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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
7189 Bug New Normal memory leak in Manager Christopher Brooks 05/22/2017 04:56 PM Actions
6893 Bug New Low DateToken value inconsistent Christopher Brooks 12/04/2015 09:18 AM Actions
4281 Bug In Progress Normal ant update produces message about running svn cleanup Christopher Brooks 08/30/2015 04:13 PM Actions
4801 Bug In Progress Normal out of memory jianwu jianwu 08/23/2015 02:29 PM Actions
5249 Bug In Progress Immediate test kepler for memory leaks jianwu jianwu 08/23/2015 02:28 PM Actions
4642 Bug New Normal memory usage & slowdowns jianwu jianwu 08/23/2015 02:28 PM Actions
5153 Bug New Normal Save As... closes all windows associated with a workflow Derik Barseghian 08/23/2015 02:26 PM Actions
5444 Bug In Progress Normal Kepler can't run workflow if two instances exist at same time Daniel Crawl 08/23/2015 02:26 PM Actions
4978 Bug In Progress Normal Create additional 'module' property for any menu entries that are inserted by non-core modules Derik Barseghian 08/23/2015 02:23 PM Actions
5290 Bug New Normal originModule not always set Daniel Crawl 08/23/2015 02:23 PM Actions
5590 Bug New Normal RExpression forces pdf if 'automatically show graphics' is checked ben leinfelder 08/21/2015 04:16 PM Actions
5664 Bug New Normal Check for duplicate code Christopher Brooks 08/21/2015 04:15 PM Actions
5652 Bug New Normal Geon Scp and spa Ssh2Exec have duplicate code. Daniel Crawl 08/21/2015 04:07 PM Actions
5333 Bug New Normal 2.2 rc3: getenv("") doesn't work for mac installation. Daniel Crawl 08/21/2015 04:03 PM Actions
5699 Bug New Normal Change the workflow scheduler server documentation link in the workflow-scheduler-gui module Jing Tao 08/21/2015 03:57 PM Actions
5689 Bug New Low remove configs/.../configuration.xml override Daniel Crawl 08/21/2015 03:54 PM Actions
6588 Bug New Normal R actor does not have error for missing output ben leinfelder 08/21/2015 03:54 PM Actions
6575 Feature New Normal reference parameters in R actor's script ben leinfelder 08/21/2015 03:54 PM Actions
6614 Bug New Normal parameter editor background color different on Linux Derik Barseghian 08/21/2015 03:44 PM Actions
5510 Bug New Normal On Ubuntu, Kepler can disappear from the dock while still running Derik Barseghian 08/19/2015 10:47 AM Actions
5581 Bug New Normal Make UI improvements to Components Download Derik Barseghian 08/19/2015 10:41 AM Actions
5276 Bug New Normal component search performance is poor Jing Tao 08/19/2015 10:41 AM Actions
5645 Bug New Normal kar uploading should need user account. Derik Barseghian 08/19/2015 10:40 AM Actions
5586 Bug New Normal Get newest version of local files in EML actor Jing Tao 08/19/2015 10:39 AM Actions
5577 Bug New Normal EML 2 Dataset actor EML File and Data File parameters should accept URLs Jing Tao 08/19/2015 10:39 AM Actions
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