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# Tracker Subject Status Priority Assignee Target version
3774 Bug Hello World demo causes UI to become unresponsive and require restart New Normal Chad Berkley 3.X.Y Actions
3785 Bug Unclear Java requirements for Kepler installer on Vista 64-bit New Normal Chad Berkley 3.X.Y Actions
3802 Bug actor icons prevent channel connectors to align straight New Normal Chad Berkley 3.X.Y Actions
3803 Bug Cannot open a workflow through the command prompt, open with, or send to menus New Low ben leinfelder 3.X.Y Actions
3899 Bug web service actor does not work through proxy New Normal Chad Berkley 3.X.Y Actions
3903 Bug Use Java logging utilities instead of Apache commons logging facility New Low Chad Berkley 3.X.Y Actions
3915 Bug The error dialogue won't go away. New Immediate Chad Berkley 3.X.Y Actions
3921 Bug Exported KAR files do not correctly export private classes New Immediate Chad Berkley 3.X.Y Actions
3930 Bug error importing hello-world tutorial actor into kepler-1.0 suite New Normal Chad Berkley 3.X.Y Actions
3943 Bug error importing more than one actor created in one suite using kepler-1.0 New Normal Chad Berkley 3.X.Y Actions
3944 Bug External script editors New Normal Chad Berkley 3.X.Y Actions
4002 Bug RExpression2 - handle arbitrary R data structures New Normal ben leinfelder 3.X.Y Actions
4003 Bug Support for non-GUI Kepler installer. New Normal jianwu jianwu 3.X.Y Actions
4035 Bug MoMLSimpleApplication does not filter Display actor or any GUI Kepler actors. New Normal Chad Berkley 3.X.Y Actions
4039 Bug matlab actor always stops matlab process in wrapup New Normal Daniel Crawl 3.X.Y Actions
4041 Bug synchronization in matlab actor New Normal Daniel Crawl 3.X.Y Actions
4046 Bug ComadTest should report more details when detecting an error New Normal Timothy McPhillips 3.X.Y Actions
4052 Bug Should be able to store native libraries in a kar file New Immediate Chad Berkley 3.X.Y Actions
4108 Bug Do more extenstive testing before designating a revision of Ptolemy as stable In Progress Normal David Welker 3.X.Y Actions
4131 Bug Workflow Run Manager - Open in New Window allows opening same wf multiple times New Normal Derik Barseghian 3.X.Y Actions
4137 Bug Workflow Run Manager - resizing width of column while in edit mode of search cell does not resize edit field New Normal Derik Barseghian 3.X.Y Actions
4138 Bug Workflow Run Manager - search cell edit focus isn't lost appropriately New Normal Derik Barseghian 3.X.Y Actions
4254 Bug wrapping up, never ending workflow! (PN inside PN) New Normal Christopher Brooks 3.X.Y Actions
4306 Bug add command line params to the configuration In Progress Normal Christopher Brooks 3.X.Y Actions
4363 Bug wrm does not properly handle ModelReference actor New Normal Derik Barseghian 3.X.Y Actions
(326-350/514) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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