





Apply Clear

# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
7152 Task Resolved Normal Identifier filter should search the 'documents' and 'resourcemap' fields too Lauren Walker 11/04/2016 11:06 AM Actions
7151 Task Resolved Normal Take out "Only results with data" filter from the Arctic Data Center theme until Solr issue has been fixed Lauren Walker 11/04/2016 11:06 AM Actions
7056 Task Closed Normal Investigate schema-based JS object generation Chris Jones 09/30/2016 02:05 PM Actions
7050 Task Resolved Normal Develop the 'Add a Nested Dataset' use case Lauren Walker 09/28/2016 01:30 PM Actions
7049 Task Resolved Normal Develop the 'View Public Metadata' use case Lauren Walker 09/27/2016 09:53 AM Actions
7048 Task Resolved Normal Develop the 'Update Metadata' use case Lauren Walker 09/27/2016 09:52 AM Actions
7047 Task Closed Normal Develop the 'Add Metadata' use case Chris Jones 07/13/2016 01:34 PM Actions
7046 Task Closed Normal Develop the 'Remove a file' use case Chris Jones 07/11/2016 02:58 PM Actions
7045 Task Closed Normal Develop the 'Rename a file' use case Chris Jones 07/11/2016 11:25 AM Actions
7044 Task Closed Normal Develop the 'Upload Data' use case Chris Jones 07/06/2016 02:46 PM Actions
7043 Task Resolved Normal Develop use case documents for basic editor functions Chris Jones 09/30/2016 02:06 PM Actions
7042 Task Resolved Normal Develop mockup images for editor use cases Chris Jones 09/30/2016 02:02 PM Actions
7041 Task Resolved Normal Develop a design document to steer software development. Chris Jones 09/30/2016 02:06 PM Actions
7006 Task Resolved Normal UX testing of MN data service mockups Lauren Walker 03/30/2016 10:42 AM Actions
6993 Task Resolved Normal Remove Publish with DOI button from Arctic theme Lauren Walker 03/22/2016 04:20 PM Actions
6992 Task Resolved Normal Replace 'authenticatoin_token' text depending on deployment environment Lauren Walker 05/10/2016 03:10 PM Actions
6986 Task Resolved Normal Remove CILogon from Arctic theme 03/17/2016 02:31 PM Actions
6985 Task Resolved Normal Add submenus to arctic theme and style the same as their WP Lauren Walker 03/21/2016 05:49 PM Actions
6983 Task Resolved Normal Put new navigation in theme, after it is finalize with team Lauren Walker 03/16/2016 05:45 PM Actions
6979 Task Resolved Normal Add Slaask chat widget Lauren Walker 03/15/2016 06:00 PM Actions
6977 Task Resolved Normal Replace registry login form with metacatUI auth token sign in form Lauren Walker 03/11/2016 04:36 PM Actions
6975 Task Resolved Normal Wait for user model status before sending register-dataset.cgi requests Lauren Walker 03/11/2016 04:36 PM Actions
6974 Task Resolved Normal Check auth token before Modify registry form is loaded Lauren Walker 03/14/2016 01:53 PM Actions
6964 Task Resolved Normal Remove LTERN as a CiLogon example in the login popup Lauren Walker 02/23/2016 11:52 AM Actions
6946 Task Resolved Normal Create mockup of the services display in metadata and search result views Lauren Walker 08/03/2016 10:17 AM Actions
6940 Task Resolved Normal Turn off the settings panel of the user profile page in non-DataONE themes Lauren Walker 01/13/2016 05:20 PM Actions
6934 Task Resolved Normal Apply partial COUNTER compliant filters, not full Lauren Walker 01/11/2016 12:13 PM Actions
6933 Task Works For Me Normal Download stats are wrong when logged in and viewing in Firefox Lauren Walker 01/12/2016 03:51 PM Actions
6932 Task Resolved Normal Metadata download stats are shown even though no metadata docs were uploaded by that person Lauren Walker 01/11/2016 03:55 PM Actions
6931 Task Resolved Normal User profile is grayed out sometimes even when activity is found Lauren Walker 01/11/2016 05:09 PM Actions
6930 Task Resolved Normal Change downloads chart to bar chart with log scale Lauren Walker 01/11/2016 12:57 PM Actions
6927 Task Resolved Normal Display user email address in profile Lauren Walker 01/07/2016 11:08 AM Actions
6926 Task Resolved Normal Make group name/title in profile a link to the group profile Lauren Walker 01/07/2016 11:08 AM Actions
6925 Task Resolved Normal Add pager to the group members list Lauren Walker 01/12/2016 03:14 PM Actions
6922 Task Resolved Normal Create Member Node profiles Lauren Walker 01/07/2016 11:08 AM Actions
