



From 05/14/2002 to 06/12/2002


11:15 PM Bug #483: eml-entity changes needed

Some comments:
the organization of eml-entity is confusing. Because it is largely used in
other modules, it desper...
Chris Jones
10:33 PM Bug #485: eml-physical changes needed
We had agreed that distribution would go in resource, and in physical. I don't
understand why you removed it. We nee...
Matt Jones
10:21 PM Bug #485: eml-physical changes needed

The distribution element underneath the individual entities such as dataTable is
redundant since Matt included distr...
Chris Jones
10:26 PM Bug #482: eml-dataset changes needed
I think you're off-base here :)
The contact role was removed from resource and specifically placed in the
Matt Jones
09:00 PM Bug #482: eml-dataset changes needed
In looking at eml-dataset as a whole, the contact+ seems redundant to me given
that creator, metadataProvider, and as...
Chris Jones


09:27 AM Bug #489: eml-protocol changes needed
the recursion of protocol back into itself was a possible solution i'd had to
the problem i mentioned of try...
Peter McCartney


08:12 PM Bug #489: eml-protocol changes needed
Lastly, it seems we should not use element refs pointing into imported schema
docs...instead follow the conve...
Chris Jones
08:03 PM Bug #489: eml-protocol changes needed
While reviewing eml-protocol, it all seemed to make sense, although I was
confused about the content/methodSt...
Chris Jones
01:09 PM Bug #484: eml-attribute changes needed
Here are some comments.
1) under storageType, the prefix xs: should not be expected since prefixes
for content mo...
Peter McCartney


01:48 PM Bug #484: eml-attribute changes needed
Sorry...typo in the last code snippet in my comments. should read:
<attributeListDefinition ...
Peter McCartney
01:46 PM Bug #484: eml-attribute changes needed
Here is the sample attribute file based on today's discussion It defines four
complext types:
Peter McCartney


02:41 PM Bug #492: eml-literature changes needed

1) LitCitation is a sequence containing a single choice. You can get rid of the
sequence -- it is unneeded.
DONE -...
Owen Eddins
02:39 PM Bug #492: eml-literature changes needed
finished documentation. Owen Eddins
12:57 PM Bug #484: eml-attribute changes needed
in trying to figure out how to integrate the STMML stuff into attribute to
handle units, I have thought about severa...
Chad Berkley


02:15 PM Bug #493: eml-software changes needed
still need to clean up comments Owen Eddins
01:37 PM Bug #492: eml-literature changes needed
still have clean up work with documentation Owen Eddins
12:29 PM Bug #488: eml-project changes needed
Thanks david. I have checked this in to CVS. Matt Jones
11:39 AM Bug #488: eml-project changes needed
Simplified structure of studyAreaDescription significantly. Deleted classification system. Classification systems wil... David Blankman
12:29 PM Bug #486: eml-constraint changes needed
David -- the element "ConstraintBase" is not needed. I eliminated it, and
checked in the modified version to CVS.
Matt Jones
11:15 AM Bug #486: eml-constraint changes needed
Removed "existence" element. Deleleted element "Cardinality"
Renamed "Cardinality 1 to N" to Cardinality. Created new...
David Blankman


03:36 PM Bug #249: Update XSLT stylesheets for EML 2.0 modules
Finished full set of stylesheetss for EML 2.0.0 Beta 6 and tagged them in CVS
as RELEASE_EML_2_0_0_BETA_6_REV1. Thi...
Matthew Brooke
10:57 AM Bug #429: add additional entity types to EML
Ok im working on two files - spatialVector and spatialRaster (the latter will
merge grid and image since both esri a...
Peter McCartney


04:14 PM Bug #485: eml-physical changes needed
revised version checked into cvs. This new version has considerably more
'structure' than previous version (borrowed ...
Dan Higgins
11:10 AM Bug #492: eml-literature changes needed
Ive looked at the latest attachement. here are my comments:
1) remove editors from editedBook. the creators ARE the ...
Peter McCartney


03:02 PM Bug #429: add additional entity types to EML
Here is an updates spatial reference. shortnames changed to long,
eml-documentation added (tooltip, summary, and sour...
Peter McCartney
01:40 PM Bug #498: check root element names for consistency
changed all roots to just the name of the file without eml- using camelCaps
where appropriate. I'm unsure what to do...
Chad Berkley


