From 01/22/2014 to 02/20/2014
- 02:25 PM Feature #6285 (Resolved): Handle EML singleDateTime field in SOLR index
- I'm happy with this as an interim solution until we implement something that can effectively query multiple ranges or...
- 07:16 AM Feature #6419 (Closed): Add Dryad and DataONE schemas to Metacat catalog
- Added these schemas into lib/schema via ant tasks, and added them to the xml_catalog table during installation/upgrade.
- 11:59 AM Feature #6285: Handle EML singleDateTime field in SOLR index
- Removed the extra bean definitions and combined the single and range of dates into the existing beginDate and endDate...
- 10:46 AM Feature #6285 (In Progress): Handle EML singleDateTime field in SOLR index
- 11:23 AM Feature #6419 (Closed): Add Dryad and DataONE schemas to Metacat catalog
- Rather than rely on xsi:schemaLocation being accessible and valid, we should incorporate released schemas from DataON...
- 11:15 AM Bug #6306 (Works For Me): During the upgrading metacat to 2.3.0, a user can see a message saying the index schema was changed even though he didn't
- Not really sure what was happening, but not really able to replicate reliably.
- 02:25 PM Feature #6417: Call MN.archive() when SM.archive=true in MN.systemMetadataChanged()
- In general this sounds good, but won't calling MN.archive() result in other side effects (like other changes to syste...
- 02:11 PM Feature #6417: Call MN.archive() when SM.archive=true in MN.systemMetadataChanged()
- I added a comment in the code for where this could be done, but the actual method call is commented out.
- 02:01 PM Feature #6417 (Closed): Call MN.archive() when SM.archive=true in MN.systemMetadataChanged()
- We decided the CN should not call MN.archive() when it harvests SM from nodes and tries to inform other replicas abou...
- 12:04 PM Bug #6306 (In Progress): During the upgrading metacat to 2.3.0, a user can see a message saying the index schema was changed even though he didn't
- I included the md5 for the latest version of the schema we are shipping (customized in metacat-common).
Sounds lik...
- 02:41 PM Feature #6415 (Closed): Make all objects publicly readable on MN.publish()
- Now making all objects in the published package publicly readable.
- 09:12 AM Feature #6414 (Closed): Reject an insert or update/upload if the docid has white spaces in metacat api
- We added the code in the handleUpload, handleInsertOrUpdate and handleMultiPartInsertAction methods to enforce there ...
- 01:44 PM Feature #6415 (In Progress): Make all objects publicly readable on MN.publish()
- Changed in the repo -- needs testing.
- 10:25 AM Feature #6415 (Closed): Make all objects publicly readable on MN.publish()
- Feb 11th, 2014
matt: I think it should be made public, including data, but as Jing indicated, we should give them fa... - 10:34 AM Feature #6416 (In Progress): Do not allow restrictive access control change to content with a DOI
- 05:02 PM Feature #6414 (Closed): Reject an insert or update/upload if the docid has white spaces in metacat api
- I have a task to handle white spaces in the pids in the dataone production environment:
- 04:17 PM Bug #6320 (Closed): Create a file-base authentication mechanism as the default method
- Made AuthFile the default in
- 03:52 PM Bug #6403 (Closed): Command-line user management does not handle hashed passwords
- Tested this on my localhost and it works with single quotes.
- 02:41 PM Bug #6401 (Closed): Add the documentation about the file-based the authentication
- Looks good now.
- 02:40 PM Feature #6402 (Closed): Rebrand identity service
- Now has logos and such....
- 12:44 PM Task #6298 (Resolved): Call CN.setAccessPolicy() whenever access control rules are updated in Metacat
- EML200SaxHandler updated to sync access policies of data pids if access rules updated in <additionalMetadata>
- 06:03 PM Task #6298 (In Progress): Call CN.setAccessPolicy() whenever access control rules are updated in Metacat
- I like the approach in EML210SAXHandler for synching the data pids after the transaction has been committed. I think ...
- 02:55 PM Task #6407 (Closed): Add syncing test to metacat test suite
- 02:35 PM Task #6299 (Resolved): Incorporate synch script as Metacat utility or upgrade routine
- All pids for an auth MN can have their access policies checked and sync'd by clicking the 'Sync Access Policies' but...
- 02:29 PM Task #6297 (Resolved): Create MN->CN sync script
- 02:28 PM Task #6298 (Resolved): Call CN.setAccessPolicy() whenever access control rules are updated in Metacat
- 04:20 PM Bug #6405 (Resolved): Unable to authenticate with UCNRS referral account
- The issue was not in the authentication. It was in the method getUserInfo. In the getUserInfo method, it used a filte...