6921 Task Resolved Normal Show total amount of downloads underneath the username Lauren Walker 01/07/2016 11:08 AM Actions
6920 Task Resolved Normal Change format of "Contributor since.." in profile Lauren Walker 01/07/2016 11:08 AM Actions
6914 Task Resolved Normal Pending map request does not get removed from the UI when it is successfully confirmed Lauren Walker 01/12/2016 03:48 PM Actions
6902 Task Resolved Normal Final testing before tag Lauren Walker 12/15/2015 09:51 AM Actions
6896 Task Resolved Normal User is not signed out when session expires Lauren Walker 01/08/2016 12:36 PM Actions
6888 Task Resolved Normal Mock up 3 profiles to send to UA team Lauren Walker 11/30/2015 01:51 PM Actions
6878 Task Rejected Normal Only display the user profile page for yourself when you are logged in Lauren Walker 01/07/2016 11:08 AM Actions
6873 Task Resolved Normal Display the user's token instead of hiding it behind a "Generate Token" button Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6871 Task Resolved Normal Add more labeling to the account search inputs on portal pages Lauren Walker 01/07/2016 11:08 AM Actions
6870 Task Resolved Normal Search for LDAP accounts via email when mapping accounts and adding group members Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:47 PM Actions
6869 Task Resolved Normal Create mockups of the sign-in popup window Lauren Walker 11/18/2015 10:28 AM Actions
6856 Task Resolved Normal Display a list of groups the user is in on their profile Lauren Walker 01/07/2016 11:08 AM Actions
6851 Task Resolved Normal No notification is displayed after successful group creation Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6844 Task Resolved Normal Don't list yourself in the map identities autocomplete list Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6837 Task Resolved Normal Show ORCIDs in the autocomplete dropdowm when adding members to a group and mapping equiv identities Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6836 Task Resolved Normal Don't display "add member" for group members (non-owners) Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6835 Task Resolved Normal Show data owned by all equivalent identities of the logged-in user Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6830 Task Resolved Normal Show the owner of the group in the group list Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6807 Task Resolved Normal Enable direct links to sections of the user portal Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6806 Task Resolved Normal Display basic info such as first and last name in the group member list Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6804 Task Resolved Normal Get personal information from ORCID identifier Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6801 Task Resolved Normal Login failure from DataONE portal displays error message at portal location Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6790 Task Resolved Normal Download contents table is positioned oddly in Forefox38 on Windows 7 Lauren Walker 06/29/2015 04:28 PM Actions
6784 Task Resolved Normal Show a link to collapse the member node filter list after it has been expanded Lauren Walker 06/24/2015 04:20 PM Actions
6782 Task Resolved Normal Zooming into the map returns inconsistent results sometimes Lauren Walker 06/23/2015 11:13 AM Actions
6781 Task Resolved Normal Enable content proxying on the host running MetacatUI Lauren Walker 06/26/2015 11:18 AM Actions
6780 Task Resolved High Cross-origin resource sharing issues in IE and some versions of FF Lauren Walker 06/11/2015 04:24 PM Actions
6779 Task Resolved Normal Test high load conditions Lauren Walker 07/09/2015 03:50 PM Actions
6776 Task Resolved Normal Move the Google Map controls to the top-left corner Lauren Walker 06/08/2015 02:31 PM Actions
6775 Task Resolved Normal Filter list shows whited-out boxes on high resolution displays Lauren Walker 02/08/2016 01:08 PM Actions
6774 Task Resolved High Find bugs and inconsistencies in different browsers and OS Rachel Volentine 07/01/2015 09:56 AM Actions
6773 Task Resolved Normal Have a stable deployment of search interface and index for UA team testing by early July Lauren Walker 07/02/2015 09:35 AM Actions
