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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
133 Bug Closed Normal Prepare a ERD for the taxon component NVC database John Harris 09/11/2006 11:38 AM Actions
106 Bug Closed Normal Loaders for prototype data into prototype DB John Harris 01/31/2005 02:53 PM Actions
105 Bug Closed Normal Obtain prototype data and explore data type and formats John Harris 09/11/2006 11:38 AM Actions
104 Bug Closed Normal Obtain Example Database Queries John Harris 09/11/2006 11:38 AM Actions
103 Bug Closed Normal Convert the ER Model to a relational schema John Harris 09/11/2006 11:39 AM Actions
2406 Bug New Low Automate homepage map- color by number of plots per state Michael Lee 09/11/2006 04:44 PM Actions
1975 Bug New Low Iteratively query to narrow or broaden query results Michael Lee 09/11/2006 04:29 PM Actions
1964 Bug New Low Business rules for allow plots in: minimums and how to enforce? Michael Lee 09/11/2006 05:00 PM Actions
1226 Bug New Low Rectification: need a "possible duplicate plot" alert for incoming plots Michael Lee 09/11/2006 02:01 PM Actions
885 Bug New Low Load database:Wiser-1000 (lowPri: taxa issues) Michael Lee 09/11/2006 01:53 PM Actions
874 Bug New Low TurboVeg export Michael Lee 09/11/2006 01:52 PM Actions
821 Bug New Low Notes: add new note form, link from views of things to note Michael Lee 09/11/2006 02:00 PM Actions
704 Bug New Low doubleCheck final DB: QA of plants and communities Robert Peet 09/11/2006 12:01 PM Actions
689 Bug New Low Usability analysis by expert usability person Michael Lee 09/11/2006 04:47 PM Actions
1862 Bug Resolved Low treat plantConcept and commConcept matching accCodes differently Michael Lee 09/11/2006 03:10 PM Actions
1350 Bug Resolved Low remove links to bugzilla from site, make friendly servlet report bugs P. Anderson 09/11/2006 11:46 AM Actions
1347 Bug Resolved Low Higher classification references available for 2002 USDA plants - get 'em? Michael Lee 04/01/2005 07:49 PM Actions
1316 Bug Resolved Low 102 Update: View Plants & Communities via web query P. Anderson 01/31/2005 02:54 PM Actions
1171 Bug Resolved Low redesign header/footer/frontpage Michael Lee 07/27/2004 11:51 AM Actions
1138 Bug Resolved Low floristicQuality Table Gabriel Farrell 01/31/2005 02:53 PM Actions
985 Bug Resolved Low Miscelaneous EcoArt Questions Michael Lee 01/31/2005 02:54 PM Actions
950 Bug Resolved Low Need to create registry of user's public info -- design then implement Michael Lee 01/31/2005 02:53 PM Actions
936 Bug Resolved Low Develop data-maps for Landcare, VPRO, and NRIS Robert Peet 09/11/2006 11:46 AM Actions
891 Bug Resolved Low QA NPS plots on vegbank Michael Lee 01/31/2005 02:53 PM Actions
875 Bug Resolved Low NRIS Export Michael Lee 02/10/2005 05:21 PM Actions
(551-575/604) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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