



From 02/03/2009 to 03/04/2009


10:42 AM Bug #3787: Decide on better project management software/approach
More comments coming back from folks:
Atlassian Jira ( is a cool product that I think has ...
Michael Lee
10:26 AM Bug #3844: none-of-the-above community placeholder: EntryTool
Done. We have two of these. One is "CEGL.NoneExists" and one is "A.NoneExists" to reflect which item doesn't exist.... Michael Lee
10:19 AM Bug #3842: Standardization/filling out best classifications in new archive database
The import is done. All records in the old archive database and the Excel spreadsheet have been imported into the da... Michael Lee
10:06 AM Bug #3842: Standardization/filling out best classifications in new archive database
The Excel spreadsheet seems to invert fit scale from old cvs archive database. I'll import all records from there as... Michael Lee
07:02 AM Bug #3854 (Resolved): Fit may be reversed for some projects
We need to check fit to see if the numerical scale is reversed for some projects. Michael has compiled the sum of pl... Michael Lee


01:23 PM Bug #3842: Standardization/filling out best classifications in new archive database
community module has now been imported from vegbank, version 1.1.9:
some new references
all new commName recs
all ne...
Michael Lee
12:44 PM Bug #3843: Add new field for community classification framework
framework_id added to commInterpretation, archive version 1.1.8 in cvs-eep-archive. This points to reference. Michael Lee


06:02 AM Bug #3850 (Resolved): store drainage basin/HUC codes with plots
We need to store drainage basin/HUC codes with plots so that people can query by these and get plots out of interest. Michael Lee


07:58 AM Bug #3787: Decide on better project management software/approach
NCEAS has been using Trac lately. Trac was also suggested by a friend who used to work at Yahoo.
A friend from Natu...
Michael Lee


01:01 PM Bug #3847 (Resolved): enable export for analysis databases
Currently, the viewer can only export from entry and archive databases. A new routine that checks for the analysis d... Michael Lee
12:31 PM Bug #3846 (New): viewer-classification view
5) The viewer needs to eventually support building datasets, either selected
one-by-one or through a search (all in ...
Michael Lee
12:30 PM Bug #3845 (New): viewer-classification view and update
4) The viewer needs to be upgraded to both display and edit/annotate
classification information. We want to be able...
Michael Lee
12:30 PM Bug #3844 (Resolved): none-of-the-above community placeholder: EntryTool
3) We need a placeholder for "none of the above" when a plot does not fit into
ANY community within a particular fra...
Michael Lee
12:29 PM Bug #3843 (Resolved): Add new field for community classification framework
2) we need a framework for communities wherein we are placing a plot. This was
thought originally to go into commCl...
Michael Lee
12:28 PM Bug #3842 (Resolved): Standardization/filling out best classifications in new archive database
1) import a large amount of data from our excel spreadsheet tracking
classification into the archive database.
Michael Lee
12:27 PM Bug #3841 (Resolved): add fields to Excel v9 classification file
Forbes will be adding 3 fields to it: 1) date classified, 2) classifiers, and
3) status (0=do not import into archiv...
Michael Lee
12:26 PM Bug #3840 (New): Classification view/import/edit - CONTAINER BUG
Bob, Forbes, and I just talked on the phone about classification and there are a few things we would like to do (the ... Michael Lee


09:16 AM Bug #2869: Migrate OLD ARCHIVE to the NEW ARCHIVE
Topoposition and landform codes (letters) have been converted to new syntax in version v1.1.6.9 (COR_2009_02_16, today) Michael Lee


08:54 AM Bug #3787: Decide on better project management software/approach
MJ has been emailed about this too. Michael Lee
08:44 AM Bug #3799: Create taxon collection list inside the Entry Tool
Include fit and confidence as optional fields so that someone can indicate whether the identification was made based ... Michael Lee


08:27 AM Bug #3792: auto-embed errors for hand-error checking
Calculations are now done automatically in the entry tool to figure out how many errors to embed. I don't think this... Michael Lee


01:56 PM Bug #2560: Implement revision system for new revisions
Revision system now works on the new archive database. There are 3 tables of interest:
1) revision - this is from t...
Michael Lee


07:00 PM Bug #3792: auto-embed errors for hand-error checking
The entry tool can now embed errors automatically, version v227p0206_mid6.
I still need to work on an algorithm to f...
Michael Lee


