



From 02/24/2007 to 03/25/2007


03:33 PM Bug #2806 (Resolved): Online Edit action for a data package brings up a blank page
A data package can not be edited using the Online NCEAS Data Repository ( ). I tried data p... Callie Bowdish


10:41 AM Bug #2738: Announcement for when server will be unavialble
FIXED, will be incorporated into process. Matt Jones
10:39 AM Bug #2738: Announcement for when server will be unavialble
FIX by:
1) post announcements of maintenance to KNB website
2) Check for session activity before restarting server
Matt Jones
10:40 AM Bug #2690: Fully document the spatial option
Spatial documentaiton is reasonable but could use more details. Moving bug to 1.8. Matt Jones
10:31 AM Bug #2716: KNB Data Catalog Map does not display points
Fixed by synchronizing for multithreaded access to the shapefile. Matt Jones


11:09 AM Bug #2805 (Resolved): Metacat Performance: updates from Morpho of data packages are taking longer than five minutes
When a data set is saved online it is a quick process. However, when it is saved or updated using Morpho it can take ... Callie Bowdish


11:42 AM Bug #2804: Nested Elements Cause the Returned Data to Be Truncated.
A possible solution is to require Kepler (or whatever the uploading agent is) to use entities to hide the HTML tags. ... David Sledge
11:27 AM Bug #2804 (Closed): Nested Elements Cause the Returned Data to Be Truncated.
Metacat doesn't handle values with nested elements well. Given the following:
David Sledge


03:07 PM Bug #2797 (Resolved): Character set (charset) problem when filling out form
The ESA data repository form has a problem whem people enter a number of different characters. It might look right wh... Callie Bowdish


05:06 PM Bug #2796 (Resolved): ESA registry gets locked into searching KNB
The ESA registry webpage gets stuck into always searching the KNB for queries after an initial search across the enti... Will Tyburczy


11:32 AM Bug #2675: column "infinity" does not exist
This bug was caused by "infinity" is one of reserved word in Java Double class. In xml_nodes table, we have a new att... Jing Tao
08:40 AM Bug #2792 (Rejected): KNB home link needed on the Map Page
The KNB Data Catalog Map page ( ) has a differnt "header" or banner set u... Callie Bowdish


03:58 PM Bug #2648: Update broken LTER link in web templates
Updated url in template ldapRegisterLter.tmp Chris Barteau


10:37 AM Bug #2785 (Resolved): NCEAS project list does not update from the NCEAS admin database
The NCEAS Data Repository has a form page that uses a drop down choice box. NCEAS (Online form - http://knb.ecoinfor... Callie Bowdish
08:58 AM Bug #2647: ESA registry doesn't have LTER in login dropdown menu
LTER added to the organization list Will Tyburczy


11:09 AM Bug #2764: LDAP client should handle referral failure correctly
The reason is the ldapweb.cgi called "die" command if a ldap server is down and obviously appache is not good at the ... Jing Tao
10:06 AM Bug #2769: XPath Returnfields
We don't fully support XPath syntax. Maybe we need this feature as well, but its lower prioroty than other bugs and ... Matt Jones
10:01 AM Bug #2734: Duplicates between organizations and more than one organization listed as a owner
Very similar to #2228.
Really probably need an external annotation support to make this work.
Matt Jones


03:57 PM Bug #2716: KNB Data Catalog Map does not display points
According to my search and conversation with Matt Perry, the problem is we use shape file to store the geo informatio... Jing Tao
10:01 AM Bug #129: Metacat Performance: paged Query Returns
See for an excellent discussion of strategies for query paging us... Matt Jones

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