12:37 PM Bug #501: change in documentation structure
We haven't implemented these changes yet, so you don't really have to worry
about them in the current revs. There wa...
Matt Jones
11:28 AM Bug #501: change in documentation structure
Im not sure i follow this - is this a revision of the eml-documentation
elements that are going into appinfo? is the...
Peter McCartney
11:09 AM Bug #485: eml-physical changes needed
This attachment is NOT a proposed draft, but merely included to illustrate the
upper level organization i suggest in ...
Peter McCartney
11:06 AM Bug #485: eml-physical changes needed
The raster parsing info looks good. I have some notes that we put together
based in the Erdas import tools that i wi...
Peter McCartney
10:14 AM Bug #489: eml-protocol changes needed
Ok here is a copy with most of the changes Matt listed plus the addition of a
recursive call to protocol as third cho...
Peter McCartney
10:04 AM Bug #489: eml-protocol changes needed
Ok thanks for the comments. Ill clean up the technical things as suggested. But
im still troubled by the fundamental...
Peter McCartney
09:57 AM Bug #486: eml-constraint changes needed
We at one time made a separate model for indexes as they are also redundate
with , but different from, keys. Keys ca...
Peter McCartney
08:33 AM Bug #486: eml-constraint changes needed
1) I agree with Peter -- lets call it foreignKey.
2) the root element should be "constraint", not "eml-constraint", s...
Matt Jones
09:45 AM Bug #494: eml module changes needed for packaging changes
I've attached this schema just so that everyone has a chance to see one option
for eml.xsd. the assumptions made by t...
Peter McCartney
09:22 AM Bug #477: referencing complex types is not done consistently
There are problems with some software packages (castor for example) that arise
from elements and complex types havin...
Peter McCartney
09:00 AM Bug #493: eml-software changes needed
3) What's the difference between language and programmingLanguage under
"implementation", and ho...
Owen Eddins


04:38 PM Bug #486: eml-constraint changes needed
I've looked at the attachment and have talked with david as well. Here are some
1 - im not sure it clarif...
Peter McCartney
03:29 PM Bug #489: eml-protocol changes needed
Changes look good, Peter. To keep up my record on long lists of comments, here
goes nothing...
1) we agree to nix th...
Matt Jones
01:44 PM Bug #489: eml-protocol changes needed
Ok im having problems with using this thing. i may have to just email it if i
hit the wrong button again.
ive attac...
Peter McCartney
12:50 PM Bug #493: eml-software changes needed
Is there a distinction between a code distribution and a binary distribution in
terms of an implementati...
Owen Eddins
10:57 AM Bug #493: eml-software changes needed
OK, I like your proposal. As far as distribution goes, its details are being
worked out. Its still unclear exactly ...
Matt Jones
11:42 AM Bug #485: eml-physical changes needed
About raster metadata -- looks good. A few comments:
1) nrows & ncols should be required. The rest of the fields s...
Matt Jones
11:07 AM Bug #485: eml-physical changes needed
1) I think 'citation' should be the full citation reference (type cit:LitCItation).
2) I'll review BIP/BIL stuf...
Matt Jones
09:49 AM Bug #485: eml-physical changes needed
Current (16 May 2002) status is reflected in the attached proposed eml-physical
changes document. I have received no ...
Dan Higgins
09:44 AM Bug #485: eml-physical changes needed
proposed changes to eml-physical-2.0.0beta8; partially completed (16May2002)
1) 'version' and 'citation' attributes ...
Dan Higgins


04:12 PM Bug #493: eml-software changes needed
questions 1 & 2)
OSD was developed to be machine processable so the action element which I
as {install,...
Owen Eddins
03:12 PM Bug #493: eml-software changes needed
May have fixed the recursion issue by making the complexType dependency a
global element instead. Spy stops showing ...
Owen Eddins
02:07 PM Bug #493: eml-software changes needed
Anyone. A big question I have right now with eml-software is as I have hacked
it up is whether the
Owen Eddins
01:36 PM Bug #493: eml-software changes needed
Hi Owen,
Your changes to software look good. Generally it looks much more comprehensive.
Thanks for looking over OS...
Matt Jones
02:38 PM Bug #486: eml-constraint changes needed
Here is a 99% complete version. I need to document "constraint name"
and "constraint description"
1. Renamed the "f...
David Blankman
02:11 PM Bug #492: eml-literature changes needed
I am in the process of documenting eml-literature right now. That should clear
up most of your questions.
The funn...
Owen Eddins
01:16 PM Bug #492: eml-literature changes needed
Hi Owen,
Your changes to literature look good. Generally it looks much more
comprehensive wrt to EndNote. Here are...
Matt Jones
11:39 AM Bug #496: copyright changes needed
I want to add Packard to this as well. What is the format for citing the PISCO
grant? Do you have a grant n...
Matt Jones
11:38 AM Bug #496: copyright changes needed
I have an inquiry into the UCSB IP official about jointly held copyrights. I am
awaiting a reply.
Having looked into...
Matt Jones
09:28 AM Bug #488: eml-project changes needed
Hi David,
Thanks. Personally, I like the approach 1 better because of its simplicity, but
Corinna's point is right ...
Matt Jones
09:14 AM Bug #488: eml-project changes needed
From D. Blankman. Proposed revisions to eml-project, approach 2. Includes more
detailed classification systems enume...
Matt Jones
09:13 AM Bug #488: eml-project changes needed
From D. Blankman. Proposed changes to eml-project using collapsed
Matt Jones


03:53 PM Bug #480: eml-resource changes needed
Item (6) is finished now that coverage has been updated in eml-coverage.
Item (10): Distribution:
I have created a ...
Matt Jones
01:43 PM Bug #483: eml-entity changes needed
spatialReference is the module that describes a spatial dataset's projection
system (ie, how locations on a round su...
Peter McCartney
11:20 AM Bug #336: need formal defs for responsible party roles
This list is now not part of the standard ResponsibleParty. It has been kept in
case some elements want to create a ...
Matt Jones
11:17 AM Bug #487: eml-data changes needed
Renamed module and root element as per (1). Also removed an unneeded level of
hirearchy in the model. Complete exce...
Matt Jones

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