Bug #2054
closeduse of <any> in additionalMetadata is invalid
Johnoel from Hawaii also reported the same problem which Margaret reported
earlier while using latest version of XMLSpy2005 or oXygen to parse XML Schema
The error from oXygen is:
E cos-nonambig: "":describes and WC[##any] (or elements from their substitution
group) violate "Unique Particle Attribution". During validation against this
schema, ambiguity would be created for those two particles. eml.xsd 246:27
More information about this can be found here: http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-
Following text from the above page descibes what is happening:
We say that two non-group particles overlap if
- One is a wildcard and the other an element declaration, and the
{target namespace}
of the element declaration, or of any member of its equivalence
class <http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-xmlschema-1-20000407/#key-eq>,
is schema-valid with respect to the {namespace constraint}
of the wildcard.
So the schema that we have in EML is:
<xs:element name="describes" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"
<xs:any processContents="lax">
<xs:attribute name="describes" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="id" type="res:IDType" use="optional"/>
This is a problem because <xs:any> is a wildcard and could be anything
including <describes> itself. In particular a document which has following text
can confuse the parser
So here the parser doesnt know if the last <describes> tag should be
considered as <xs:any> or not.
(Though I think that as only one <xs:any> is possible, the last tag should be
takes as <xs:any> by default. But I must be missing something as both oXygen
and XMLSpy complain about this)
I was able to correct this error by doing the following
1. <describes> tag is required and can occur only once
<xs:element name="describes" type="xs:string">
<xs:any processContents="lax">
<xs:attribute name="id" type="res:IDType" use="optional"/>
2. describes is an attribute of additionalMetadata
<xs:any processContents="lax">
<xs:attribute name="describes" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="id" type="res:IDType" use="optional"/>
3. <xs:any> is inside the <describes> tag
<xs:element name="describes" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"
<xs:any processContents="lax">
<xs:attribute name="id" type="res:IDType" use="optional"/>
I think the first one would be the best in terms of minimum change to the
Related issues
Updated by Saurabh Garg almost 20 years ago
Actually 1 might not be best choice as Margaret told me that EML best practices
document recommends using multiple describes. So some LTER sites might already
be using this. Another option is to have something like this:
Updated by James Brunt almost 20 years ago
<additionalMetadata> is already unbounded though so making <describes>
required and solo seems the best option. Wouldn't be to hard to take
each <describes> and create a new <additionalMetadata> container for it
to retrofit existing documents. How many documents in metacat currently
use multiple <describes>?
Updated by Margaret O'Brien almost 20 years ago
addendum to Sid's comment #1
Currently, it's the eml-access documentation that shows multiple describes, and
it's not covered in the Best Practices doc yet.
However, I was wondering how best to describe the use of access trees for
individual tables in the additionalMetadata section. If the EML best practices
document included a section recommending usage as it currently stands, it will
probably be out of date soon. Can someone hazard a guess on what the solution
will be? Or should BestPractices not touch this tree yet? I was under the
impression that controlling access to tables separately from metadata was
important to some groups.
Updated by Matt Jones almost 20 years ago
I don't know how many use this feature, but the design was specifically done
that way to allow one metadata snippet to describe multiple elements in the
document. For example, someone might have a specialized metadata element in
additional metadata that describes 4 different entities in a data set. Making
"describes" have a cardinality of 1 would eliminate this feature, and force
someone to repeat the metadata snippet multiple times. Same problem would exist
for Sid's proposed solutions 2 and 3. Another potential solution is:
4. wrap the xs:any in another containing element, describes is repeatable
<xs:element name="describes" type="xs:string"
<xs:element name="metadata" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1">
<xs:any processContents="lax">
<xs:attribute name="id" type="res:IDType" use="optional"/>
This has the disadvantage of not preserving backwards-compatibility (but so
would the other potential solutions).
Updated by James Brunt almost 20 years ago
Matt's suggestion to create a <metadata> element seems OK to me - it's just as
easy as any of the others to retrofit maybe easier because you could just dump
the <any> into it without worrying about multiple <describes> that may or may
not be there. I guess I was confused about the use of <describes> then since it
was just a string - seems it was designed to be used like a triplet? seems like
if this is the purpose then it (<describes>) should be more constrained?
Updated by Matt Jones over 18 years ago
- Bug 2479 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Updated by John Cree over 18 years ago
Closing Comment on bug #2479 was the following:
"The workaround for the time being until a new version of EML is released is to
modify eml.xsd as described in bug #2054 in order to be able to proceed with
your schema mapping activity."
A number of workarounds have been suggested under this bug, #2054, so exactly which workaround is the recommended one, and exactly which portion of the existing schema should be replaced? Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Updated by Matt Jones over 18 years ago
Updated by John Cree over 18 years ago
If I replace the xml starting at:
<xs:element name="additionalMetadata" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
and ending with:
<xs:attribute name="id" type="res:IDType" use="optional"/>
with the snippet from Comment #4.
<xs:element name="describes" type="xs:string"
<xs:element name="metadata" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1">
<xs:any processContents="lax">
<xs:attribute name="id" type="res:IDType" use="optional"/>
, then eml.xsd, is still not well formed or valid. Validation in XMLSpy returns the following message: "xs:any closing element name expected.". Looking at the schema, I can see where this problem arises, but, not being an XML expert by any means, any of my attempts to correct to correct the lack of a closing element for <xs:any> result in more serious validation errors. Could somebody else try this out to verify the problem and provide a resolution. Thank-you.
Updated by Matt Jones over 18 years ago
Your right, there was a mistake in the snippet in comment #4 (xs:any end tag was mismatched). I've gone ahead and patched eml.xsd with a documented version of this soluttion in comment #4 and checked the patch into CVS. I will also attach a copy of the new modified eml.xsd and the diff with the previous version as an attachment to this bug for reference.