From 11/10/2006 to 12/09/2006
- 01:24 PM Revision 3117 (metacat): Add lter and other institute into option list.
- 01:23 PM Revision 3116 (metacat): Add lter and other institutes into option list.
- 10:10 AM Bug #2647: ESA registry doesn't have LTER in login dropdown menu
- I've got some authors who have a dataset to register, but are waiting on this fix.
- 06:29 PM Revision 3115 (metacat): Improved data point styling. Thickened and smoothed the white outline by stacking two fill rules rather than one fill plus stroke.
- 05:53 PM Revision 3114 (metacat): Changed SLD wizard paths to relative instead of assuming context name was geoserver. Patch has been submitted to geoserver dev team.
- 05:49 PM Bug #2689: Upgrade to Geoserver 1.4
- Due to time constraints, I've upgrade to geoserver 1.4.0 RC5. It's the final release candidate and should be virtuall...
- 05:05 PM Revision 3113 (metacat): removed old geoserver/geotools jars that were causing some trouble
- 04:57 PM Revision 3112 (metacat): upgrade to geoserver 1.4rc5
- 03:36 PM Revision 3111 (metacat): shortened the latitude/longitude to lat/lon to save screen space
- 12:59 PM Revision 3110 (metacat): slowly improving the spatial docs
- 05:35 PM Revision 3109 (metacat): Added changelog for 1.7.0 to readme file. Updated version number in properties.
- 04:58 PM Revision 3108 (metacat): some quick additions and fixes to the python metacat readme
- 04:51 PM Revision 3107 (metacat): Initial import of prototype python client library to interact with metacat
- 04:38 PM Bug #2692 (Resolved): Use .jsp and reduce token usage in skins
- The following skins (esa, nrs, obfs, nceas) should be updated to use .jsp and replace use of tokens as much as possib...
- 04:31 PM Bug #2691 (Resolved): Update knbweb module to use map
- The knbweb module needs to be integrated with our mapbuilder interface.
- 04:29 PM Bug #2690 (Resolved): Fully document the spatial option
- All aspects of installing, configuring and using the spatial option should be covered in the docs before the release.
- 04:27 PM Bug #2689 (Resolved): Upgrade to Geoserver 1.4
- The current (12/06/2006) cvs head uses an early beta of geoserver 1.4. Though it works flawlessly for our purposes, i...
- 04:25 PM Bug #2548: Architecture for filtering features from WMS requests
- Though this won't be fully implemented, it's important to have the basic architecture in place before the first relea...
- 04:21 PM Bug #2670: Test Metacat version with updates does not link to the "create a new account" form
- The knb skins included with metacat are not the official skins deployed on the knb website. The knbweb module contain...
- 04:14 PM Bug #2370: add query and display support for BDP/FGDC metadata
- An additional note: Since FGDC (and all non-EML documents) do not contain access constraints, there needs to be an ea...
- 04:09 PM Bug #2511: Include an optional spatial dataset package
- The high availability of WMS services precludes the need to distribute the raw geospatial datasets. For those with sl...
- 03:14 PM Revision 3106 (metacat): Changes to map layout and skins according to input from Callie and Matt
- 05:50 PM Revision 3105 (metacat): Removed tomcat 3 support
- 05:40 PM Revision 3104 (metacat): Merged the spatial web.xml.combined into the default web.xml.tomcat5
- 05:44 PM Revision 3103 (metacat): minor changes to khtml detection stategy
- 05:26 PM Bug #2669: Mapbuilder incompatible w/ Safari, Opera
- Added a javascript detection mechanism to the mapbuilder load sequence to detect the browser and redirect the user to...
- 05:25 PM Revision 3102 (metacat): safari/opera detection for interactive map. Users of non xslt-compliant browsers will be redirected to an error page.
- 05:04 PM Bug #2554: Store the spatial data cache outside servlet context
- An alternative solution was implemented: once the initial spatial harvest is completed, the "regenerateCacheOnRestart...
- 03:25 PM Revision 3101 (metacat): Changing initial configured status back to false
- 01:47 PM Revision 3100 (metacat): Set configured to false initially. Include notification in configure process that geoserver password needs to be changed plus instructions on how to do so
- 12:32 AM Revision 3099 (metacat): Updated MetaCatServlet so that it supports a web-based interface for configuring its own properties the first time it is run (determined by the property "configured" being set to false). Which properties are exposed in the web interface is determined by the list of properties in the '' file. This file is managed by the new OptionsMetadata class in the utilities module, and provides information that allows metacat to build a human-readable configuration page for the properties. Still need to finish filling out the information in for the rest of the properties that we want to be editable. This autoconfiguration process is the first step towards building a turnkey installer for metacat.