- 12:11 PM Bug #6405 (Resolved): Unable to authenticate with UCNRS referral account
- Running the JUnit test:...
- 03:18 PM Bug #6322: Ensure lock is obtained prior to calls to Hazelcast IMap.put()
- It seems to me that we should protect against this by creating a wrapper function rather than calling hz.put() direct...
- 02:19 PM Bug #6322: Ensure lock is obtained prior to calls to Hazelcast IMap.put()
- I see quite a few hzSystemMetadata.put() calls without locks. And there are some comments like this:...
- 02:54 PM Bug #6403: Command-line user management does not handle hashed passwords
- I added note to let user know that the hashed password should be surround by single quotes.
- 02:43 PM Bug #6403 (In Progress): Command-line user management does not handle hashed passwords
- 02:42 PM Bug #6403: Command-line user management does not handle hashed passwords
- I confirmed that the script doesn't like the "$" as a part of the argument. It will work if we remove the dollar sign...
- 02:42 PM Bug #6403: Command-line user management does not handle hashed passwords
- I dug around and found that the shell script decoded the bcrypt hash code. If the input (argument) is $2a$04$csilPspP...
- 02:39 PM Bug #6403 (Closed): Command-line user management does not handle hashed passwords
- From original ticket in the identity service redmine instance (
... - 02:48 PM Bug #6306: During the upgrading metacat to 2.3.0, a user can see a message saying the index schema was changed even though he didn't
- Reminder: for 2.4.0, I changed the schema.xml to use a copy from the metacat-index project. I need to add this hash t...
- 02:46 PM Bug #6401: Add the documentation about the file-based the authentication
- Jing will add to the existing section in configuration.rst and also authinterface.rst. Then I'll go over it. We shoul...
- 11:09 AM Bug #6401 (Closed): Add the documentation about the file-based the authentication
- In the next release, metacat will use the file-based the authentication as the default authentication mechanism. We n...
- 11:55 AM Feature #6402 (Closed): Rebrand identity service
- Include logos of KNB, DataONE, Kepler and GoA
- 10:43 AM Feature #6285 (Closed): Handle EML singleDateTime field in SOLR index
- Added the application-context fiels for all eml versions to our local metcat-index project with the new singleDateTim...
- 10:34 AM Feature #6346 (Resolved): Make # READ events available in SOLR index
- Note that this uses our own copy of the solr schema.xml instead of the version offered by the DataONE library. I thin...
- 10:59 PM Story #6276: Update to use new EZID API URL
- Ben -- I think we need to send a notice about this out to metacat-dev, both making it clear that this feature is now ...
- 01:26 PM Story #6276 (Resolved): Update to use new EZID API URL
- updated the new URL seems to be active already, but will wait until after 2/2/2014 to use it in K...
- 01:19 PM Feature #6305 (Resolved): Disable ecogrid links in rendered EML
- When the metadata renders, now removing the ecogrid link hrefs so that people don't click on them and get bad respons...
- 12:21 PM Story #6296 (In Progress): authMN SM.accessPolicy out of synch with CN and replicaMN
- This is in progress - Peter and I have been discussing different ways access control policies can be updated on the M...
- 08:34 AM Bug #6398 (Resolved): Obsoleted metadata objects are being returned from Solr
- The (long-running) action=reindex did resolve this issue, but I wish we knew why it happened. Will have to keep our e...
- 08:12 AM Bug #6320: Create a file-base authentication mechanism as the default method
- Hi, ben: I noticed the issue as well and put it on the bug:
I ...
- 04:26 PM Bug #6320 (In Progress): Create a file-base authentication mechanism as the default method
- I'm testing this and having a little problem with the utility class that takes the password and writes it to the auth...
- 03:06 PM Bug #6398: Obsoleted metadata objects are being returned from Solr
- Noticed that multiple revisions of the same object were being returned in the solr results.
We tried running action=...
- 12:46 PM Bug #6398 (Resolved): Obsoleted metadata objects are being returned from Solr
- Even when the query specifies to not return objects with the obsoletedBy field.
Example id:
It looks...
- 08:26 AM Story #6276 (In Progress): Update to use new EZID API URL
- All,
EZID's domain name change is scheduled for our regularly scheduled maintenance window on Sunday night, Februa...
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