.xml doesn't validate
fixed the errors that were causing eml-docbook.xml not to validate. there were
just a few minor things like missing ...
Chad Berkley
08:53 AM Bug #482: eml-dataset changes needed
This comment is just a change to stop the automatic "needs attention" email.
The only aspect of this that directly ...
Peter McCartney
07:55 AM Bug #492: eml-literature changes needed

I'm trying hard to follow this bug's issues, but I'm struggling.
Running diffs on eml-literature.xsd 1.32 against 1...
Scott Chapal


10:29 AM Bug #544: issues about storageType and attributeDomain
Thanks for the comments on these data typing issues, Dan. There are two
distinct issues you raised, which I will add...
Matt Jones
09:20 AM Bug #482: eml-dataset changes needed
Reassigning to Peter because he is handling the eml-protocol changes. I think
this is already done in his PROPOSED_C...
Matt Jones
09:16 AM Bug #539: eml dataTable
Added two new optional fields, <alternateIdentifier> and <additionalInfo>. I
chose the name for the latter based on ...
Matt Jones


05:54 PM Bug #492: eml-literature changes needed
Thanks for the comments. I had not realized the technical implications of my
epiphany, so I'll change it back to the...
Matt Jones
04:06 PM Bug #492: eml-literature changes needed
re: technical items.
So how do i cite a paper or poster presented at xxth annual meeting of the
Ecological Socient...
Peter McCartney
02:37 PM Bug #492: eml-literature changes needed
Completed revisions to eml-literature. Here's a review of what I did (there's a
special surprise at the end :)...
Matt Jones
08:26 AM Bug #492: eml-literature changes needed
I agreed to handle this during the last conference call, so I'm reassigning the
bug to myself.
Matt Jones
11:10 AM Bug #566: change how eml.xsd imports resource modules
Changes were made and checked into cvs Peter McCartney
07:39 AM Bug #566: change how eml.xsd imports resource modules
I'm pretty sure this is already completed by Peter, so I am assigning it to him
to close out the bug if in fact the n...
Matt Jones
10:55 AM Bug #495: create FAQ for EML
I've added some more text and formatted the document. I've got a lot of editing
and polishing and some more answers t...
James Brunt
08:10 AM Bug #563: using xs:ID for id and packageId requires alpha character
No comments have surfaced on the change from xs:ID to xs:string for the
datatypes of our id attributes, so I am marki...
Matt Jones
08:07 AM Bug #486: eml-constraint changes needed
Fixed spelling issues. RESOLVED FIXED. Matt Jones


11:44 AM Bug #579: eml-docbook.xml doesn't validate
attached is the error message from xerxes. David Blankman
11:42 AM Bug #579 (Resolved): eml-docbook.xml doesn't validate
The docbook eml-docbook.xml produced by running ant docbook does not validate. David Blankman


09:56 AM Bug #365: Eml documentation for Seminars & LTER sites
Now that EML 2 is close to release, I can continue with this project. Since i
will be working one-on-one with LTER in...
David Blankman
08:13 AM Bug #495: create FAQ for EML
I would appreciate suggestions on the formatting. I have this homegrown one that
Matt did that I can modify to have s...
James Brunt


02:59 PM Bug #558: paragraph tag needs formatting structure
Tim, so I looked over your suggestions. Good overview. Thanks. Here's my
take... Either we can go simple and inclu...
Matt Jones
01:50 PM Bug #558: paragraph tag needs formatting structure
*** Bug 557 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Matt Jones
01:50 PM Bug #557: paragraph tag needs formatting structure
Resolving as duplicate, looks like I entered it twice accidentally.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 5...
Matt Jones
10:44 AM Bug #495: create FAQ for EML
James -- excellent start. I read it over and all of the questions are great.
The answers are good too :) Some of ...
Matt Jones
10:27 AM Bug #495: create FAQ for EML
I've added another page of questions from my yellow pad and some more answers.
Still unedited for the most part. Sinc...
James Brunt
09:12 AM Bug #495: create FAQ for EML
OK, but remember you asked for it - I'm still working from my yellow pad notes
and I haven't formatted it in XML yet ...
James Brunt


02:47 PM Bug #556: change namespaces to include
ok. That's fine. I've changed it to eml:// Chad Berkley
02:36 PM Bug #556: change namespaces to include
I think a more traditional format would be something like this:
This would put ...
Matt Jones
02:18 PM Bug #556: change namespaces to include
I changed the namespaces to be I'm not sure
if this is kosher or not. I looked a...
Chad Berkley
08:06 AM Bug #556: change namespaces to include
We agreed to this change in the conference call on 8/21/02. Chad is going to do
Chad Berkley
10:22 AM Bug #568 (Resolved): accomodation of stateful connection information.
This issue has two distinct, but often confused parts.
1) is it adequate to rely on an external convention (URL) ...
Peter McCartney
08:11 AM Bug #567 (Resolved): create a sample EML2.0 instance document
In the 8/21/02 conference call, it was agreed that Chad and Peter would create a
sample instance document of EML tha...
Chad Berkley
08:05 AM Bug #558: paragraph tag needs formatting structure
It was agreed in the conference call on 8/21/02 that Matt and Tim would look
over this issue and post possible soluti...
Chad Berkley


05:44 PM Bug #563: using xs:ID for id and packageId requires alpha character
Changed xs:ID to xs:string in all schema files. This allows numeric values for
the id values. The only down side of...
Matt Jones
01:56 PM Bug #495: create FAQ for EML
Excellent. And thanks. Can you attach what you already have to this bug so that
we can provide feedback? Also, we d...
Matt Jones
01:35 PM Bug #495: create FAQ for EML
I've been working on this and should have a draft ready in a couple of weeks -
I'll call for additional favorite FAQ'...
James Brunt
11:54 AM Bug #566 (Resolved): change how eml.xsd imports resource modules
Change eml.xsd to import resource-level modules as complex types rather than
ref pointers.
Peter McCartney


03:44 PM Bug #539: eml dataTable
I have no problem with either of these suggestions, and they could be useful.
If nobody objects, I'll go ahead and a...
Matt Jones
03:40 PM Bug #484: eml-attribute changes needed
Regarding precision (issue 8):
I think decimal precision works fine based on the example given. To the nearest
1/4 ...
Matt Jones
01:27 PM Bug #563 (Resolved): using xs:ID for id and packageId requires alpha character
It appears that all id's (id and packageId) must contain an alphabetic character
because we have defined them as xs:...
Matt Jones

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