- Note: you need to remove the lib/utilities.jar file from your metacat workspace, update the utilities module, and the...
- 09:29 AM Bug #2675 (Resolved): column "infinity" does not exist
- When uploading certain xml files to metacat via the ecogrid, I get a message that says:
ERROR: column "infi...
- 06:11 PM Revision 3098 (metacat): Ensure that spatial operations are only triggered when runSpatialOption is set to true.
- 05:02 PM Revision 3097 (metacat): Initial import of interactive map components for the following skins: esa, knb2, knp, obfs, nceas, nrs
- 03:36 PM Revision 3096 (metacat): restored original styles to knp-specific layers
- 01:44 PM Revision 3095 (metacat): I've added new properties called "styled-shared-path" and
- "style-shared-relpath" that represent the directory in
$METACAT_HOME/lib/style/shared. This directory contains share... - 01:37 PM Revision 3094 (metacat): I'm adding a set of EML XSL stylesheets that are separate but similar to those
- found in the lib/style/common directory. I have created a directory called
'shared' (in libstyle) and put these modi... - 01:27 PM Revision 3093 (metacat): I'm adding the two html templates from the OBFS skin developed by Matt Jones.
- These were used as reference files in the PISCO skin.
- 01:25 PM Revision 3092 (metacat): I'm adding the two jsp files that originated in the KNB skin developed
- by Matthew Brooke, modified for the PISCO skin.
- 01:23 PM Revision 3091 (metacat): I'm adding the PISCO-specific XSL stylesheets used to transform EML documents to PISCO web pages. Notice that resultset.xsl is now in this templates directory, rather than in lib/style/common since it has PISCO-specific styling.
- 01:20 PM Revision 3090 (metacat): I'm adding in a number of supporting image files that make up the PISCO header, navigation bar, and footer sections of the styled web pages.
- 01:17 PM Revision 3089 (metacat): I'm adding the legacy PISCO skin to metacat as a starting point to doing CSS-based XSL styling of XML documents in the data catalog. These files were based off of the OBFS and KNB skins.
- 09:51 AM Revision 3088 (metacat): Removed the hadcoded servlet context and instead get it from the HTTP request to allow the config files to be installed in any context.
- 01:48 PM Bug #2670 (Resolved): Test Metacat version with updates does not link to the "create a new account" form
- This is not a bug for the production version of Metacat(1.6.0). The "Head" version of Metacat does not links to the f...
- 11:48 AM Bug #2669 (Resolved): Mapbuilder incompatible w/ Safari, Opera
- Mapbuilder, our current web mapping client, uses the browser to do XSLT transforms on the client side. A number of br...
- 06:58 PM Revision 3086 (metacat): Beta version of openalayers wms interface
- 06:34 PM Revision 3085 (metacat): Beta version of openalayers wms interface
- 08:47 AM Revision 3084 (metacat): Removed useless mapbuilder ppts which may have viruses
- 09:57 AM Bug #2380: returnfield system needs to implement more xpath
- this is a duplicate of another ecogrid bug. the query statement in sid's comment does not do what the query statemen...
- 03:48 AM Revision 3082 (metacat): Renamed method.
- 03:45 AM Revision 3081 (metacat): Began work on a web interface for configuring metacat at runtime. This system
- checks the 'configured' property when metacat starts up. If configured=false, then
it loads an HTML form containing ...
- 11:30 AM Revision 3080 (metacat): Eliminated the '@release@' ant tag from the rest of the files. The 'release' property is still used in build.xml for creating releases, but the filter is no longer presnt. Now, when updating the metacat files for a release, you have to set the release version in both the build.xml and the files.
- 10:54 AM Revision 3079 (metacat): Eliminated unneeded log information in source code file.
- 10:51 AM Revision 3078 (metacat): Eliminated the MetacatUtil.printMessage() method in favor of using the Log4J debugging methods.
- 10:25 AM Revision 3077 (metacat): Removed the @release@ ant token from all files in 'src'.
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