From 08/30/2000 to 09/28/2000
- 11:55 AM Bug #154: change INSERT to fail if docid exists
- DONE as suggested from Dan:
prevent insertion and show a message if Accession# is provided
and is already in use - 11:01 AM Bug #154 (Resolved): change INSERT to fail if docid exists
- Higgins writes:
I have a suggestion for a change in the behavoir of Insert commands in Metacat.
Presently, if one ...
- 12:47 PM Bug #48: need an option to do xml indexing asynchronously
- Need a way to show a response of the work done by that thread
- 09:11 AM Bug #130: remove the title hack from metacat
- Because of complications with the dmanclient this will be fixed sometime after
the kdi meeting. - 08:31 AM Bug #31: need dataset id reference from metadata
- Added datasetid to resource. Also, the package dtd and schema are defined and
implemented in metacatServlet. - 08:23 AM Bug #113: need "dataset oriented" html interface for results
- Created a backtracking scheme derived from relationships entered under the
package dtd. The servlet parameter return...
- 03:39 PM Bug #35: SRB RMI server doesn't authenticate after first connection
- This big has been fixed, but needs to be revisited with changes added to srb
1.1.8 - 10:51 AM Bug #46: metacat insert fails on some documents
- I talked with Dan. It seems us that this bug disappeared - probably was fixed
somehow. - 10:28 AM Bug #30: get dataguide function needed by client
- It is already DONE and used by dmanclient appl.
- 08:17 AM Bug #128: change resource public ID in the catalog
- this was added 9/25/00. It was also added to the loadstylesheets.sql file.
- 01:52 PM Bug #152 (Resolved): Port SRB1_1_8 changes to Linux x86
- Port SRB1_1_8 changes to Linux x86. SRB1_1_7 has been ported to run on Linux,
but in parallel to changes made to SR...
- 04:09 PM Bug #151 (Resolved): need doctype equivalence specification
- Metadata document types will certainly evolve, and as they do, some applications
that depend on those types will bre... - 04:05 PM Bug #150 (Resolved): metacat accepts invalid documents
- Currently, the metacat servlet accepts documents that are not valid according to
their type. We need to change this... - 04:00 PM Bug #147: return partial resultsets
- Feature was already described by berkley.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 129 *** - 03:39 PM Bug #147 (Resolved): return partial resultsets
- Need feature in metacat that allows the client to specify if only a partial
resultset should be returned for a query... - 04:00 PM Bug #129: Metacat Performance: paged Query Returns
- *** Bug 147 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
- 03:57 PM Bug #149 (Resolved): Need revision number to uniquely specify docid
- The xml_documents.docid field is currently used to store the metadata identifier
for all xml documents. However, ou... - 03:43 PM Bug #92: need access control tracking for metadata documents
- Changed target milestone to Beta2
- 03:42 PM Bug #148 (Resolved): node-level granularity for ACLs
- Feature requested to be able to specify ACLs with node-level granularity, so
that portions of XML documents can be r... - 03:16 PM Bug #138 (Resolved): use LDAP as optional directory for authentication
- May be powerful to use an LDAP server or network to handle authentication rather
than the current MCAT authenticatio... - 03:13 PM Bug #137 (Resolved): need admin client for managing SRB systems
- Need an adminsitrative utility modeled after the srb admin utility for managing
the distributed srb network, users o...
- 01:07 PM Bug #131 (Resolved): add doctype identifier to returnfields
- a returnfield should not only include the path to an element but also the
doctype from which it should be selected. ... - 01:05 PM Bug #130 (Resolved): remove the title hack from metacat
- Remove the "hack" that puts the title of a document into the xml_documents table
and replace it with a returnfield t... - 01:02 PM Bug #129 (Closed): Metacat Performance: paged Query Returns
- If a query returns more than n results, then only n results should be shown to
the user at a time. This functionali... - 01:00 PM Bug #128 (Resolved): change resource public ID in the catalog
- The public ID of eml-resource documents needs to be changed in the catalog to
fit with the standard syntax of public... - 12:58 PM Bug #97: combine printExtendedSQL and printSQL methods into one
- At this time, I think it is better to leave the two methods seperate. It is
cleaner to do it this way because even i... - 12:52 PM Bug #113: need "dataset oriented" html interface for results
- *** Bug 28 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
- 12:51 PM Bug #113: need "dataset oriented" html interface for results
- This addition to the functionality will be aided by the completion of the
package spec. Packaging can be used to cre... - 10:55 AM Bug #113 (Resolved): need "dataset oriented" html interface for results
- The current HTML interface displays result sets as a table, with all metadata
documents displayed. We need to modi... - 12:52 PM Bug #28: need doctype backtracing/linking feature as part of doctype filter
- same as bug 113
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 113 *** - 12:50 PM Bug #98: add download action to marineservlet
- This functionality was added to metacatservlet. It can be accessed through
marine. - 12:49 PM Bug #114: need interface for package info and downloading
- The packaging functionality is now working. Functionality for downloading a zip
file containing all of the package f... - 10:57 AM Bug #114 (Resolved): need interface for package info and downloading
- Need to modify the current HTML interface for marine to allow display of the
"package" relationships and allow for ... - 11:09 AM Bug #117 (Resolved): need new HTML interface allowing boolean search
- Need a new HTML interface for the marine servlet that allows construction of a
simple boolean expression for search...
- 08:07 AM Bug #99: add getDocumentAction to marineServlet
- This action was added. A style sheet for resource documents was also written.
- 08:05 AM Bug #100: add viewabstract action to metacatServlet
- This functionality now works. It uses a CGI parameter called abstractpath to
identify the xml path to the abstract. - 08:04 AM Bug #109: query speed slows as database grows
- Changed the queries to reduce the number of subqueries which increased the speed
of the query signifigantly.
- 05:40 PM Bug #109: query speed slows as database grows
- Reassigned to berkley.
- 05:16 PM Bug #111: reading large documents from metacat is slow
- Fixed document reading bug (bugzilla bug #111) so that reading documents is
no longer a power function of the number ...
- 02:24 PM Bug #55: change order of fields
- The order was changed
- 02:23 PM Bug #54: title and altitle fields are too small
- Changed the size of the fields to 30 characters.
- 02:23 PM Bug #53: Interface does not look good in 800x600
- Changed the interface to work better with lower resolutions. Fonts were made
smaller and buttons and text boxes were... - 01:04 PM Bug #111 (Resolved): reading large documents from metacat is slow
- Reading documents from metacat seems to scale with document size, and gets to be
extremely slow for even medium size... - 12:58 PM Bug #110 (Resolved): foreign keys to xml_catalog
- The current uses of public identifiers in the xml_documents and xml_revisions
tables do not explicity reference xml_...
- 11:36 AM Bug #109 (Resolved): query speed slows as database grows
- As the database grows in size, the speed at which a query result is returned
becomes greater. The database size to ...
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