02:19 PM Bug #3792: auto-embed errors for hand-error checking
I will see what I can do with this in the next few days to get ready for Noah. Michael Lee
02:19 PM Bug #3786: Hand Error checking improvements
trees and now fixed and will print onto letter sized paper. I will now be importing project 89 data and testing this... Michael Lee
12:41 PM Bug #3786: Hand Error checking improvements
issue 3) from comment #0 is fixed in v227p0204_mid6
issue 4) from comment #0 if fixed in v227p0204_mid6
issue 5) fr...
Michael Lee
10:37 AM Bug #3786: Hand Error checking improvements
(In reply to comment #0)

done (v227p0204_mid5): 2) On the tree stems, some error is causing the database to crash f...
Michael Lee
10:08 AM Bug #3795: Add row numbers in the collection box for cover data (herb data)
The import works well now, also. (entryTool, v227p0204_mid4).
Now, entry tool needs to track / X and Z for collecte...
Michael Lee
09:22 AM Bug #3795: Add row numbers in the collection box for cover data (herb data)
(In reply to comment #4)
> done (v227p0204_mid1): allow configuring of max number in x_otherOptions
> done (v227p0204...
Michael Lee
08:45 AM Bug #3795: Add row numbers in the collection box for cover data (herb data)
(In reply to comment #5)
Z will only be used in the entry tool, the following was removed from the protocol document,...
Michael Lee
07:07 AM Bug #3795: Add row numbers in the collection box for cover data (herb data)
(In reply to comment #2)
The last paragraph from comment #2 is split into 2 paragraphs:
On the datasheet, the "spec...
Michael Lee
10:07 AM Bug #3799: Create taxon collection list inside the Entry Tool
Need to track what has been collected (/, X) and subsequently updated (Z). Michael Lee


02:50 PM Bug #3795: Add row numbers in the collection box for cover data (herb data)
row numbers have been added to version v227p0203_mid1 of the entry tool.
They autopopulate, but are updatable. Maxi...
Michael Lee
01:28 PM Bug #3795: Add row numbers in the collection box for cover data (herb data)
Now I need to implement row numbers in the entry tool. Michael Lee
01:28 PM Bug #3795: Add row numbers in the collection box for cover data (herb data)
The following has been added to the protocol document, because nothing about collecting unknowns was in the document.... Michael Lee
12:12 PM Bug #3795: Add row numbers in the collection box for cover data (herb data)
beta version of datasheets posted to:
Michael Lee
08:48 AM Bug #3430: Create 1-pager instructions for each level (workshop '08)
on the backburner Michael Lee
08:48 AM Bug #3418: Open ended picklists (workshop '08)
on the backburner Michael Lee
08:48 AM Bug #2666: ready for DBA: Project 76 (Elizabeth City, NC): 52 plots
the data prep bugs are waiting on taxonomic IDs before we can migrate, so I am marking these as things I'm not curren... Michael Lee
08:48 AM Bug #2665: Ready for DBA process: Project 75 (Singletary Lake, NC): 52 plots
the data prep bugs are waiting on taxonomic IDs before we can migrate, so I am marking these as things I'm not curren... Michael Lee
08:48 AM Bug #2664: 5 errs remain: Project 74 (Cape Fear Riparian): 62 plots
the data prep bugs are waiting on taxonomic IDs before we can migrate, so I am marking these as things I'm not curren... Michael Lee
08:48 AM Bug #2662: Unfolding: Project 64 (Brunswick Co. NC): 88 plots
the data prep bugs are waiting on taxonomic IDs before we can migrate, so I am marking these as things I'm not curren... Michael Lee
08:48 AM Bug #2661: comments in XLS resolve: Project 63 (Francis Marion NF): 54 plots
the data prep bugs are waiting on taxonomic IDs before we can migrate, so I am marking these as things I'm not curren... Michael Lee
08:47 AM Bug #2722: Create datasets in viewer
I think almost everything here is handled, at least in a rough-draft manner, except for building datasets. So I'm co... Michael Lee
08:24 AM Bug #3791: Track project completeness
The viewer (version v203_p0203-b01) can now attach to a series of databases, both archive and entry, and extract stat... Michael Lee

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