



From 12/11/2004 to 01/09/2005


06:34 PM Bug #1849: pasting operation pastes directly over copied object
I folded this change into the Ptolemy tree.
Edward said:
> Yes, I've been meaning to do this for some time...
> Anoth...
Christopher Brooks


05:17 PM Bug #1826: keyboard binding to enter key on quick search broken
Should I make this change in the Ptolemy Tree as well?
It seems fairly safe.
Christopher Brooks
11:03 AM Bug #1826: keyboard binding to enter key on quick search broken
I fixed this bug by changing the keyboard listener from looking at the window
focus. instead it now looks at the com...
Chad Berkley
04:02 PM Bug #1849: pasting operation pastes directly over copied object
added a method in basicGraphFrame that offsets the pasted moml _location
property so that the pasted objects don't sh...
Chad Berkley
02:45 PM Bug #1846: can't resize left pane (actor/data tab section)
Changed the split pane so that you can infinitely make the library pane larger.
it also now has the quick move butto...
Chad Berkley


08:58 AM Bug #1835: create jni cookbook for creating jni actors
created the kepler/docs/tutorial/JNIHowTo.txt with detailed instructions on how
to create jni based actors.
Chad Berkley


04:37 PM Bug #1829: saving workflow invalidates eml data
Code was added to make sure check the resultset is null in EML200DataSource class Jing Tao
10:19 AM Bug #1851 (Resolved): save atomic and composite actors in the new actor library
Cutted and pasted from email conversation:
On 03.01.2005 18:34, "Chad Berkley" <> wrote:
Wibke Sudholt


10:53 AM Bug #1849 (Resolved): pasting operation pastes directly over copied object
When an object (e.g., actor) is copied and then pasted, it is placed directly
over the original copied object which...
Laura Downey


02:04 PM Bug #1845: user input for port type should not be case sensitive
Precisely, combo boxes are great little widgets that provide users a set of
acceptable choices while allowing for cu...
Laura Downey


04:21 PM Bug #1846: can't resize left pane (actor/data tab section)
I too have experienced this. It seems to be related to the minimum size that is
set for the right pane. I'm not sur...
Matt Jones
02:58 PM Bug #1846 (Resolved): can't resize left pane (actor/data tab section)
During use in the BEAM/ENM meeting, two users reported not being able to
resize the left pane where the data and ac...
Laura Downey
03:47 PM Bug #1845: user input for port type should not be case sensitive
Ideally, we would have a combo box that would have the common types
as defaults and allow the user to type something ...
Christopher Brooks
02:24 PM Bug #1845 (Resolved): user input for port type should not be case sensitive
"string" is accepted as a port input type but "STRING" is not Laura Downey
02:17 PM Bug #1844 (Resolved): tool tip problems
Sometimes the tooltips don't appear at all.
Sometimes the wrong tooltip appears when hovering over a port (the too...
Laura Downey
01:48 PM Bug #1843 (Resolved): unexpected workflow components tree behavior
Sometimes when navigating thru the workflow components tree (no search has
been performed), and you double click on...
Laura Downey
12:54 PM Bug #1836: data search and access problems via ecogrid
Giving some further input on this to help the debug progess. When some of the
users couldn't get any search results...
Laura Downey


03:00 PM Bug #1839 (Resolved): adding new port sometimes causes canvas to resize
sometimes when you add a new port with the toolbar, the port is added in the top
right corner of the workspace and t...
Chad Berkley
02:57 PM Bug #1838 (Resolved): need user level documentation
we need a user level handbook for kepler with good examples of common things
people want to loops, ifs, ex...
Chad Berkley
01:42 PM Bug #1837: Second and thrid searches return same resultset for DarwinCore DataSource
fixed Rod Spears
01:42 PM Bug #1837: Second and thrid searches return same resultset for DarwinCore DataSource
didn't realize that the Config object caches or leaves in memory the DOM that I
was replacing a value in
so I need to...
Rod Spears
01:15 PM Bug #1837 (Resolved): Second and thrid searches return same resultset for DarwinCore DataSource
title says it all Rod Spears
01:14 PM Bug #1821: Fix improperly names returnfield
fixed Rod Spears
07:51 AM Bug #1836: data search and access problems via ecogrid
Also, as we enable more providers the slowness with only get worse. Rod Spears
07:50 AM Bug #1836: data search and access problems via ecogrid
One of the reasons DiGIR is slow is because we ALWAYS hit all 10 or providers
and have to wait for all the resultsets...
Rod Spears
07:45 AM Bug #1836 (Resolved): data search and access problems via ecogrid
In the recent BEAM ENM meeting, ~20 people were searching kepler/ecogrid for a
datafile (on metacat). It worked OK f...
Dan Higgins
07:40 AM Bug #1835: create jni cookbook for creating jni actors
Perhaps some of the resources below can be used as a starting point.
The Matlab actor uses JNI.
Ptolemy II includes...
Christopher Brooks


03:38 PM Bug #1835 (Resolved): create jni cookbook for creating jni actors
need to create a good readme with instructions on creating actors that can call
native code via jni.
Chad Berkley
02:11 PM Bug #1834 (Resolved): search progress bar does not work on OSX
the progress bar on the data tab that is supposed to animate when you are doing
a search does not animate on the Mac.
Chad Berkley
09:23 AM Bug #1829 (Resolved): saving workflow invalidates eml data
Intermittently, when you save a workflow with data that's been dragged from the
data tab, when you close then reopen...
Chad Berkley

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