



From 02/01/2005 to 03/02/2005


03:01 PM Bug #1748: "Get metadata" menu item only works for EML 2.0.0 documents
In ResultRecord class(parent class of EML200DataSource), a field - namespace was
added. After searching, the namespac...
Jing Tao
12:25 PM Bug #1999: Very long delays on first startup of new install
In Ptolemy II, the Jython actor only expands the jar files when
Actors -> More Libraries -> Python is opened in the a...
Christopher Brooks
11:39 AM Bug #1999 (Resolved): Very long delays on first startup of new install
There is a very long delay when a new version of Kepler is first executed. This
is particularly noticable on the Mac...
Dan Higgins
10:54 AM Bug #1998: Enter in actor search text box causes reset
Also, on the mac, the reset button scrunches the text box to 2 characters width.
The reset button needs to be put so...
Chad Berkley
10:49 AM Bug #1998 (Resolved): Enter in actor search text box causes reset
A reset button has been added to the actor search pane, but now hitting the
enter key after typing a search phrase c...
Dan Higgins
10:52 AM Bug #1557: problems with paths with 'spaces'
In general, this problem has been fixed (although we should keep in mind that
specific actor may still have a problem...
Dan Higgins
10:49 AM Bug #1997 (New): Support Getting Metadata for Darwin Core search result item
In data search result panel, we add a new right click button for getting
metadata for the item. But currently we onl...
Jing Tao
10:44 AM Bug #1896: Get metadata of data package in data search result panel( tree structure)
If user right click in search result item, the Get Metadata button will be
shown. If user click the button, the html ...
Jing Tao
10:41 AM Bug #1889: EML2 data source actor need handle mutiple data entity
Add Vector _enityList in EMLDataSource to store the mutiple entity in eml. And
add a selectedEnity for chosed entity....
Jing Tao
10:37 AM Bug #1834: search progress bar does not work on OSX
Dan and I couldn't duplicate the bug. It seemed someone fixed it before we took
a look.
Jing Tao


06:10 PM Bug #1990 (Resolved): DataType of EML for KEPLER
The Datatype really should be determined in EML from the measurementScale and
domain (numericDomain and nonNumericDo...
Jing Tao
05:00 PM Bug #1890: Add query builder to generic db actor
Requires additional design of the Database connection and query components and
a notification when all authenticatio...
Efrat Jaeger


03:32 PM Bug #1342: need R actor
A limitied R actor is now working on Windows and Linux and Mac (although limited
graphical capabilities on Mac becaus...
Matt Jones


05:24 PM Bug #1981 (New): Extend database query actor to handle datatypes
Currently return a string representation of the output. Should be extended to
specify the type of the 'string' outp...
Efrat Jaeger


01:19 PM Bug #1886: nightly build system revisited
I have implemented a shell script based nightly build system that checks out
both ptII and kepler, compiles both of t...
Chad Berkley


01:18 PM Bug #1912: cleanup ImageJ actor to avoid multiple copies of menus
The code for interacting with ImageJ has been cleaned up and bugs fixes. It
seesm to be more stable now and multiple ...
Dan Higgins
01:09 PM Bug #1905: jar file cleanup
All known duplicate and obsolete jars have been removed Dan Higgins


09:25 AM Bug #1590: coding guidelines
not going to address this now. Chad Berkley


01:14 PM Bug #1910: Ports on datasource actors do no appear until actor is moved
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 1907 ***
Rod Spears
01:14 PM Bug #1907: New ports don't draw when added dynamically
*** Bug 1910 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Rod Spears

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