


Robert Peet's activity

From 10/23/2006 to 11/21/2006


09:18 AM InfoVeg Bug #2652: Netscape & Firefox do not generate maps properly
Firefox 1.5 has the same issues as Netscape Robert Peet
07:14 AM InfoVeg Bug #2652 (Closed): Netscape & Firefox do not generate maps properly
If you generate a map with Netscape 8.1, the map never quite finishes. You do get a map, but you also get an hourgla... Robert Peet
07:38 AM InfoVeg Bug #2590: "get missing taxa" search
resolved Robert Peet
07:00 AM InfoVeg Bug #2590: "get missing taxa" search
Bug resolved Robert Peet
07:36 AM InfoVeg Bug #2656 (New): County lists should include ambiguous records
Currently ambiguous occurrences are not so annotated in the county lists. Also, ambiguous taxa are not handled proper... Robert Peet
07:29 AM InfoVeg Bug #2655 (Closed): Download county list
You can search by county to get a list of county records, or records missing in a county, but we have no way to downl... Robert Peet
07:28 AM InfoVeg Bug #2654 (Closed): Selection box for sources for county records
When you search by county, it is not clear which sources of county records are being used to generate the list. We sh... Robert Peet
07:10 AM InfoVeg Bug #2651 (Closed): font issues with various browsers
If you create a map of a taxon with IE 6.0 or 7.0, everything looks fine. However, if you create a map with either N... Robert Peet


11:29 PM InfoVeg Bug #2624: 43. Paging through large families.
bug resolved Robert Peet
11:27 PM InfoVeg Bug #2605: 24. Search all counties in a state
bug resolved Robert Peet


11:38 PM InfoVeg Bug #2643 (Closed): Search for name synonymized by Weakley
There is some unexplained inconsistency here, but in the end I see two types of errors resultsing from one situation.... Robert Peet
11:17 PM InfoVeg Bug #2637: RAB records of nominal variety occurrences have incomplete name
If you look at the RAB book you find a map for Ilex decidua and a map for Ilex decidua var. longipes. What RAB mean ... Robert Peet
11:06 PM InfoVeg Bug #2615: Failure to map WEWO and other non-NCU series in Specify
Example = Brassica nigra, which is an NCSC specimen in the NCU SPecify database. The colelctiosn show up as specimen... Robert Peet
07:14 PM InfoVeg Bug #2615: Failure to map WEWO and other non-NCU series in Specify
This bug refers to those NCSU specimens stored in the Specify database (a small number) and not to the larger number ... Robert Peet
11:01 PM InfoVeg Bug #2590: "get missing taxa" search
(N1-C1)+(N2-C2) = N4-C4 Robert Peet
10:56 PM InfoVeg Bug #2624: 43. Paging through large families.
that would solve the problem
Robert Peet
10:53 PM InfoVeg Bug #2619: Systematic error in determination of nominals
verified fixed Robert Peet
10:50 PM InfoVeg Bug #2627: Nominal concepts should not overlap Weakley concepts
verified fixed Robert Peet
10:42 PM InfoVeg Bug #2598: 17. Apostrophes
I assume this to be fixed - not sure where to check Robert Peet
10:41 PM InfoVeg Bug #2588: Specimen & Image lists should include infraspecific taxa
Verified fixed Robert Peet
10:38 PM InfoVeg Bug #2596: 15. Alphabetize synonyms
verified fixed Robert Peet
10:37 PM InfoVeg Bug #2634: Data source description errors
verified fixed Robert Peet
10:36 PM InfoVeg Bug #2616: 35. Click on county
verified fixed Robert Peet
10:34 PM InfoVeg Bug #2614: 33. Map source issues
verified fixed Robert Peet
10:33 PM InfoVeg Bug #2612: 31. Specimen data (fix typo)
verified fixed Robert Peet
10:32 PM InfoVeg Bug #2609: Erroneous assignment of ambiguous status
Note that Acer negundo Weakley < Acer negundo nominal.
1. Given this relationship, the NCSU specimens should not be ...
Robert Peet
06:10 PM InfoVeg Bug #2609: Erroneous assignment of ambiguous status
Rule: IF all children of A < or = some children of B THEN A<B
RKP: why not =OR<
Original Relationships:
1. Acer n...
Robert Peet
10:15 PM InfoVeg Bug #2607: 26. Misfunction on back-to-query button
verified fixed Robert Peet
10:11 PM InfoVeg Bug #2605: 24. Search all counties in a state
--all-- needs to move from the bottom of the list to the top Robert Peet
10:10 PM InfoVeg Bug #2601: Explanation of relationship symbols “>” and “<” reversed
ok, i think Robert Peet
10:06 PM InfoVeg Bug #2581: Children should occur in map of parent
Not yet fixed.
A search on Hymenocallis occidentalis has far fewer counties shaded than a seach on Hymenocallis occc...
Robert Peet
09:57 PM InfoVeg Bug #2613: 32. Trilliaceae (Missing)
verified fixed Robert Peet
09:55 PM InfoVeg Bug #2625: 44. Bug resolved
never a real bug here Robert Peet
09:55 PM InfoVeg Bug #2620: 39. Bug resolved
never a bug here Robert Peet
09:41 PM InfoVeg Bug #2600: ID number on the specimen & images pages needs revision
The problems seem to remain, particular with respect to images.
I will use examples based on Carya myristiciformis
Robert Peet
09:04 PM InfoVeg Bug #2639: Inferred relationships too broad
In the case of a species with varieties in Weakley, we must deduce the relationship of the Weakley species-level taxo... Robert Peet
08:54 PM InfoVeg Bug #2595: 14. The search box pick list seems to work inconsistently for species with infraspecific taxa.
bug verified fixed Robert Peet
08:39 PM InfoVeg Bug #2593: 12. On the Home page, the green color for "Other data sources" is not the same green
Verified fixed Robert Peet
08:38 PM InfoVeg Bug #2592: 11. The "Home" button should probably be changed to something like “About” ...
verified fixed Robert Peet
08:36 PM InfoVeg Bug #2591: 10. Image thumbnails use large files
verified fixed Robert Peet
08:33 PM InfoVeg Bug #2580: 1. Incorrect links to specimen images
Verified resolved Robert Peet
07:28 PM InfoVeg Bug #2597: Display of cultivated records should be optional
Xianhua reports this as fixed, but I cannot see anything changed (I checked on I checked Carya illino... Robert Peet