6772 Task Resolved Normal Add "Jump to" and "Go to" input in navigation bar to jump to metadata page, given an ID Lauren Walker 06/18/2015 12:27 PM Actions
6771 Task Resolved Normal Identifier filter should query for partial matches Lauren Walker 06/08/2015 02:00 PM Actions
6770 Task Resolved Normal Test search interface with slow network connection Lauren Walker 06/23/2015 11:59 AM Actions
6766 Task Resolved Normal Navigating back to search results doesnt always have the same map zoom Lauren Walker 06/05/2015 10:15 AM Actions
6765 Task Resolved Normal Bugs with zooming in and out on the Gmaps interface Lauren Walker 06/23/2015 11:58 AM Actions
6763 Task Resolved Normal Member node filters are a little buggy 06/02/2015 03:59 PM Actions
6762 Task Resolved High User testing at DUG July 12 Lauren Walker 02/08/2016 01:08 PM Actions
6757 Task Resolved Normal Use the object name from the metadata in the prov charts Lauren Walker 11/04/2015 02:11 PM Actions
6753 Task Resolved Normal Clearing filters not working Lauren Walker 05/19/2015 04:39 PM Actions
6752 Task Rejected Low See if Gmaps can allow more precise zooming in Lauren Walker 06/26/2015 11:17 AM Actions
6751 Task Resolved Normal Replace the folder icon Lauren Walker 05/19/2015 04:17 PM Actions
6750 Task Resolved Normal Use the loading template in the search result list while it is loading Lauren Walker 05/19/2015 03:14 PM Actions
6749 Task Resolved Normal Taxon search not working in DataONE theme Lauren Walker 05/19/2015 04:48 PM Actions
6748 Task Resolved Normal The first data coverage year is not being used in the year slider Lauren Walker 05/20/2015 02:42 PM Actions
6747 Task Rejected Normal Check cross-browser visual consistency and functionality Lauren Walker 06/05/2015 09:10 AM Actions
6744 Task Resolved Normal Remove abstract from result row Lauren Walker 04/23/2015 12:09 PM Actions
6743 Task Resolved Normal Equivalent identities are messing with name display ben leinfelder 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6742 Task Resolved Normal Logged-in user's name is displaying in profile page instead of the user from the URL Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6741 Task Resolved Normal Display profile differently when the user hasn't uploaded anything yet Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6740 Task Resolved Normal Do not add the page number to the window location each time the DataCatalogView is rendered Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6739 Task Resolved Normal Add the capability to draw the DataCatalogView without the filters and map Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6738 Task Resolved Normal Restructure the DataCatalogView so that it can use a different search model Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6737 Task Rejected Normal Use Solr 4 subquerying to determine if a metadata doc is in a package with a prov trace Lauren Walker 11/04/2015 02:11 PM Actions
6736 Task Resolved Normal Add a helper tooltip to explain groups Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6735 Task Resolved Normal Generate a new API token on the user profile Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6734 Task Resolved Normal Show a list of apps that use the DataONE API and token Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6733 Task Resolved Normal Allow users to create a new group Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6732 Task Resolved Normal Allow user to add or remove members of a group if they are the owner Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6731 Task Resolved Normal Show a list of groups the user belongs to under the settings tab Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6730 Task Resolved Normal Show a "Settings" tab when the user is logged in Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6729 Task Resolved Normal Show a list of search results that the user submitted or is a rightsHolder of Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6728 Task Resolved Normal Show the first year the user contributed Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6727 Task Resolved Normal Get the name of the user from the CN Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
(1-100/226) Per page: 25, 50, 100

Also available in: Atom CSV PDF