From 06/28/2008 to 07/27/2008
- 07:08 PM Bug #3059: EML citation section should include both organizationNames and individualNames
- this is not good...the citation on ESA site looks like this:
note that... - 06:54 PM Bug #3059: EML citation section should include both organizationNames and individualNames
- we should address this in the token-replacement goodness of 1.9
- 06:52 PM Bug #2692: Use .jsp and reduce token usage in skins
- this is being handled globally by the 1.9 release.
- 06:49 PM Bug #2847: returnfields need full xpath support
- (btw, those <p>, <i> and <b> tags look like html - maybe they should be surrounded by CDATA?)
- 06:47 PM Bug #2847: returnfields need full xpath support
- after discussing this in the 1.9 triage meeting, it was decided that this will not be implemented. Returning _ALL_ t...
- 06:45 PM Bug #3463 (New): Registry upload: include organization/skin Keywords dropdown
- When datapackages are added using the [Perl] registry, the constrained keywords should be included in the metadata in...
- 06:41 PM Bug #3249: Install web registry for SANParks and SAEON skins
- this was done on top of 1.8.X - retargeting and creating a new bug for the second part of this bug (automatic keyword...
- 06:39 PM Bug #3249: Install web registry for SANParks and SAEON skins
- This is partially implemented in sanparks and saeon skins.
The registry is installed and functioning, but the automat... - 06:35 PM Bug #2796: ESA registry gets locked into searching KNB
- checked change (esa/index.jsp) into (new subversion repo!) to set the form action correctly depending on the checked ...
- 05:48 PM Bug #2796: ESA registry gets locked into searching KNB
- definitely still a problem - doesn't look that hard to fix...perhaps an "else" when the search all of KNB radio is no...
- 06:34 PM Revision 4164 (metacat): prevent subsequent queries from going to KNB when not selected to do so. fixes bug:
- 03:40 PM Bug #3462 (Resolved): Maps do not display in Firefox version 3
- Mapbuilder does not display maps on firefox version 3
- 03:17 PM Bug #3146: Include FGDC metadata in KNB and NCEAS skin search results
- *** Bug 2370 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
- 03:17 PM Bug #2370: add query and display support for BDP/FGDC metadata
- while triaging for 1.9 release we determined that this has been resolved as of metacat 1.8.1
see bug 3146
*** This b... - 01:57 PM Bug #3461 (Resolved): create simple turnkey installer for metacat Phase I
- This phase of the installer is a war install.
- 01:54 PM Bug #421: create simple turnkey installer for metacat Phase II
- Phase II is the completion of turnkey installer, including the installer utilities themselves
- 01:30 PM Bug #3367: Harvester stores passwords in clear text
- It would be best if we didn't store this password at all. Reassigning to Duane to determine why we are storing redun...
- 12:57 PM Revision 4163 (metacat): Change the metacat section to read Metacat Global Properties
- 11:28 AM Bug #3460 (New): remove lsid section from citation section of xsl for skins OTHER than ESA
- Currently only the ESA domain is set up to work with lsid. We need to delete the lsid section from the stylesheets th...
- 01:55 PM Revision 4162 (metacat): Add to distribution
- 01:54 PM Revision 4161 (metacat): move allowed submitters and denied submitters to main properties configuration section.
- 01:53 PM Revision 4160 (metacat): Add support for separate LDAP and organization level configurations, and add pisco test user accounts
- 01:52 PM Revision 4159 (metacat): Add support for separate LDAP and organization level configurations
- 01:52 PM Revision 4158 (metacat): Get organization list from new OrganizationUtil class
- 01:51 PM Revision 4157 (metacat): Add description under form fields
- 01:50 PM Revision 4156 (metacat): remove <p> formatting
- 01:47 PM Revision 4155 (metacat): Fix the db script suffix.
- 02:20 PM Revision 4154 (metacat): Add functionality to allow developer to bypass configuration utility
- 02:19 PM Revision 4153 (metacat): Populate password (hidden) on configuration form
- 02:18 PM Revision 4152 (metacat): add dev.runConfiguration value
- 09:21 AM Revision 4151 (metacat): Add debug statements
- 09:20 AM Revision 4150 (metacat): Extend TestCase. Fix accountnum property getter.
- 09:19 AM Revision 4149 (metacat): Extend MCTestCase
- 09:18 AM Revision 4148 (metacat): Add empty constructor
- 09:15 AM Revision 4147 (metacat): Exclude MCTestCase base class from test build
- 10:06 AM Revision 4146 (metacat): Add verbose debug statements. These are toggled by the test.printdebug property in
- 10:02 AM Revision 4145 (metacat): Extend MCTestCase to handle initialization of PropertyService
- 09:37 AM Revision 4144 (metacat): add deploy directory section
- 09:36 AM Revision 4143 (metacat): Remove quotes surrounding eml property values
- 09:33 AM Revision 4142 (metacat): Create TestCase base class that makes sure PropertyService is instantiated and implements a debug() method that allows us to print to stderr
- 09:32 AM Revision 4141 (metacat): FIx comments for getContextDir to reflect that we no long append webapps to the path
- 09:30 AM Revision 4140 (metacat): Add sql debug statements
- 09:30 AM Revision 4139 (metacat): Use SystemUtil.getContextDir() instead of constructing directory path.