11:14 AM InfoVeg Bug #2641 (Closed): Split USDA into concept-based and nominal parts
This bug supports the efforts devoted to bug #2640, where the county record data will be split into two sets reflecti... Robert Peet
11:09 AM InfoVeg Bug #2640 (New): Identify USDA species without county distribution where other spp in genus have distribution
Look at PERSBOR s.s. with all those records for NC, SC, GA, AL that are
actually P. palustris. We need a solution.
Robert Peet


07:36 AM InfoVeg Bug #2639 (Closed): Inferred relationships too broad
The Carya glabra example reveals a new bug. All of USDA and RAB map
as ambiguous. This should not be the case beca...
Robert Peet
07:35 AM InfoVeg Bug #2638 (New): Ambiguous records should have details of ambiguity clickable
Discussion from Peter White with RKP responses:
> Makes we wonder if we need to parse the kinds of ambiguity. Is th...
Robert Peet
07:09 AM InfoVeg Bug #2637 (New): RAB records of nominal variety occurrences have incomplete name
Weakley writes:
Note all the yellow RAB dots for Ilex longipes, when longipes is unambiguously mapped by RAB as deci...
Robert Peet
06:48 AM InfoVeg Bug #2636: Better labels for ambiguous occurrences
Peter White writes:
I wonder if it should be Carya glabra AND/OR Carya ovalis. If the
record is based on lumping, b...
Robert Peet
01:35 AM InfoVeg Bug #2636 (Closed): Better labels for ambiguous occurrences
This is an upgrade; not an error.
Ambiguous identifications have a legend entry that states the name that was foun...
Robert Peet
02:17 AM InfoVeg Bug #2619: Systematic error in determination of nominals
This is closely related to bug 2627. In both cases the key issue is that nominal concepts must be either > or = all ... Robert Peet
02:09 AM InfoVeg Bug #2627: Nominal concepts should not overlap Weakley concepts
I reiterate that I think the definition of the nominal concept should be that concept that includes all the other con... Robert Peet
01:53 AM InfoVeg Bug #2617: 36. The Data Source tab

Seems like the programming would not be that hard if the current source page were maintained as a not visible page, ...
Robert Peet


03:26 PM InfoVeg Bug #2634 (Closed): Data source description errors
Two text errors on the data source description page.
1. The NCU description should be changed to read:
"Those sp...
Robert Peet
03:20 PM InfoVeg Bug #2633 (Closed): Remove search button from search page
Including the “Search” button on the search page itself seems unnecessary and potentially confusing to users. Robert Peet
03:18 PM InfoVeg Bug #2618: Server errors; incompatability with Windows 2000 OS
Seiberling reported "When using the Firefox browser, the map page gives an error message, “Unable to display MapSer... Robert Peet
03:11 PM InfoVeg Bug #2608: 27. Browser compatibility testing
The specific part of this bug related to crashes has been incorporated in bug 2618 (= but 37).
However, this does no...
Robert Peet
03:03 PM InfoVeg Bug #2604: 23. County and state pulldowns
Steve Seiberling reports:
The search page sometimes continues to be displayed for several moments after entering a ge...
Robert Peet
03:00 PM InfoVeg Bug #2581: Children should occur in map of parent
There remains a pervasive and important problem that a map of a taxon does not necessarily include its children. Thi... Robert Peet
01:41 PM InfoVeg Bug #2632: How to store one module plots - no subplots?
I vote to have only S for one module plots Robert Peet
01:27 PM InfoVeg Bug #2617: 36. The Data Source tab
27 Oct 06 Peter White sent RKP an email as follows: " One question on the atlas, that probably has come up and will b... Robert Peet

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