From 06/26/2015 to 07/25/2015
- 01:39 PM Bug #6713: "Sign In" in the navigation bar still shows after logging in
- When MetacatUI validates the session with Metacat, only successful reponses were being captured, causing any kind of ...
- 03:44 PM Task #6807 (Resolved): Enable direct links to sections of the user portal
- Enable links to sections and subsections, using URLs like:
... - 03:38 PM Task #6806 (Resolved): Display basic info such as first and last name in the group member list
- In a compact way
- 04:49 PM Feature #6805 (New): Show error message with Solr query error
- Instead of perpetually displaying the spinning loading icon. Because it drives people nuts.
- 04:34 PM Task #6804 (Resolved): Get personal information from ORCID identifier
- When the user is logged in via an ORCID iD
- 04:33 PM Task #6801 (Resolved): Login failure from DataONE portal displays error message at portal location
- The app now sends the login request and displays an error message next to the login form
- 04:08 PM Bug #6803 (Resolved): Images not in entity details box in Metadata View
- With older versions of the translated EML (and other metadata standards) HTML. (New markup is not there, such as the ...
- 04:07 PM Bug #6802 (Resolved): Don't try to display TIFFs
- Most browsers don't support it without plugins that will allow TIFFs to be embedded in the page:
- 05:19 PM Task #6801 (Resolved): Login failure from DataONE portal displays error message at portal location
- Instead of staying in-app and displaying an error message by the login form
- 02:07 PM Bug #6800 (Resolved): Odd placement of map toggle while app is loading
- 10:58 AM Bug #6800 (Resolved): Odd placement of map toggle while app is loading
- See attached
- 01:54 PM Bug #6789 (Resolved): SolrResults collection doesn't update when filters are changed before a response is returned
- The Stats model and SolrResults collection now caches the latest version of the user query. When a response is receiv...
- 02:41 PM Bug #6799 (Resolved): publication date differs between search results and metadata view page
- The same citation format is used in the search results and metadata view now, and the pub date was taken out of the p...
- 11:35 AM Bug #6799 (Resolved): publication date differs between search results and metadata view page
- Search results display a data citation in this format:...
- 12:33 PM Bug #6713 (Resolved): "Sign In" in the navigation bar still shows after logging in
- 12:32 PM Bug #6797 (Resolved): Captcha doesn't display after second registration form load
- 09:49 AM Bug #6797 (Resolved): Captcha doesn't display after second registration form load
- If the user makes a mistake and the registration form reloads, the captcha code toggle link doesn't display
- 10:39 AM Feature #6798 (Resolved): Use better error messages in registration and login forms
- With help messages and error messages - when required field is empty, etc.
- 01:31 PM Bug #6785 (Rejected): Zooming in on the search page via the browser zoom control displaces the map (doesn't resize)
- 11:34 AM Bug #6785 (New): Zooming in on the search page via the browser zoom control displaces the map (doesn't resize)
- 03:50 PM Task #6779 (Resolved): Test high load conditions
- I wrote a Python script that sends 4 Solr randomly-generated queries (some with facets) typical to what MetacatUI sen...
- 09:35 AM Task #6773: Have a stable deployment of search interface and index for UA team testing by early July
- Lauren -- It looks like the endpoint on is not using the view service to display metadata records,...
- 08:37 AM Task #6773 (Resolved): Have a stable deployment of search interface and index for UA team testing by early July
- I've deployed two versions of the search interface to use for the DUG user testing:
1. ... - 08:40 AM Story #6716 (Resolved): Production-ready DataONE theme
- 08:38 AM Task #6762 (Resolved): User testing at DUG July 12
- Everything is all set for user testing at DUG on July 12
- 12:58 PM Task #6631: Add downloads chart to the Stats View using the log agg Solr index
- The logsolr endpoint isn't live just yet so this chart may have to wait until 1.7.1
- 04:28 PM Task #6790 (Resolved): Download contents table is positioned oddly in Forefox38 on Windows 7
- 04:15 PM Bug #6783 (Resolved): dataset count starts at year 0 in DataONE theme
- This was being caused by the index containing bad upload dates that started with the year 0015, for example. (2015?) ...
- 03:40 PM Bug #6679 (Resolved): Relative links in the External View may not be correct on KNB
- Links in the External View will be directly navigated to when their extension is pdf, exe, tar, tar.gz, bin, or zip. ...
- 03:02 PM Feature #6791 (Resolved): Clicking on 'Search' from navigation bar should start fresh search
- 09:45 AM Task #6567 (Resolved): Create a better scale for coloring of the tiles
- The DataCatalogView now normalizes the range of tile counts and converts that to a range of lightness percentage for ...
- 02:53 PM Bug #6761 (Resolved): Multiple geographic site maps are not being drawn
- 01:55 PM Bug #6755 (Works For Me): Registry "Edit" mode displays no values in the input fields
- 11:18 AM Task #6781 (Resolved): Enable content proxying on the host running MetacatUI
- 11:17 AM Task #6752 (Rejected): See if Gmaps can allow more precise zooming in
- After we talked about it a little, the current zooming functionality is fine. We threw around idea of having map mark...
- 11:14 AM Bug #6785 (Rejected): Zooming in on the search page via the browser zoom control displaces the map (doesn't resize)
- Oops, this is a duplicate of #6786
- 11:05 AM Feature #6791 (Resolved): Clicking on 'Search' from navigation bar should start fresh search
- From suggestion from UA team, which I think would be a good idea
- 11:01 AM Task #6790 (Resolved): Download contents table is positioned oddly in Forefox38 on Windows 7
- See screenshot taken from UA report
- 10:57 AM Bug #6789 (Resolved): SolrResults collection doesn't update when filters are changed before a response is returned
- When a search is sent and the app is loading, if the user changes another filter, sometimes the SolrResults collectio...
- 10:51 AM Feature #6788 (New): Determine geohash level for map tiles before sending the Solr query
- So that only the necessary geohash level facets will be returned, increasing response time
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