From 07/14/2008 to 08/12/2008
- 09:02 AM Bug #3377: Create ANT install target for developers
- The dev-install target was created for developers that compiles and wars the code and installs it into the web applic...
- 08:56 AM Bug #3376: Add DB upgrade/install functionality to java code
- The database upgrade functionality was added. The page is managed by database-configuration.jsp and D...
- 08:50 AM Bug #3374: Add authentication for configuration utility
- Authentication added. The user must be logged in as an administrative user before they can configure metacat. The a...
- 08:47 AM Bug #3375: Create a sorted properties utility
- SortedProperties class was created in the utilities module. This class supports sorted properties that maintain comm...
- 08:44 AM Bug #3373: Create skin specific configuration utility
- Skins configuration was created. The control is in and the page is skins-configuration.jsp.
- 08:42 AM Bug #3371: Modify confguration utility in metacat
- Updated the configuration utility. Pages are in /lib/admin directory. Control classes for each configuration page a...
- 08:41 AM Bug #3370: Merge token replacement code onto HEAD
- Token replacement code merged on 7/6/08
- 08:38 AM Bug #3114: refactor skins to get organization list from metacat getOrganizations() function
- The OrganizationUtil class reads all properties from that start with and uses the...
- 04:21 PM Bug #3258: Update packageId attributes to match Metacat Ids
- updated the 33 docs that needed it
- 10:39 AM Bug #3367: Harvester stores passwords in clear text
- I thought this was the case. We discussed using a private key to encrypt the password, as we're trying to tighten up...
- 09:44 AM Bug #3367: Harvester stores passwords in clear text
- I believe the need for the user passwords in the database is for Harvester to interact with Metacat on the user's beh...
- 05:15 PM Bug #3260: Cannot update FGDC metadata documents in SANParks/SAEON skin
- fixed call in to use the new docid rather than the filename (as is essential for everything to ...
- 02:33 PM Bug #3258: Update packageId attributes to match Metacat Ids
- reworked script to synchronize packageIds with docIds.
33 documents on the sanparks server will be updated (those are... - 11:55 AM Bug #3464: Replicate access rules in replication
- This is a problem for EML documents as well, especially if someone changes the access rules using setAccess and then ...
- 10:36 AM Bug #3464 (Resolved): Replicate access rules in replication
- Currently, metacat doesn't replicate access rules in xml_access table.
For eml documents, it wouldn't be a problem ... - 09:07 AM Bug #3367: Harvester stores passwords in clear text
- Matt,
Harvester stores LDAP DN/password information for each site so that it can run an automated login (via the Met...
- 07:08 PM Bug #3059: EML citation section should include both organizationNames and individualNames
- this is not good...the citation on ESA site looks like this:
note that... - 06:54 PM Bug #3059: EML citation section should include both organizationNames and individualNames
- we should address this in the token-replacement goodness of 1.9
- 06:52 PM Bug #2692: Use .jsp and reduce token usage in skins
- this is being handled globally by the 1.9 release.
- 06:49 PM Bug #2847: returnfields need full xpath support
- (btw, those <p>, <i> and <b> tags look like html - maybe they should be surrounded by CDATA?)
- 06:47 PM Bug #2847: returnfields need full xpath support
- after discussing this in the 1.9 triage meeting, it was decided that this will not be implemented. Returning _ALL_ t...
- 06:45 PM Bug #3463 (New): Registry upload: include organization/skin Keywords dropdown
- When datapackages are added using the [Perl] registry, the constrained keywords should be included in the metadata in...
- 06:41 PM Bug #3249: Install web registry for SANParks and SAEON skins
- this was done on top of 1.8.X - retargeting and creating a new bug for the second part of this bug (automatic keyword...
- 06:39 PM Bug #3249: Install web registry for SANParks and SAEON skins
- This is partially implemented in sanparks and saeon skins.
The registry is installed and functioning, but the automat... - 06:35 PM Bug #2796: ESA registry gets locked into searching KNB
- checked change (esa/index.jsp) into (new subversion repo!) to set the form action correctly depending on the checked ...
- 05:48 PM Bug #2796: ESA registry gets locked into searching KNB
- definitely still a problem - doesn't look that hard to fix...perhaps an "else" when the search all of KNB radio is no...
- 03:40 PM Bug #3462 (Resolved): Maps do not display in Firefox version 3
- Mapbuilder does not display maps on firefox version 3
- 03:17 PM Bug #3146: Include FGDC metadata in KNB and NCEAS skin search results
- *** Bug 2370 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
- 03:17 PM Bug #2370: add query and display support for BDP/FGDC metadata
- while triaging for 1.9 release we determined that this has been resolved as of metacat 1.8.1
see bug 3146
*** This b... - 01:57 PM Bug #3461 (Resolved): create simple turnkey installer for metacat Phase I
- This phase of the installer is a war install.
- 01:54 PM Bug #421: create simple turnkey installer for metacat Phase II
- Phase II is the completion of turnkey installer, including the installer utilities themselves
- 01:30 PM Bug #3367: Harvester stores passwords in clear text
- It would be best if we didn't store this password at all. Reassigning to Duane to determine why we are storing redun...
- 11:28 AM Bug #3460 (New): remove lsid section from citation section of xsl for skins OTHER than ESA
- Currently only the ESA domain is set up to work with lsid. We need to delete the lsid section from the stylesheets th...
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