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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
5539 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Open Actor does not find the actor source code when Kepler is invoked from within Eclipse Derik Barseghian 06/24/2012 10:23 AM Actions
5507 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Windows Installer: The R choice is not unselectable Derik Barseghian 11/08/2011 06:46 PM Actions
5506 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Windows Installer Page does not mention 2.3? Derik Barseghian 11/21/2011 07:29 PM Actions
5505 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Kepler-2.3 installer should create directory named "Kepler-2.3", not "Kepler" Derik Barseghian 11/08/2011 06:38 PM Actions
5259 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal kepler/util/src/util/ should be updated to match Ptolemy sources Derik Barseghian 09/18/2012 02:01 PM Actions
5666 Kepler Feature New Normal Build system needs a target to build all common or blessed non-core modules Derik Barseghian 08/16/2015 06:03 PM Actions
5614 Kepler Bug New Normal Build system should not require svn binary Derik Barseghian 06/01/2012 05:33 PM Actions
5538 Kepler Bug New Normal Eclipse uses different .class files from ant run Derik Barseghian 11/12/2011 06:56 PM Actions
5511 Kepler Bug New Normal If Kepler-2.2 is running, then opening a .kar in Kepler trunk produces exceptions Derik Barseghian 10/17/2011 11:01 AM Actions
5453 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal ant javadoc -Dfull=true fails Ilkay Altintas 06/13/2012 07:04 PM Actions
4372 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal demos in doc-index.htm don't exist (Hello World, Simple Addition etc.) Ilkay Altintas 09/10/2009 11:46 AM Actions
4061 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Documentation links are not active Ilkay Altintas 06/11/2009 09:50 AM Actions
3108 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal ENM GARP Baseline 3-Actor GARP - Browser Display demo fails with NameDuplication: convertTo? Ilkay Altintas 04/23/2008 11:02 AM Actions
2351 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Welcome Window Programmer/Scientist docs Ilkay Altintas 03/22/2006 04:12 PM Actions
4909 Kepler Bug New Normal Actor documentation: updates ignored, duplicate info, how to refer to other actors/models? Ilkay Altintas 03/29/2010 02:15 PM Actions
5677 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal SDF Iterations now defaults to AUTO jianwu jianwu 11/14/2012 03:42 PM Actions
5655 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal sdm spa Repeat is a duplicate of a Ptolemy actor jianwu jianwu 09/20/2012 10:39 AM Actions
5629 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Mac DMG installer should have better background and license agreement jianwu jianwu 09/24/2012 03:56 PM Actions
5458 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Moving between 2.2 and 2.3 and back requires deleting ~/KeplerData jianwu jianwu 03/11/2013 01:43 PM Actions
5082 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Eclipse build fails because of invalid archive jianwu jianwu 08/05/2010 04:27 PM Actions
4191 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Eclipse build is slow the first time "Copying resources to the output folder" jianwu jianwu 08/09/2010 03:29 PM Actions
5661 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Remove SwingWorker and use javax.swing.SwingWorker Jing Tao 08/23/2012 11:49 AM Actions
3694 Kepler Bug In Progress Normal Sharing installation among users fails, users must have write permission Jing Tao 03/25/2010 03:39 PM Actions
2420 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Need a 25x25 kepler icon to decorate title bars Laura Downey 04/21/2006 05:43 PM Actions
3106 Kepler Bug New Normal Out of memory while opening all demos, is -Xss5m or SVG the problem? Matthew Brooke 04/03/2009 02:31 PM Actions
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