- 03:39 PM Revision 4135 (metacat): fixed bug where the searchmode param was put into the search fields
- 11:58 AM Revision 4132 (metacat): Differentiate between tomcat directory and deployment directory.
- 10:16 AM Revision 4127 (metacat): Replace Options class with PropertyService and create PropertyService using log directory name instead of servlet context
- 10:16 AM Revision 4126 (metacat): Use qualified test properties
- 10:11 AM Revision 4125 (metacat): Replace Options class with PropertyService
- 10:08 AM Revision 4124 (metacat): Create PropertyService using log directory instead of servlet context.
- 09:58 AM Revision 4123 (metacat): Append context url onto system id instead of server url.
- 09:55 AM Revision 4122 (metacat): Add a test.metacat.url value for testing and qualify other test properties with a test. prefix.
- 09:54 AM Revision 4121 (metacat): Copy properties metadata files to test directories during testprep so we can use PropertyService in tests.
- 05:04 PM Revision 4118 (metacat): remove sql update files from dist target
- 01:42 PM Revision 4117 (metacat): Add default skin to available skins
- 01:41 PM Revision 4116 (metacat): Add skins properties files to default skin
- 01:41 PM Revision 4115 (metacat): Clean up the way default radio works
- 01:40 PM Revision 4114 (metacat): add default dev.deploy.dir
- 10:11 AM Revision 4110 (metacat): Move references to sql scripts into the WEB-INF directory.
- 10:10 AM Revision 4109 (metacat): Add method to return a map of db script suffixes from
- 10:09 AM Revision 4108 (metacat): Fix backup file pathing issues. Modify checkAndSetProperty to get skin specific values from request.
- 10:08 AM Revision 4107 (metacat): implement getPropertiesByGroup() method
- 10:06 AM Revision 4106 (metacat): Implement form submittal processing.
- 10:05 AM Revision 4105 (metacat): use to determine script suffixes
- 10:04 AM Revision 4104 (metacat): replace <script>.sql files with <script>-oracle.sql files since the base files are implicitly oracle scripts
- 10:03 AM Revision 4103 (metacat): Add a value element to form dropdowns
- 10:03 AM Revision 4102 (metacat): Remove file and replace with
- 10:01 AM Revision 4101 (metacat): Add db script suffix properties
- 10:00 AM Revision 4100 (metacat): Clean up formatting on configuration pages
- 09:35 AM Revision 4099 (metacat): add dev.deploy.dir. remove jdbc_base.
- 09:34 AM Revision 4098 (metacat): Add db jars to the war. Remove db upgrade sections. Reformat properties.
- 03:39 PM Revision 4091 (metacat): Change default-style property to application.default-style
- 03:37 PM Revision 4090 (metacat): include eml201_document_corrected=false property that was lost in merge
- 03:36 PM Revision 4089 (metacat): Align submit buttons
- 03:01 PM Revision 4088 (metacat): change request attribute name from metaCatVersion to metacatVersion
- 02:16 PM Revision 4087 (metacat): Add addProperty and addPropertyNoPersist for new properties
- 01:58 PM Revision 4086 (metacat): use build.tomcat.dir to get to tomcat jar
- 01:50 PM Revision 4085 (metacat): Backup properties should use addProperty, not setProperty
- 01:49 PM Revision 4084 (metacat): Add GeneralPropertyException to property setters
- 01:44 PM Revision 4083 (metacat): Remove default from ldap administrator
- 01:43 PM Revision 4082 (metacat): Reformat Checkbox
- 09:32 AM Revision 4081 (metacat): Add missing closing tag to comment out database update targets
- 11:38 AM Bug #3402: internal dtds are not handled
- I have fixed this problem in the SMS branch so that any file that is uploaded via the insertMultipart action can be r...
- 04:09 PM Revision 4078 (metacat): Commented out the servlet for HarvesterServlet.
- 04:03 PM Revision 4077 (metacat): *** empty log message ***
- 11:55 AM Revision 4076 (metacat): more improvements to the UI
- 11:46 AM Bug #3113: Metacat performance: saves from mopho are slow
- The latest update fixed this. A posgresql configuration change for the new version of posgresql fixed the problem
- 10:29 AM Revision 4071 (metacat): fixed bug in prev/next buttons
- 04:41 PM Revision 4047 (metacat): *** empty log message ***
- 04:39 PM Revision 4046 (metacat): added a tabbed interface
- 04:32 PM Revision 4045 (metacat): *** empty log message ***
- 04:26 PM Revision 4044 (metacat): selected tabs
- 04:22 PM Revision 4043 (metacat): *** empty log message ***
- 04:14 PM Revision 4042 (metacat): new graphics for the tabs
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